148,99 kr. Années 1970. Une lettre de suicide, celle du député Alex Fisher, menace d'ébranler les mondes parallèles des familles Clifton et Barrington. Car si la lettre pourrait se révéler salvatrice pour Emma, elle pourrait tout aussi bien être le coup de grâce pour son frère Giles.Sans compter que ce dernier doit choisir entre sa carrière politique ou le sauvetage audacieux de Karin, captive derrière le rideau de fer ! Pendant ce temps, Sebastian fait face à un dilemme similaire. Directeur général fraîchement nommé chez Farthings Bank, il tombe amoureux d'une mystérieuse Priya, une indienne destinée à un mariage arrangé. Amour ou ambition – que choisira-t-il ?Et alors qu’Harry continue son combat pour libérer Anatoly Babakov du goulag sibérien, un coup du sort risque bien de tout remettre en jeu.COMETH THE HOUR – Copyright © 2016 by Jeffrey ArcherChronique des Clifton« La Chronique des Clifton » est une série de sept épisodes sur la famille Clifton, où chaque épisode peut être lu indépendamment. Avec les débuts d'Harry sur les quais de Bristol, Jeffrey Archer nous entraîne dans un voyage sans relâche jusqu’aux dernières pages, qui présente un dilemme que personne, pas même Harry Clifton, n’aurait pu prévoir.Jeffrey Archer est un auteur et ex-politicien britannique. La carrière politique d'Archer fut mouvementée et abouti à son emprisonnement en 2001. Archer fit ses débuts en tant qu'écrivain en 1974 et a depuis écrit de nombreux livres, principalement des thrillers politiques. Il est aujourd'hui l'un des auteurs les plus populaires du Royaume-Uni, avec plus de 320 millions de livres vendus dans le monde.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
105,99 kr. Yearning to save his sister from the mighty Orishas, Kayode stumbles upon a magical fruit that infuses him with unpredictable powers!With a trickster god, a spiky princess, and a fisherboy by his side, Kayode embarks on an epic adventure to save his sister. But beware! Each Orisha is more powerful than the last. Can Kayode control his newly acquired half-god strength before it runs out?A fast-paced adventure where one brave boy squares off against six formidable gods, this story details the importance of unity in the face of adversity. It is ideal for fans of ´Percy Jackson and the Olympians´ on Disney+.©2024 Ashley Thorpe (P)2024 Saga EgmontCover artwork reproduced by permission of Usborne Publishing Limited.Cover illustration by Loyiso Mkize © Usborne Publishing, 2024Ashley Thorpe is a Black British debut author and Storymix editor, who turns diverse childhood dreams into epic tales. ´The Boy to Beat the Gods´ is his first book.
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- 105,99 kr.
49,00 kr. En klub for eventyrere. Det lyder måske som noget fra en anden tid. Fra dengang, hvor der stadig var hvide pletter på landkortet, og hvor man ikke bare kunne finde svar på Google, hvis der var noget, man var i tvivl om.Men hvis man tror, at opdagelsesrejsens tid er ovre, tager man fejl. Det viser en ny bog, som er spækket med gode fortællinger fra Kvindelige Eventyreres Klub.Klubben blev grundlagt i 1954 af en gruppe pionerer – 29 kvinder, som ville ud i verden. De var globetrottere, vovehalse, outsidere. Ved at gå sammen i en klub sikrede de sig den opbakning, som de langt fra altid fik af deres omgivelser i en tid, der var ekstremt mandsdomineret.Der er gået næsten 70 år, siden klubben holdt sit første møde. Men den findes faktisk stadig. I dag er der 65 medlemmer. Kvinder, som alle aktivt opsøger eventyret. Huledykkere, bjergbestigere, astronomer, polarforskere, fotografer, biologer, journalister og læger – for nu bare at nævne nogle af titlerne.De har alle det til fælles, at de vil udfordre deres egne grænser, og at de har lyst til at møde det ukendte og anderledes.I dette afsnit af Næste side har vært Tommy Heisz besøg af to af disse eventyrere. Sammen med Cecilia Vanman og Charlotte Haslund-Christensen taler de om den bog, der tager sin læser med på opdagelser og oplevelser i hele verden.Vært: Tommy HeiszGæster: Cecilia Vanman og Charlotte Haslund-ChristensenKlip: Andreas Lindinger SaxildRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildLivshistorier, sande beretninger og videnskabelige nybrud. Forfattere af fagbøger har virkeligheden mellem hænderne. De fortæller om den verden, vi lever i på godt og ondt – om det smukke og forunderlige og om det, der får os til at græde og væmmes. I en række samtaler møder Tommy Heisz forfattere, hvis bøger giver os et særligt indblik i virkeligheden og gør det muligt for os at forstå verden bedre.Tommy Heisz (f. 1975) er forfatter og journalist. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger om vidt forskellige historiske emner, blandt andet "Dødens årsag" (2020), som han har udgivet i samarbejde med professor i retsmedicin Markil Gregersen.
