68,99 kr. ”Velkommen til Kos, den ægæiske perle, hvor historien er lige så farverig som en regnbue og øens puls slår som en energisk Zorba-dans. Vi befinder os sydøst for det græske fastland, indrammet af Dodekanesiske Øer og omgivet af et krystalklart hav, der inviterer dig til at svømme med delfiner og danse med havfruer. Kos er øen, hvor det er som at træde ind i et skønt teaterstykke, hvor naturen er scenograf, og historien er stjernespiller.”Kos er meget mere end en ferieø. Overalt på den skønne ø mærker man historiens vingesus og den græske mytologis indflydelse på kulturen. Bogen beskriver den vidunderlige natur, øens traditionelle køkken og alt det, der gør Kos til en helt særlig del af Det Græske Øhav. Bogen er både en rejseguide og en hyldest til den smukke ø.Stig Ulrichsen er forfatter, foredragsholder og koncertarrangør. Siden sin barndom i Solrød har han udgivet en lang række bøger om bl.a. Elvis Presley, den græske ø Kos og en citatbog om kærlighed med illustrationer af H.C. Andersen.
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- 68,99 kr.
- Sofia Perikles' erster Fall
96,99 kr. Bestsellerautor Alexander Oetker schreibt als Yanis Kostas!Sie ist Zyperns beste Polizistin! Sie weiß es nur noch nicht. Sofia Perikles ist jung, hübsch und erfolgreich. Kato Koutrafas dagegen ein trostloses, abgelegenes Kaff nahe der griechisch-türkischen Grenze. Dorthin wird die Diplomatentochter nach einer politischen Intrige als Dorfpolizistin geschickt. Aber der Tod macht auch vor der Einöde nicht Halt, und plötzlich hat Sofia ihren ersten Fall - ohne jemals zuvor als Polizistin gearbeitet zu haben. Eine Aufgabe, die die Tochter aus gutem Hause selbst in große Gefahr bringt.Julia Nachtmann ist Film- und Theaterschauspielerin. Julia Nachtmann wirkte zudem als Sprecherin in zahlreichen Hörbuch-Produktionen mit.Yanis Kostas ist ein Pseudonym des erfolgreichen Autors Alexander Oetker, unter dem er die Krimis um Sofia Perikles schreibt. Oetker wurde durch sein Frankreich-Krimis um Commissaire Luc Verlain zum Bestseller-Autor und kennst sich durch seine langjährige Reportertätigkeit auch in Griechenland und Zypern aus.
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- 96,99 kr.
120,99 kr. Everyone has a price...In pursuit of a golden writing opportunity, Sophie leaves her ex-boyfriend to pen the life story of elusive billionaire Tim Henderson, a visionary in the early days of fertility treatment.On his secluded Greek island, she stumbles upon an ancient labyrinth, its dark history steeped in old myths and chilling legends. But the island's present is even more menacing...Entrapped in Henderson's delusional trap, can Sophie find a way out of before her future is destroyed?Shirley Day writes psychological thrillers and youth novels with a comedic twist, has penned Radio 4 plays and films, and teaches grads & undergrads screenwriting & theatre at FSU and Eckerd in London.
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- 120,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Dette er hævn-historien over dem alle!Intrigen imellem krigerkongen Agamemnon og hans forsømte, men bedrageriske kone, Klytæmnestra, er en af den vestlige litteraturtraditions centrale fortællinger. I udgivelsen her fra 1889 fortolkes den af en af datidens mest fremtrædende dramatikere.Historien om den forsmåede hustrus hævn over sin mand vil til alle tider vække interesse med sin belysning af hævnmotivet.P.A. Rosenberg (1858-1935) var en dansk forfatter, dramatiker, lærer og foredragsholder. Han var uddannet i religionsfilosofi og underviste ved flere københavnske privatskoler. I stor kontrast til samtidens kulturradikalisme med Georg Brandes i spidsen, var Rosenbergs liv præget af en kristen verdensanskuelse, og han var stor fortaler for nationale traditioner i åndslivet. Han debuterede som forfatter med fortællingen "Af et digterliv" i 1881 og udgav efterfølgende en lang række skuespil, digte og fagbøger om blandt andre Herman Bang og Søren Kierkegaard.