- Podcast
- 49,00 kr.
111,99 kr. Ils savent déjà qui a tué les trois étudiants. Maintenant, il veulent savoir pourquoi.Accusés de vol, trois étudiants de l’université de Port Harcourt, au Nigeria, sont lynchés par la foule avant d’être brûlés vifs.Quelques mois après la tragédie, le père d’une des victimes engage Philip Taiwo, criminologue fraîchement rentré des États-Unis, dans l’espoir de découvrir qui sont les vrais responsables de la mort de son fils.Assisté de son chauffeur, Chika, Philip commence alors une enquête bien plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît et ravive malgré lui des plaies encore fraîches au sein de la population. Très vite, la tension monte avec les habitants mais aussi avec la police locale, dirigée par l’inspecteur Omereji.Dans un Nigeria se débattant entre tradition et modernité forcenée, traversé de multiples ruptures, le premier volume d’une série policière mettant en scène le Dr Philip Taiwo, étranger dans son propre pays...Publié au Royaume-Uni sous le titre original Lightseekers par Raven Books, une marque de Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., en 2021. Traduit de l’anglais (Nigeria) par Laurent Philibert-Caillat © Femi Kayode, 2021. Tous droits réservés.© Presses de la Cité, 2022, pour la traduction française.Femi Kayode a grandi à Lagos, au Nigeria, et a étudié – entre beaucoup d’autres choses – la psychologie clinique avant d’entamer une carrière dans la publicité. Après avoir écrit pour la télévision et le théâtre, il décide de suivre une formation en creative writing. Les Colliers de feu, son premier roman, a été couronné du prix Little Brown UEA du roman policier et est en cours de parution dans une dizaine de pays. Femi Kayode vit en Namibie avec sa famille.
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- 111,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Voor liefhebbers van 'Ik vertrek', 'Erica op reis' en de programma's van Floortje Dessing.Wat valt op, als je als buitenlander naar Nederland verhuist? Nederland presenteert zich graag als gastvrij en tolerant land, maar hoe wordt daar daar door nieuwkomers over gedacht? Dit is hun verhaal.In deze reeks vertellen Nederlanders en niet-Nederlanders over hun ervaringen als migrant; over cultuurverschillen, integratie, misverstanden, geluk, familie en de liefde.Eva Sow (43) wordt geboren in Senegal, maar vertrekt al op haar tweede met haar ouders naar Frankrijk. Daar groeit ze op, maar jarenlang besteedt ze lange zomervakanties in haar geboorteland. Na haar studie bouwt ze met man en kind een leven op in Duitsland en doet ze haar best daar te integreren. Maar ze komt er echter achter dat ze nooit een Duitse zal worden. Als de gelegenheid zich voordoet, verhuist ze naar Nederland. Hoe voelt zij zich nu, met haar ervaring in al die culturen?Met een gastoptreden van Dymphi Peeters, zang en kora, een muziekinstrument uit Senegal. www.dymphi.comIn de 11-delige audioserie 'Je band met Nederland' luister je naar Nederlanders die naar het buitenland zijn vertrokken en naar buitenlanders die zich in Nederland hebben gevestigd. Je hoort hoe hun kennismaking met een nieuwe cultuur is verlopen en hoe zij terugzien op het land waar zij vandaan komen. Niemand heeft een reden om terug te keren. Toch is het de vraag waar de mensen in deze serie 'thuis' zijn. Maar dat is misschien een kleine prijs om te betalen voor hun rijkere kijk op de wereld.'Je band met Nederland' is gemaakt door Peter de Ruiter. Op een na zijn alle reportages over Nederlanders in het buitenland ter plekke gemaakt.Peter de Ruiter (1960) heeft een neus voor technische ontwikkelingen die het leven van mensen verbeteren of veraangenamen. Daar schrijft hij boeken over. Ook geeft hij workshops over dergelijke maatschappelijke en technologische veranderingen. De Ruiter heeft zijn sporen verdiend met uitgaven over onder meer digitaal fotograferen, elektrische auto's en bitcoins & blockchains. Een lange staat van dienst als podcastmaker was de aanleiding voor het boek 'De podcastprofessor', dat in 2018 verscheen.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