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- 49,00 kr.
102,99 kr. ‘I absolutely loved it from start to finish and really didn’t want it to end.' The Reading ShedAmongst the beautiful olive groves and sea-front tavernas, summer has arrived on the sun-drenched island of Crete.After losing the love of her life, Ria’s life has been on hold. So when her boss becomes completely unbearable she makes the snap decision to run away to the Greek island of Crete, armed only with her passport.When Ria finds herself working for eccentric novelist Caroline, she meets handsome vineyard owner Tom. He’s charming, mysterious and Ria starts to wonder if it’s not just the beautiful Greek island that she’s falling for.But as Ria gets to know Tom better, she uncovers a tangled web of secrets. What is he hiding? Ria has some secrets of her own. Can she open up to Tom and learn to live again?This summer, escape to the sun with this charming and emotional story about starting over and grabbing happiness with both hands.Read what everyone's saying about The Summer Escape:'Five out of five stars. A really enjoyable read, this book had it all for me ... loveable, warm, believable characters, a great plot and the Greek ambiance was perfect for my rainy Sunday escape!' Shellyback Books'Lily Graham's writing really brings Crete to life on the pages of this book. You can almost smell the souvlaki and feel the sand between your toes and the sun on the back of your neck. I'm not so sure about the Greek coffee though! If you're looking for a summer escape for yourself, pop this one into your bag or suitcase' Fabulous Book Fiend'Lily has a gorgeous way with words. The Summer Escape is a beautifully written story, full of secrets and intrigue, far deeper than I'd first thought. I couldn't put it down.' Louise JensenNote: Previously published as 'An Invincible Summer.' This is a new extended version.Over 46,000 copies sold. Amazon US and UK Top 20 bestselling author.Lily has been telling stories since she was a child, starting with her imaginary rabbit, Stephanus, and their adventures in the enchanted peach tree in her garden, which she envisioned as a magical portal to Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree. She’s never really got out of the habit of making things up, and still thinks of Stephanus rather fondly. She lives with her husband and her English bulldog, Fudge, and brings her love for the sea and country-living to her fiction.
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- 102,99 kr.
36,99 kr. La tragedia de Safo es una pieza breve escrita en verso por Víctor Balaguer, una recreación de la leyenda que rodeaba a la poetisa en la época. Muestra, en esta obra, la vida difícil y dura de la mujer, y de esta manera nos presenta a una Safo sometida al mal de amores, arrepentida de su pasado, que encuentra en su último amor hacia Faón una razón para abandonar su vida anterior.Víctor Balaguer (1842-1901) fue uno de los principales impulsores del renacimiento catalán. Orador, escritor y activista, luchó en el terreno cultural y literario para promocionar la lengua. Engendró muchos proyectos, de los cuales destaca la creación de la Sociedad Filarmónica y literaria, con la cual promovió la celebración de unos Juegos Florales. Fue nombrado cronista de la ciudad de Barcelona y se encargó de nombrar algunas de las calles de la ciudad con nombres de personajes históricos.
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- 36,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Tidigt en juldagsmorgon ringer det i telefonen hemma hos Dante och den främmande mannen i andra änden påstår sig vara hans pappa. Handfallen och upprörd lägger han på luren. Han intalar sig själv att det var en felringning. Hans pappa är ju död, omkommen i Vietnamkriget när Dante bara var ett spädbarn. Trots det bekymrar samtalet honom, och sakta men säkert växer tvivlet.När Dante senare städar bland sin mammas kvarlåtenskap hittar han fotografier av flera okända personer tillsammans med slarvigt nedtecknade initialer. Fotografierna väcker frågor. Vilka är personerna och kan någon av dem vara hans pappa? Därifrån börjar Dantes resa och sökande efter svar.Tony Samatas, född 1966, är en svensk författare och illustratör. Han har skrivit romanen Månen är ett berg som utkom år 2008 och som delvis har inspirerats av Tonys egna liv.
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- 50,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Si de algo fue una gran defensora Cecilia Böhl de Faber fue de la educación universal, en una época donde buena parte de la población era iletrada o no se preocupaba por facilitar el acceso a la educación, en especial, a las mujeres.«La mitología contada a los niños e historia de los grandes hombres de la Grecia» es aquello que promete, un libro didáctico dirigido a los más pequeños, con una prosa entretenida y sencilla, sobre las grandes historias y leyendas de la mitología grecolatina, así como un recorrido por los personajes más ilustres de la Grecia clásica.Cecilia Böhl de Faber (1796-1877) fue una escritora española, más conocida por su seudónimo masculino Fernán Caballero, tras el que se ocultó para no ser menospreciada por sus contemporáneos. Fue representante del costumbrismo literario y su extensa obra se caracteriza por su finalidad didáctica y su defensa de la moral tradicional. Algunas de sus obras más célebres son «La Gaviota» (1849) o «Clemencia» (1852).
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- 40,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Diese Satire handelt von einem Traum des jungen Prinzenerziehers und Hofrats zu Weimar, Christoph Martin Wieland: Er landet in seinem Traum im Schattenreich Hades und muss sich zwischen all den griechischen Göttern und Helden für seine, als miserabel und mittelmäßig eingestuften, schriftstellerischen Werke verantworten. Alle Versuche, die Griechen von seinen Werken zu überzeugen, scheitern. Nun wird ihm auch noch vorgeworfen, er würde dem empfindsamen Autor Euripides mit seinen Werken keinen Respekt entgegenbringen und ihn lächerlich machen. Wird Wieland mit dem griechischen Volk auf einen Nenner kommen bevor er erwacht?Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wurde 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren und verstarb im Jahre 1832 in Weimar. Er zählt bis heute als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dichter und Naturforscher. Als seine bekanntesten Werke lassen sich "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" und "Faust" nennen, durch welche er europaweite Bekanntheit erlangte und welche bis heute einen wichtigen Teil der Schullektüre darstellen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des "Sturm und Drang" sowie der "Weimarer Klassik".
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
102,99 kr. In 1954 Australian writers Charmian Clift and George Johnston, with children in tow, left grey post-war London for Greece.Mermaid Singing details the culture shock and sheer delight of their first year on the tiny sponge-fishing island of Kalymnos. Clift paints an evocative picture of the characters and sun-drenched rhythms of traditional life, long before mass tourism descended.A travel writing classic, available for the first time in twenty years with a new introduction by Polly Samson. "Mermaid Singing" is the companion volume to Peel Me a Lotus.Charmian Clift was born in New South Wales, Australia in 1923. She became a journalist on the Melbourne Argus after World War II and in 1947 married novelist and journalist George Johnston.Early in their marriage they collaborated on three novels: the prizewinning High Valley, The Big Chariot and the Sponge Divers. Then in 1954, having lived in London for a few years, they took their family to live in the Greek Islands. During the period Charmian wrote two accounts of their life there, Mermaid Singing and Peel Me a Lotus, and two novels, Honour’s Mimic and Walk to the Paradise Gardens.In 1964 the family returned to Australia and Charmian began a weekly newspaper column which quickly gained her a wide and devoted readership. She died in 1969.Polly Samson is an author, lyricist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Her most recent novel, the bestselling A Theatre for Dreamers, features Charmian Clift as one of the central characters
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Kim har varit gift med författaren Daniel Bender i tio år när skilsmässan är ett faktum. När konstnären Felix Meijer hör talas om separationen erbjuder han Kim att hyra hans hus på Österlen. Kim tackar gladeligen ja och en månad senare flyttar hon med barnen till Skåne för att återvända till Grönvik och barndomstrakterna kring Österlen. Medan Felix målar samma tavla om och om igen på den grekiska ön Korfu.Samtidigt befinner sig Bender på ett hotell i staden Sidi Ifni vid Marockos atlantkust, där han försöker få grepp om hur han ska gå vidare med sitt skrivande. I tankarna går nuet samman med det förgångna och fiktionen glider sakta in i verkligheten. Han rör sig i ett landskap som består av änglar och rebeller.Tomas Löfström (1948-2016) var en svensk författare, kulturjournalist och resenär. Han debuterade år 1971 med romanen Liftare men är kanske mest känd för sina reseskildringar.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