102,99 kr. A leopard dances under the moon. A wolf prowls. A red-beaked bird flies free.Three girls born on the same day in wolf light, the magical dusk, are bound together to protect the world. They can dazzle or destroy. They have wind-song and fire-fury at their fingertips, but their enemies are everywhere.From the bleak steppes of Mongolia and the tropical forests of Ghana to the stormy moors of Cornwall, the lands they love are plundered and poisoned. The girls must rally to perfect their skills and prove the strength of sister magic.But how far will Zula, Adoma and Linet go to defend their homes?Steeped in elemental myth, "Wolf Light" is a call to us all to hear the ancient power within us, protect our environment, and conserve our heritage.It is the ideal read for fans of Kiran Millwood Hargrave's "The Girl of Ink and Stars" and Emmi Itäranta's "The Memory of Water".What people are saying about "Wolf Light":´Elemental myth and magic are the beating heart of "Wolf Light"... Fans of magical realism and powerful women will find much to admire.´ - Observer´She weaves ancient storytelling magic into words of exceptional beauty... Everyone should read Badoe´ - Sophie Anderson, author of "The House with Chicken Legs".Yaba Badoe is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and writer. Yaba was born in Ghana but now lives in England with her husband. She has been nominated for the Distinguished Woman of African Cinema award.Yaba's YA debut novel ´A Jigsaw of Fire and Stars´ was shortlisted for the 2018 Branford Boase Award and nominated for the 2018 Carnegie Medal.
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- 102,99 kr.
Fra 50,99 kr. Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till efterkrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passion.Den första kärleken kan fylla en person med både extas och smärta. För Gail Redding medförde hennes första kärlek en kombination av de två och det verkade som om hon aldrig skulle kunna kasta av sig det förflutnas bojor. Till slut bestämmer hon sig för att lämna England och besöka vänner i Västafrika. Hon blir förälskad för andra gången i sitt liv, den här gången i en man med integritet, en säkerhetsofficer. Men hon bär på en hemlighet, som hennes man aldrig skulle kunna förlåta. Genom ödets nyckfullhet kommer dock det förflutna ikapp henne och hennes nya liv hotas. Allt står på spel, från hennes mans karriär till den lycka de har funnit tillsammans. Kan hennes nya kärlek övervinna hennes förflutna?Netta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.
58,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1911 col titolo "Sanders of the river", "Bozambo. Il gigante nero" è una raccolta di racconti apparsi in precedenza sul Weekly Tale-Teller. Nelle fitte foreste dell’Africa Occidentale, il commissario Sanders – protagonista di tutti i racconti – è di fatto la più alta autorità coloniale. Le evenienze da affrontare sono le più disparate, dalle epidemie di malattia del sonno agli interessi non sempre limpidi di qualche missionario europeo, passando per la volubilità di un re bambino. Destreggiandosi fra migliaia di etnie e lingue diverse, il poliziotto britannico avrà ben più di una gatta da pelare. Ispirandosi ai propri viaggi in Africa, Edgar Wallace confeziona così una serie di storie cupe e appassionanti, condite dall’immancabile humour che lo caratterizza. Inclusi certi momenti non proprio politicamente corretti, le storie qui narrate si offrono come un documento eccezionale sulla sensibilità e le concezioni di un inglese, all’apice della controversa epopea coloniale...Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) è stato uno dei padri della letteratura gialla, spesso accostato ad Arthur Conan Doyle e Agatha Christie. Nato a Greenwich e cresciuto in un’altra famiglia per i problemi finanziari del padre, il giovane Wallace rivela una precoce attitudine alla scrittura e un’indole avventurosa. Alla pubblicazione del suo primo romanzo, "I quattro giusti" (1905), è già stato corrispondente, per il Daily Mail, in Sudafrica, Estremo Oriente e nei Balcani, oltre ad aver visitato il Congo belga. La sua carriera letteraria sarà d’ora in poi febbrile e segnata da un grandissimo successo: si stima che abbia scritto circa centosettantacinque romanzi, e che centossessanta film si siano ispirati alle sue opere. Fra i suoi titoli in assoluto più noti si possono citare "Il mistero della candela ritorta", "La valle degli spiriti" e "L’abate nero". Poco prima di morire, inoltre, ha preso parte alla sceneggiatura del celeberrimo film "King Kong" (1933)
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
77,99 kr. The second book in the ‘Sanders of the River’ series, ‘The People of the River’ gives us a little more insight into the working of the eponymous Commissioner’s mind.Wonderfully witty, decidedly facetious, and always irreverent, this is a collection of encounters between Commissioner Sanders and the Nigerian natives under colonial rule.In addition to the vignettes Wallace paints, this serves as a fascinating record of the cultural clash experienced by both the invaders and the oppressed.A superb read for Wallace fans and those with an interest in history, where the lines between fact and fiction are brilliantly blurred.Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. An epidemic has hit West Africa, but Commissioner Sanders hears stories of a woman, M’lama, who can reportedly heal the sick and even raise the dead.As he investigates the claims, he uncovers something that muddies the waters between scientific fact and the supernatural.On the face of it, ‘The Keepers of the King’s Peace’ is a rip-roaring adventure story. However, with some incisive acid, Wallace throws the spotlight on the cultural clash between the invading Europeans and native Africans, during the height of the British Empire.A superb introduction to the works of one of the 20th century’s most imitated writers, ‘The Keepers of the King’s Peace’ will delight those interested in British colonial history.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. The first book in the ´Sanders of the River´ series and set in the Edwardian era, ‘Sanders of the River’ focuses on the eponymous Governor of Nigeria.Commissioner Sanders struggles to balance the requests of The Crown against the needs of the natives.As he strives to juggle the demands from both parties, Sanders finds himself facing political turmoil that might push his colony to the brink of war.As a story, the reader is introduced to the struggles faced by an invading force. As a historical piece of fiction, this is an important document of the impact British colonialism had on West Africa.An excellent introduction to one of the most opinionated minds of the 20th Century.‘Sanders of the River’ is ideal for those interested in literature with a British Colonial setting.Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Sante was a baby when she was washed ashore in a sea-chest laden with treasure. It seems she is the sole survivor of the tragic sinking of a ship carrying migrants and refugees. Her people.Fourteen years on she's a member of Mama Rose's unique and dazzling circus. But, from their watery grave, the unquiet dead are calling Sante to avenge them:A bamboo flute. A golden bangle. A ripening mango which must not fall... are these the missing pieces of the jigsaw which will reveal Sante's story?Written by an award-winning Ghanaian-British filmmaker, shortlisted for the Branford Boase award 2018 and nominated for the 2018 Carnegie Medal.'An ambitious, impressive and skilful blend of modernity, mystery and myth' -- Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times, Children's Book of the Week'A blend of magical realism and brutality, this is a powerful and original novel' -- Sally Morris, Daily MailA rich powerful novel, fusing the horror of people-trafficking with the magic of African folklore' ― The BooksellerYaba Badoe is an award-winning Ghanaian-British documentary filmmaker and writer. A graduate of King's College Cambridge, she was a civil servant in Ghana before becoming a general trainee with the BBC. Her short stories have been published in "Critical Quarterly", "African Love Stories" and "New Daughters of Africa". She enjoys writing stories that reveal the magical layers of everyday life and show that no matter where we live in the world we're all connected. She has a passion for Gothic horror and psychological thrillers
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Liberia, oprindeligt det forfejlede eksperiment 'American Colonization Society', var helvede på jord fra 1980´erne til 2006, hvor krigsherrer herskede med rifler og macheter. Blandt dem var Joshua M. Blahyi, som guderne efter sigende havde gjort usårlig, hvis bare han stormede over slagmarken splitternøgen. Således opstod General Butt Naked.Christoffer Greenfort og Andreas Illum fortæller i serien 'Uforståelig ondskab' om nogle af de mest uhyggelige og ubegribelige fænomener i verden. De to nørdede podcastere står også bag serien 'På stribe - Din seriemorderpodcast' og serierne 'I kultens favn' og 'Uskyldig dømt'.Mord har altid skræmt og fascineret os. Hvad får én person til at tage en andens liv? De fleste af os kan på ingen måde sætte os ind i, hvad der skal til for at trykke på aftrækkeren eller stramme løkken om halsen på et uskyldigt offer. Alligevel sker det dagligt verden over. Endnu mere uforståeligt og uhyggeligt er det, når det går op for os, at vi står overfor en seriemorder, der gang på gang tager andres liv for at tilfredsstille sine egne lyster og udleve ustoppelige mørke fantasier. Christoffer Greenfort og Andreas Illum tager lytterne med ind i disse personers skyggeverden og fortæller historierne om virkelighedens monstre, der går uset rundt iblandt os.
- Podcast
- 49,00 kr.