102,99 kr. In 1954 the Australian writers Charmian Clift and George Johnston left grey, post- war London for Greece. Moving first to the tiny island of Kalymnos they then settled on Hydra and stayed for almost a decade.They bought a picturesque, dilapidated house and Charmian grappled with the chaos of domestic life, the arrival of a third child and the clash of cultures. On Hydra they became the centre of an informal bohemian community of artists and writers which later included Leonard Cohen.A travel writing classic, available for the first time in 20 years. With a new introduction by Polly Samson this is the companion volume to Mermaid Singing.Charmian Clift was born in New South Wales, Australia in 1923. She became a journalist on the Melbourne Argus after World War II and in 1947 married novelist and journalist George Johnston.Early in their marriage they collaborated on three novels: the prizewinning High Valley, The Big Chariot and the Sponge Divers. Then in 1954, having lived in London for a few years, they took their family to live in the Greek Islands. During the period Charmian wrote two accounts of their life there, Mermaid Singing and Peel Me a Lotus, and two novels, Honour’s Mimic and Walk to the Paradise Gardens.In 1964 the family returned to Australia and Charmian began a weekly newspaper column which quickly gained her a wide and devoted readership. She died in 1969.Polly Samson is an author, lyricist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Her most recent novel, the bestselling A Theatre for Dreamers, features Charmian Clift as one of the central characters
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Das klassische Drama spielt einige Jahre nach dem Krieg von Troja auf der Insel Tauris und handelt von der jungen Iphigenie, welche für die Göttin des Mondes und der Jagd, Diana, als Priesterin arbeitet. Iphigenie wurde von Diana vor dem Tode gerettet und führt einen inneren Kampf zwischen Dankbarkeit und Pflichtgefühl gegenüber der Göttin und ihrer Sehnsucht nach ihrer Heimat und ihrer Familie. Doch auf dem Glück der Familie Iphigenies lastet ein schwerer Fluch: Verfolgt von Furien aus der Unterwelt geschehen in jeder Generation schlimme Morde innerhalb der Familie. Wird Iphigenie ihren Weg zurück in ihre Heimat finden und schafft die Familie es, sich von dem schlimmen Fluch zu befreien?Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wurde 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren und verstarb im Jahre 1832 in Weimar. Er zählt bis heute als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dichter und Naturforscher. Als seine bekanntesten Werke lassen sich "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" und "Faust" nennen, durch welche er europaweite Bekanntheit erlangte und welche bis heute einen wichtigen Teil der Schullektüre darstellen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des "Sturm und Drang" sowie der "Weimarer Klassik".
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Diese gefühlvolle, mythologisch angehauchte Hymne zählt als eines der bekanntesten Gedichte Goethes.Der griechische Halbgott Prometheus stellt für den Autor ein Sinnbild seiner Zeit dar, er erkennt sich in der mythologischen Figur wieder. Diese Ode ist gerichtet gegen die Obrigkeiten der damaligen Welt, in diesem Falle richtet sich die Figur des Prometheus gegen den obersten aller Götter- Zeus. Mit viel Leidenschaft, Herz und Gefühl soll das Feuer, also das Böse in den Göttern, bekämpft und ersetzt werden.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wurde 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren und verstarb im Jahre 1832 in Weimar. Er zählt bis heute als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dichter und Naturforscher. Als seine bekanntesten Werke lassen sich "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" und "Faust" nennen, durch welche er europaweite Bekanntheit erlangte und welche bis heute einen wichtigen Teil der Schullektüre darstellen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des "Sturm und Drang" sowie der "Weimarer Klassik".