77,99 kr. Set in Nigeria, at the time of the British Empire, ‘Bones’ introduces us to the hapless hero of the piece.The beloved Commissioner Sanders has struck up an uneasy truce with Bosambo, the chief of the Ossori people. While Lieutenant Hamilton steps into Sanders’ shoes, the chief decides the time is ripe for some double-dealing.Enter Francis Augustus Tibbetts, a well-meaning, but calamity-prone lieutenant. While he´s always trying to help, everything seems to go wrong for him. Unfortunately for Hamilton, ‘Bones’ Tibbetts is on hand – which isn’t always a good thing.A light-hearted look at life in an Edwardian outpost, ‘Bones’ set the template for films, such as ‘Three Kings,’ starring Brad Pitt and George Clooney.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Be swept away by sun, sea, self-love and a delicious dollop of romance in this original, multicultural romance novel set between London and Ghana. Introducing your new, favourite girl-next-door Faye Bonsu.Dismissed as a cultural lightweight by the man she is desperate to please, under-achieving PA, Faye Bonsu, is on a mission to find love. A disastrous night out leaves pasta-fanatic Faye’s romantic dreams in tatters and underscores her alienation from her African heritage. Leaving her cosy middle-class life in London’s leafy Hampstead to find out what she’s missing, Faye is whisked into the hectic social whirlpool of Ghana where she meets the handsome Rocky Asante, a cynical, career-obsessed banker with no time for women... until now.Transported into a world of food, fun and sun, and faced with choices she had never thought possible, Faye is forced to discover that no matter how far you travel, you can’t find love until you find yourself.From Pasta to Pigfoot is a fun, contemporary, multi-cultural novel that explores in a light-hearted way the clash of cultures that has become characteristic of our increasingly multicultural society.Perfect for fans of Talia Hibbert, Joya Goffney and Farrah Rochon.Frances Mensah Williams was born in Ghana, but spent her early childhood in the USA, Austria and Ghana before settling in the UK. Her first novel 'From Pasta to Pigfoot' was published in 2015 and was selected by WH Smith Travel as one of the top 25 best summer reads. Williams has also written extensively about the benefits of harnessing the talents of the African diaspora to accelerate Africa’s development. In 2020, she was awarded a CBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her services to the African community in the UK and in Africa.
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
129,99 kr. Faye Bonsu seems to have it all: a drop-dead gorgeous and successful boyfriend, a bourgeoning career as an interior designer and a rent-free mansion in leafy Hampstead to call home. But with all her friends shifting into yummy-mummy mode, a man who seems to have no desire to put a ring on it, tricky clients, and a very attractive and single boss, things are not quite as simple as they might appear.Hoping to escape from her suddenly complicated life and revive her wilting romance, Faye returns to sunny Ghana for what she hopes will be the time of her life. But life doesn't always offer second chances and when disaster strikes, she is forced to confront the biggest question of her life and to make a choice that comes with consequences she will have to live with forever.Perfect for fans of Talia Hibbert, Joya Goffney and Farrah Rochon.Frances Mensah Williams was born in Ghana, but spent her early childhood in the USA, Austria and Ghana before settling in the UK. Her first novel 'From Pasta to Pigfoot' was published in 2015 and was selected by WH Smith Travel as one of the top 25 best summer reads. Williams has also written extensively about the benefits of harnessing the talents of the African diaspora to accelerate Africa’s development. In 2020, she was awarded a CBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her services to the African community in the UK and in Africa.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Sometimes true life spins more shocking stories than the minds of writers. That is the case with 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano'.The understated title masks an autobiography where truth trumps fiction, featuring kidnapping, death, slavery, jail, transportation, rape, Christian faith and much more.It is also one of the most important books of its time, the late 18th century. For its publication told the truth about the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and sowed the seeds for the abolition movement that eventually stopped it.The scandal of slavery that Equiano helped get into the public's consciousness has been featured in a host of films, including '12 Years a Slave', directed by Steve McQueen and based on a novel by Solomon Northup.Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) was known throughout most of his life as Gustavus Vassa. He was born in Benin, where he and his sister were kidnapped and sold to slave traders.They were separated and Equiano endured the horrors of transportation to the Caribbean, was sold to three slave owners and witnessed the very worst of the truly shameful trade. After buying his freedom, he lived in London and supported the British abolitionist movement.His autobiography, 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano', went through nine editions and helped the abolitionist movement gain the momentum that saw the British Slave Trade Act passed in 1807.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Marc Pastor torna a sorprendre amb una novel·la que respira l’exotisme dels millors relats d’aventures. Bioko, l’illa remota del golf de Guinea que dona nom a la novel·la, l’any 1887 encara és un presidi enorme on es confinen els homes a qui es castiga sense futur. Aquí és on destinen Martí Corvo, un soldat llibertí i bevedor, amb l’esperança que serà el candidat ideal per un entorn tan cru.La novel·la s’organitza en dues línies cronològiques diferents, que en un moment determinat acaben connectant.L’autor la defineix com "una novel·la d’aventures, amb grans dosis de novel·la negra i colonial, i alguna gota de ciència-ficció, però no deixa de ser un homenatge a les històries de Verne, Stevenson o Conrad, passat pel meu filtre".