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
58,99 kr. E il 1571. Famagosta e l'ultima roccaforte cristiana rimasta sull'isola di Cipro, assediata dall'esercito saraceno. Tra i soldati del campo cristiano, ce n'e uno che si distingue particolarmente per le sue doti guerriere: Capitan Tempesta. La sua armatura, pero, cela una falsa identita poiche il temuto capitano e in realta un'audace fanciulla. Riuscira la giovane guerriera a salvare i suoi concittadini e rompere l'assedio? A cavallo tra il romanzo d'avventura e quello storico, 'Capitan Tempesta' e l'ennesima dimostrazione del poliedrico, inesauribile talento letterario di Salgari.-
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- 58,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Kan ex-commissaris Pieter Van In zijn verleden onder ogen zien? In het derde deel van de nieuwe Van In-reeks gaan Van In en Rein Claeys van Europol aan de slag om de daders te vinden van een gijzeling. De aanwijzingen leiden naar een rechtse groepering die opgericht is door Steve Bannon, de oude strateeg van Donald Trump. Ze reizen door Europa om de zaak op te lossen, maar in Mykonos belandt Van In in een zwaar conflict met zijn eigen geweten. Kan hij de brute waarheid over zijn voorgeschiedenis aan?Pieter Aspe (1953) is een van de best verkochte misdaadauteurs in Vlaanderen. Zijn doorbraak kwam in 1995 met de thriller ‘Het vierkant van de wraak’, het eerste boek in de populaire Van In-reeks. Inmiddels werd de reeks verfilmd tot een tv-serie die te zien was op VTM en werd zijn werk in meerdere talen vertaald, waaronder in het Amerikaans, Zuid-Afrikaans en Duits. Er zijn in totaal meer dan 1,5 miljoen exemplaren verkocht van Aspes werk. Ook heeft de auteur onder andere de Hercule Poirotprijs gewonnen met het boek ‘Zoenoffer’ en heeft hij dankzij zijn status in Vlaanderen zijn eigen prijs opgesteld voor beginnende auteurs: de Aspe Award.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Odysseus’s greatest challenge is only just beginning. The armies of Troy have been defeated, and the city lies in ruins. His oath fulfilled, Odysseus can at last sail for Ithaca and the long-awaited reunion with his family.But the gods, who were once his allies, have turned against him. Exiled with the warrior Eperitus, he is thrust into a world of seductive demi-gods and man-eating monsters. As they struggle from one supernatural encounter to another, never knowing what the next landfall will bring, their chances of ever returning home grow fainter.Tensions reach breaking point between Odysseus and his crew. Even the faithful Eperitus’s loyalties are divided. Eventually, only one hope remains. For Odysseus to see his wife and son again, he must tread the paths of the dead and descend into the pits of Hell itself...Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
163,99 kr. The thrilling final instalment of the epic and bestselling Adventures of Odysseus. Odysseus has been to Hell and back. Deserted by the Gods, and now in bitter conflict with his friend Eperitus, times look bleak. He dreams of returning to his home. But back on Ithaca things look little better. His son Telemachus and wife Penelope are besieged by a gang of suitors, believing Odysseus to be dead and looking for the queen’s hand in marriage.Odysseus and Eperitus have survived everything. But now they face the last test, perhaps the most difficult of all... Can they reclaim what has been lost? For readers of David Gemmell, Christian Cameron and Simon Scarrow, Return to Ithaca is the stunning conclusion to the Adventures of Odysseus series.Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
120,99 kr. Only the determination of one man can bring victory.The Trojan War has been raging for ten years. Greece’s greatest warriors have fallen. But then a series of oracles appear with utterances from the gods, commands that must be fulfilled if Troy is to be defeated.Agamemnon, leader of the Greeks, knows that only one man has the courage and intelligence to complete the Olympians' tasks: Odysseus, King of Ithaca.From an island haunted by a vengeful madman to a forsaken tomb and its deadly guardian, from the palace of a hostile king to the sacred heart of Troy itself, Odysseus and his friend Eperitus must follow the trail toward the greatest deception of all time...Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.