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Vi skal tale om alvorlige emner i dag. Et gådefuldt mord, racisme og en mystisk invitation, som bragte hundredvis af ghanesiske studerende til Moskva. Det er en tragisk og mørk historie, men også en virkelig underlig historie, som vi har gravet frem i denne uge.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
- Podcast
- 49,00 kr.
44,99 kr. 12 sögur. 12 hetjur. 12 óvænt endalok.Í þessu smásagnasafni er frásagnarlist Jeffreys Archer upp á sitt besta. Archer fer með lesendur sína í spennandi ferðalag um rómantík, viðskipti og frelsisþrá; frá London og New York til Kína og jafnvel Nígeríu. Persónurnar elska og þrá, svíkja, tapa og vinna sér inn heiður og fé í sögum sem eiga eftir að vinna hug og hjörtu lesenda, enda hefur safnið að geyma eitthvað fyrir alla.Jeffrey Howard Archer (f. 1940) er breskur aðalsmaður sem var meðlimur breska þingsins, en neyddist til að segja af sér í kjölfar hneykslismáls. Nær gjaldþroti tókst honum að vinna sér inn frægð með því að skrifa pólitískar spennusögur. Í dag hafa bækur hans selst í fleiri en 320 milljón eintökum um allan heim, þrátt fyrir að mál hans hafi verið tekið upp aftur og hann setið í fangelsi í nokkur ár. Hann hefur skrifað alls 42 verk, sem hafa verið þýdd á 33 tungumál.
38,99 kr. Fati has always been a fast runner, and proves this once again at her school's sports day. When she returns home from school, she helps her mother prepare okro soup. The soup smells delicious and Fati is hungry after running. Find out what happens when Fati helps her mum make the soup. Fati and the Soup Pot is based on the real-life adventures of a girl growing up in northern Ghana.'Fati and the Soup Pot' (English), written by Osu Library Fund, illustrated by Eric Nii Addy, published by Sub-Saharan Publishers (© Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2013) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Every day is a new beginning for Fati, a little girl who tries very hard to do as she is told. In this story, Fati finds that climbing trees can lead to trouble. 'Fati and the Honey Tree' is based on the real-life adventures of a girl growing up in northern Ghana.'Fati and the Honey Tree' (English), written by Osu Library Fund, illustrated by Therson Boadu, published by Sub-Saharan Publishers (© Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2002) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Every day is a new beginning for Fati, a little girl who tries very hard to do as she is told. In this story, Fati gets a surprise when she is collecting firewood with her father. Fati and the Green Snake is based on the real-life adventures of a girl growing up in northern Ghana.'Fati and the Green Snake' (English), written by Osu Library Fund, illustrated by Therson Boadu, published by Sub-Saharan Publishers (© Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2005) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
Fra 55,99 kr. Ninguém consegue tecer uma teia de suspense, proporcionar um choque de surpresa ou dar uma lição de vida como o autor best-seller Jeffrey Archer. Da África ao Oriente Médio, e de Londres a Pequim, Archer nos leva a lugares que nunca vimos e nos apresenta a pessoas que nunca esqueceremos. Conheça o marido mulherengo que pensa ter cometido o assassinato perfeito; o campeão de xadrez tão seguro de si que joga contra uma bela mulher por apostas muito superiores ao dinheiro; e o ministro das finanças que precisa desvendar os segredos de um banco suíço. A coleção de doze histórias fascinantes de Jeffrey Archer arrastará você numa jornada de ambição frustrada, paixão eterna e honra inabalável que você nunca esquecerá.Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.Jeffrey Archer é um escritor britânico de grande sucesso, tendo alcançado a proeza de ser o único autor mais vendido em três categorias distintas: ficção, contos e não ficção. Ele foi membro do Parlamento Britânico e da Câmara dos Lordes, bem como vice-presidente do Partido Conservador. Sua carreira política intensa, mas turbulenta, inspirou-o a escrever inúmeras obras de sucesso, nomeadamente a aclamada série de não ficção "Diários da Prisão" (2002-2004) que relembra suas experiências durante a prisão por perjúrio em 2001. Seu primeiro romance, "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less" (1974), alcançou êxito imediato, tendo inspirado uma minissérie da BBC em 1990. Continuando nessa onda de sucesso, o best-seller "Kane e Abel" (1979) também foi adaptado para a televisão pela CBS em 1985, estrelando Peter Strauss e Sam Neill. Após anos de carreira literária, suas obras continuam a cativar e surpreender leitores do mundo inteiro, como demonstrou a popular série de ficção "The Clifton Chronicles" (2011-2016).
73,99 kr. Korede's zusje Ayoola is in alles het tegenovergestelde van wat zij is: ze is het favoriete kind, bloedmooi, neemt het leven niet al te serieus – en is een seriemoordenaar. Geen man overleeft een relatie met haar. Zussen ben je echter voor het leven, dus Korede helpt haar keer op keer. Wanneer de knappe arts in het ziekenhuis waar Korede werkt, op wie ze heimelijk verliefd is, ook voor Ayoola’s charmes bezwijkt, staat Korede echter voor een gruwelijk dilemma: kiest ze voor haar zusje, of voor zichzelf?Braithwaite's debuutroman is bekroond met de Anthony Award voor Best First Novel, de British Book Award in de categorie Crime & Thriller en de Los Angeles Times voor Best Mystery/Thriller. Daarnaast stond het op de shortlist van de Women's Prize for Fiction en de longlist van de Booker Prize.Oyinkan Braithwaite is een van die supertalenten die de vastberadenheid heeft om haar talent tot ontplooiing te brengen. Ze studeerde rechten en creative writing, werkte voor online magazines en de Nigeriaanse uitgeverij Kachifo, en gooide hoge ogen als poetry slammer. In 2016 stond ze op de shortlist voor de Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Mijn zusje, de seriemoordenaar (2018) is uitgegeven door Atlantic Books in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en door Doubleday in de Verenigde staten. De filmrechten zijn verkocht aan Working Title, het productiebedrijf achter titels als Billy Elliot, The Theory of Everything en Darkest Hour.
- Lydbog
- 73,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Tamango, un guerrier Sénégalais, a pour métier d'échanger les hommes comme l'on marchande du bétail. Un jour, sous l'effet de l'alcool et de la colère, Tamango vend par erreur sa femme au capitaine Ledoux. Ce dernier prendra le large avec les esclaves qu'il a acheté. Les rôles s'inverseront pour Tamango, bien décidé à embarquer à bord de l'Espérance pour réparer un geste qu'il regrette.À travers cette nouvelle saisissante, Mérimée aborde au XIXe siècle la traite négrière, pourtant interdite depuis 1815, sous l'angle critique: c'est un véritable réquisitoire contre l'esclavagisme.Prosper Mérimée (1803-1870) né à Paris dans une famille bourgeoise et cultivée, fait des études de droit, mais apprend aussi le piano, la philosophie et les langues. Il travaille dans les bureaux ministériels, puis en tant qu’inspecteur général des monuments historiques. Il se livre ensuite à la littérature. Il fréquente les salons littéraires où il rencontre des personnalités telles que Victor Hugo, Alfred de Musset ou Stendhal. Ses textes sont d’inspiration romantiques. Il publie une suite de nouvelles en 1830, très largement appréciées pour la qualité de son travail, ainsi que «Mateo Falcone» ou encore «Tamango». Ses œuvres prennent ensuite une teinte fantastique et historique («La Vénus d'Ille»), influencé par ses voyages et son métier. Sur cette même teinte, «Colomba» et «Carmen» (1840/1845) sont un véritable succès, ensuite popularisée par l'opéra de Georges Bizet.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
118,99 kr. Ein Afrikaner wird am Bijou Plage, einem der schönsten Strände der Stadt, tot aufgefunden. Anders als zunächst vermutet, ist der Tote kein Flüchtling, sondern ein fliegender Händler aus dem Senegal. Aber wer könnte ein Interesse daran haben, einen armen Straßenhändler zu ermorden? Commissaire Duval erkennt bald, dass mehr hinter der Sache steckt – zumal noch eine zweite Leiche auftaucht. Auch seine Freundin Annie, die eigentlich angereist ist, um ein paar Tage Urlaub zu machen, stellt Nachforschungen an ...
- Lydbog
- 118,99 kr.