- Lydbog
- 120,99 kr.
69,00 kr. Liv og hendes mor er stævnet ud som besætningsmedlemmer på sejlskibet Shearwater. Foran dem venter en rejse gennem det græske øhav, over blåt vand og med besøg på grønne øer. Rejsen udvikler sig i eventyrlig retning, da Liv finder en helt særlig krystal ...Janne Hejgaard (f. 1947) er forfatter, redaktør, oversætter og foredragsholder. Hun har skrevet og udgivet et væld af både fag- og skønlitterære bøger for børn, unge og voksne. Janne Hejgaard er oprindeligt uddannet lærer og har brugt sin uddannelse som fagligt fundament under sine mange undervisningsmaterialer, foredrag og kurser.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
163,99 kr. War is coming – and nothing can stop it...Settled in his small island kingdom, Odysseus wants nothing more than to rule Ithaca in peace. Meanwhile, his warrior friend Eperitus, frustrated at his quiet life, dreams of glory in battle.But when Agamemnon’s fleet appears on the horizon, Odysseus knows that war is upon him. A Trojan prince has abducted Helen of Sparta, and the armies of Greece are gathering.As the greatest heroes flock to the crusade, only one is missing. Odysseus knows that without Achilles, the gates of Troy will never fall. He must use all his cunning to hunt him down and persuade him to join their cause...From the Greek islands to the fearsome walls of Troy, this is a novel of pulse-racing battle and intrigue, perfect for readers of George R.R. Martin, Conn Iggulden and those who enjoyed Stephen Fry's Troy.‘It has suspense, treachery, and bone-crunching action... It will leave fans of the genre eagerly awaiting the rest of the series’ Times Literary Supplement.‘This is a must read for those who enjoy good old epic battles, chilling death scenes and the extravagance of ancient Greece’ Lifestyle Magazine.‘The reader does not need to be classicist to enjoy this epic and stirring tale. It makes a great novel’ Historical Novels ReviewGlyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
163,99 kr. The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriors.The siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Troy still stands.When Agamemnon is threatened with mutiny by disillusioned troops, he changes tactics. Ordering attacks on Troy’s allies, he deprives the city of reinforcements, trade and supplies. Yet even this does not draw the Trojans out from behind their walls.Meanwhile, Odysseus, Eperitus and their men have become hardened soldiers. Odysseus just wants to return home to his island Kingdom of Ithaca. But while Agamemnon is still determined to revenge himself upon Troy for the theft of Helen by Paris, Odysseus is held by the oath that he himself created.Eperitus too is tormented: sworn to protect the very man who murdered his daughter. As the war continues, Odysseus realises that sheer numbers will never overwhelm Tory. If he is ever to return home, he must use cunning and guile to bring about its downfall...Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
42,99 kr. The Greek god Hermes descends from Olympus in search of an invisible nymph. He sees a snake who speaks with the voice of a woman named Lamia. She tells Hermes, that her spirit is trapped in this snake's body. She offers Hermes to help him find the nymph if he uses his divine powers to turn her into a human again. Lamia herself is searching for a charming young man named Lycius.Who is the nymph that Hermes is looking for? Why is she so special to him? Why is Lamia trapped into the snake’s body? Will Hermes agree to the deal and restore Lamia’s normal human appearance? Will she find the attractive Lycius?Find all the answers in John Keats’ poem "Lamia", published in 1820.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.John Keats (1795 - 1821) was an English poet. Besides his writing passion, he was a medical student at Guy’s Hospital. During his short life, John devoted himself to the development of poetry by focusing on the vivid imagery and expressing philosophy through verse. Some of his most popular works are "Sleep and Poetry", "Ode to a Nightingale" and "On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer", which is his most famous sonnet.