Fra 69,00 kr. Sammen med sin ven, flygtningen Sam, tager en ung nordmand til det borgerkrigsramte Elfenbenskysten på jagt efter Sams mor. Venskabet sættes på uanede prøver i en virkelighed, der er værre, end man kan forestille sig. Og da Sams fortid som børnesoldat indhenter ham, begynder alting at gå galt.Med "Sort elfenben" tegner Arne Svingen et stærkt portræt af et miljø, hvor menneskeliv er mindre værd end en cola, og hvor børn lærer at dræbe, før de kan cykle eller stave deres eget navn.Værter: Julie Giese & Frederik StrandTilrettelæggelse, produktion og musik: Frederik Strand og MoxStory Der er i podcasten anvendt citater fra:Uropatruljen, Slumstormerne (1971) (Slumstormerne)Det store stygge storkespringvand, Cæsar, (1965) (Trad./Thøger Olesen)Balladen om Provoknud, Gasolin (1972) (Jönsson - Beckerlee - M. Mogensen)Arne Svingen (f. 1967) er en norsk journalist og forfatter. Siden debuten i 1999 har han skrevet bøger inden for mange forskellige genrer, men han er især kendt for sine børne- og ungdomsbøger. Han har været nomineret til et væld af priser og har blandt andet modtaget Brageprisen og det norske Kulturdepartments litteraturpris. Flere af Svingens bøger er blevet filmatiseret.
69,00 kr. "Der stod en ung mand og pustede i en mikrofon midt i en stor kreds af mennesker. Ved siden af ham bar en af hans jævnaldrende en stor megafon på skulderen. Jeg kendte dem godt. Gennem fem år havde jeg set dem udvikle sig fra store knægte til voksne mænd – fra jeg første gang kom til Gorom-Gorom og til denne aprilsdag i 1984. Så, nå virkede den vist. – Al magt..., lød det ud gennem tragten. – ...til folket! råbte menneskemængden, der stod i en oval kreds uden om de to unge mænd og en hvidt lysende gaslampe."Thyge Christensen kender Burkina Faso en del bedre end de fleste andre danskere. I bogen "Burkina Faso. Værdighedens jord" fortæller han om de mange mennesker, han mødte på sine rejser i det vestafrikanske land i 1980’erne og 1990'erne. Bogen beskriver de rige og deres moderne liv og præsenterer os for de fattige, der endnu bor i lerklinede hytter og fortæller myter til og lignelser, som er overleveret gennem utallige generationer. Thyge Christensen fortæller også om de unge, der ønsker sig noget helt nyt: en revolution.Thyge Christensen (f. 1947) er uddannet socialrådgiver og har i mange år virket som forfatter, foredragsholder og rejsearrangør. Han har besøgt det vestafrikanske land Burkina Faso mere end 60 gange, og han har skrevet flere bøger om sine rejser og sine besøg i landet.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
79,00 kr. Antropolog Trine P. Jakobsen opholdt sig i slutningen af 1990’erne i det lille vestafrikanske land Gambia. Hun ville undersøge landbefolkningens holdning til skolegang og uddannelse, men blev under opholdet også interesseret i gambianernes forhold til kærlighed, ægteskab og kønsroller. I "Folket der hørte Gud le" fortæller hun om de mange forskellige mennesker, hun stiftede bekendtskab med. Hun mødte manden Lamin, som efter et ophold i Vesten udviklede en forkærlighed for højtuddannede kvinder. Hun kom også til at kende den kvindelige tolk Aisha, der efter lang tids forelskelse i en politimand blev gift med en gammel kvægbonde med hårde hænder. Andre gambianere fortalte om overtro, særlige traditioner, kvinders vilkår og samfundets udvikling. Trine P. Jakobsen fletter det hele sammen i sit portræt af Gambia. Hendes beretning viser en anden side Afrika – et lysere billede af livet på det store kontinent. Trods barske omstændigheder og de dramatiske begivenheder som beskrives, gennemsyres bogen – og dens ukuelige personer – af en livsbekræftende humor."Der er langt fra antropologens sofa i Rødovre til tilværelsen i Gambia, men Trine Paludan fortæller, så man er der selv."- Julie Grothen, Kristeligt Dagblad"Med "Folket der hørte Gud le" har Trine Paludan skrevet en fed og farverig og dybt sanset bog om en anden kultur på en så underholdende måde, at man ikke behøver være Afrika-freak for at lade sig rive med."- Helle Hellmann, PolitikenTrine P. Jakobsen er uddannet antropolog fra Københavns Universitet. Hun er mest kendt for bogen "Folket der hørte Gud le" (2004) om dagligliv, kærlighed og ægteskab i det vestafrikanske land Gambia omkring årtusindeskiftet, som blev flot anmeldt i de danske dagblade. Hun står desuden bag en række videnskabelige afhandlinger og artikler om bl.a. arbejdsidentitet på danske arbejdspladser, adfærd og affaldssortering, design-antropologi og nye coaching metoder.
- E-bog
- 79,00 kr.