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- 42,99 kr.
Fra 59,99 kr. Tiina Lampi on saanut uuden, kivan työpaikan – hän lähtee matkaoppaaksi suomalaisten suosimalle saarelle Rodokselle! Työpaikka tuo kaivattua muutosta sinkkuna viihtyvän Tiinan elämään. Rodoksella tapahtuu kuitenkin jotakin odottamatonta. Saarelle saapuu mystinen suomalainen mies, jonka Tiina saattaa tuntea entuudestaan..."Täällä Rodos" on viihdyttävä rakkausromaani vuodelta 1991.Elsa Anttila on kirjailija Jorma Kurvisen (1931–2002) salanimi. Kurvinen tunnetaan erityisesti "Susikoira Roi" -nuortenkirjasarjasta. Kurvinen julkaisi myös aikuisten romaaneja. Hän työskenteli toimittajana Uudessa Oulussa ja kaunokirjallisuutta julkaisevassa Nyyrikissä, mutta jäi päätoimiseksi kirjailijaksi vuonna 1978. Kurvinen sai Valtion kirjallisuuspalkinnon kolmesti.
Fra 55,99 kr. - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Veinte años tardará Ulises, el rey de Ítaca, en volver a su patria. Luego de luchar en la guerra de Troya por diez años, siendo uno de los héroes, Ulises emprende el regreso a su tierra natal. Pero una ofensa al dios Poseidón lo alejará de su camino por otros diez años, siendo condenado a navegar sin rumbo y a vivir las más extrañas aventuras y vicisitudes en el camino. Así, en su retorno a Ítaca, Ulises desafiará monstruos y tempestades, se enfrentará a encantamientos y a las seductoras sirenas, sobreponiéndose al designio de los dioses, en su intento por volver a su hogar. Mientras su fiel esposa, Penélope, y su hijo, Telémaco, intentan resistir ante la codicia de los pretendientes que aspiran al trono. La Odisea es un poema épico de la Grecia clásica y representa una de las grandes epopeyas de la historia de la humanidad. Se cree que fue una de las primeras obras escritas en la antigüedad, luego de ser recitada durante siglos. Convertida en una pieza clave de la cultura universal, ha inspirado a grandes autores de la literatura, desde Virgilio hasta Joyce. Hoy puede escuchar y disfrutar esta obra, creada para ser narrada en voz alta. Dividida en tres partes, conocerá la situación de Ítaca sin Ulises, las peripecias de su regreso y su venganza para recuperar su trono y vengar su honor.Homero (Grecia, Siglo VIII a.C.) fue un poeta griego, al que se le atribuye la autoría de La Odisea y La Ilíada, conocidas epopeyas épicas de la tradición oral griega. Desde el período helenístico se ha cuestionado si el autor de estas obras fue la misma persona. Si bien su origen y su vida siguen en discusión, se estima que vivió en Jonia durante el Siglo VIII a.C. siendo una figura influyente de la antigua Grecia. Sus creaciones literarias han trascendido el tiempo y el espacio, siendo el pilar sobre la que se apoyó la épica grecolatina y, por consiguiente, toda la literatura occidental.
58,99 kr. Zacharias Topeliuksen viehattava satunaytelma!Tapahtumat alkavat Kyproksen saarella. Lemminkainen rakastuu Kypron kuninkaan tyttareen, Chryseis-nimiseen prinsessaan. Lemminkainen tuo prinsessan Suomeen, ja prinsessan nimi vaihtuu Kyllikiksi. Kyprolaiset eivat kuitenkaan hyvaksy prinsessan muuttoa, vaan retkikunta matkustaa Suomeen hakemaan prinsessaa takaisin. Miten kay Lemminkaisen ja Kyllikin rakkauden?Zacharias Topeliuksen ihastuttava satunaytelma "e;Kypron prinsessa"e; on saanut innoituksensa Kalevalasta. -
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.