Fra 41,99 kr. A dialogue between Socrates and Meno probes the subject of ethics. Can goodness be taught? If it can, then we should be able to find teachers capable of instructing others about what is good and bad, right and wrong, or just and unjust. Socrates and Meno are unable to identify teachers of ethics, and we are left wondering how such knowledge could be acquired. To answer that puzzle, Socrates questions one of Meno’s servants in an attempt to show that we know fundamental ideas by recollecting them.Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.
Fra 42,99 kr. Plato’s dialogues frequently cover several topics and show their connection to each other. The "Phaedrus" is a model of that skill because of its seamless progression from examples of speeches about the nature of love to mythical visions of human nature and destiny to the essence of beauty and, finally, to a penetrating discussion of speaking and writing. It ends with an examination of the love of wisdom as a dialectical activity in the human mind.Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.
68,99 kr. Aristotle's Poetics is best known for its definition and analysis of tragedy and comedy, but it also applies to truth and beauty as they are manifested in the other arts. In our age, when the natural and social sciences have dominated the quest for truth, it is helpful to consider why Aristotle claimed: "poetry is more philosophical and more significant than history." Like so many other works by Aristotle, the Poetics has dominated the way we have thought about all forms of dramatic performance in Europe and America ever since. The essence of poetry lies in its ability to transcend the particulars of everyday experience and articulate universals, not merely what has happened but what might happen and what ought to happen. Perhaps the greatest tribute to Aristotle comes from St. Thomas Aquinas who, in the 13th century, simply referred to him as "the Philosopher" and called him the master of those who know. Born in northeastern Greece, Aristotle went to Athens as a young man to study in Plato’s Academy where he remained for more than 20 years. When Plato died, he left the Academy, and four years later he returned to Macedonia to tutor the king’s son who quickly became Alexander the Great, the ruler of most of the civilized world. Like Plato, Aristotle’s writings extend far beyond what we currently call philosophy, including the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities.
- Lydbog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 38,99 kr. Laches, a general in the Athenian army, saw Socrates fight bravely in the battle of Delium. When he and Nicias, another general, are asked to explain the idea of courage, they are at a loss and words fail them. How does courage differ from thoughtless and reckless audacity? Can a lion be said to be courageous? What about small children who have little idea of the dangers they face? Should we call people courageous who do not know whether their bravery will produce good or bad consequences? What kind of education and training promotes both courage and goodness in people, whether they are young or old? Plato constantly presents courage as an essential quality for all who seek to live a good life, so what does it mean when even the bravest leaders of Athens cannot tell us what courage really is?Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.
Fra 42,99 kr. "Plato was not a Platonist! I would like to show . . . that anyone who reads the dialogues of Plato without bias or an ax to grind will find a humorous, witty, pleasant friend; and not a desiccated scholarly mandarin. Plato was an open-minded, tolerant, reasonable individual, not a tight-lipped, pietistic, puritan. In a word, Plato was an Athenian, not a Spartan!" In the twenty-four centuries that have passed since the Athenians put Socrates to death, every generation has interpreted the meaning of Plato’s work differently. Joseph Uemura guides us through six dialogues in an effort to promote a dialectical quest rather than seek a final resting place. Plato’s dialogues treat the big questions that confront any thoughtful person. "Eythyphro" explores religion, "Phaedo" reflects on mind, "Theatetus" examines knowledge, "Sophist" probes being, "Phaedrus" reflects on art, and the "Republic" ponders society. All great literature must be experienced first-hand. Because it is not self-explanatory, it must be interpreted and evaluated. Professor Uemura’s reflections serve as a touchstone by which to test every new reading of Plato’s work.Professor Emeritus at Hamline University, Joseph Uemura has taught philosophy at small liberal arts colleges since he completed his Ph.D. in philosophy at Columbia University. During his career he has held two endowed professorships and transformed the lives of an uncounted number of students. His primary medium is the mind of his students, where he has recorded indelible ideas against which, as Nietzsche said, "time tests its teeth in vain." Although the crisp and witty prose of many of his essays and talks captures the essence of Plato’s core philosophy, it is the minds of his students where his lasting contribution persists not for the moment but for all time.
49,00 kr. Hvis man skal tro de mange sagn og myter, har Grækenland – eller Hellas, som det hed i oldtiden – været hjemsted for nogle af historiens største helteskikkelser. I denne bog kan du læse om oldtidens Grækenland og om heltene Odysseus, Jason, Theseus, Herakles og Perseus.Synnøve Lien (f. 1926) er uddannet lærer. Hun er forfatter og medforfatter til en lang række bøger og artikler om undervisning og læseindlæring.Kirsten Meldgaard (f. 1949) er uddannet lærer, og har undervist i dansk i hele skoleforløbet. Hun er forfatter til adskillige bøger og artikler om danskundervisning.
Fra 22,99 kr. В тази книга са описани чудните приключения на едно интересно момче - Ян Бибиян. Ще научиш как Ян Бибиян се сдружи с малкото дяволче Фют, как то замени главата му с глинена, как след това попадна във вълшебното царство на великия магьосник Мирилайлай и как след чудни и смели приключения се спаси.Елин Пелин е един от най-обичаните български писатели за деца. Потопи се в магическия му свят и остави героите му, любими на поколения читатели, да те разсмеят, удивят, разплачат и вдъхновят!
Fra 22,99 kr. Който и да си ти, драги читателю и слушателю, обръщам ти вниманието, че преди да прочетеш тая книга, добре е да знаеш кой е Ян Бибиян.А неговия живот ще изучиш от книгата „Ян Бибиян", в която са описани чудните приключения на това интересно момче. От нея ще научиш как Ян Бибиян се сдружи с малкото дяволче Фют, как то замени главата му с глинена, как след това попадна във вълшебното царство на великия магьосник Мирилайлай и как след чудни и смели приключения се спаси.Неговите страдания и борбата му да се освободи от злото облагородиха душата му, калиха волята му, направиха го смел и предприемчив. Така той се качи на Луната и можа да постигне мечтата, която от векове е движила непримирими учени с буйна фантазия.Елин Пелин е един от най-обичаните български писатели за деца. Потопи се в магическия му свят и остави героите му, любими на поколения читатели, да те разсмеят, удивят, разплачат и вдъхновят!
Fra 50,99 kr. Året är 1995 när ett bosniskt par flyr från inbördeskriget i hemlandet till lugnet i Sverige. Tillsammans med sina fyra barn bosätter de sig i Skåne och börjar bygga upp sitt nya liv. Hemskheterna från det förflutna lämnar de bakom sig - tills det plötsligt en dag knackar på dörren. Hämndens timme är nu slagen och familjens tillvaro faller i bitar. Ringarna på vattnet sprider sig och snart påverkar händelserna även politikens absoluta toppskikt."Blodsarvet" är den första delen i en trilogi om en värld som förändras - helt utan förvarning - och som ska komma att kretsa kring hemliga agendor, hämndbegär och ond, bråd död. Hur hanterar en människa omställningen när världen byter skepnad? Och kan egentligen vem som helst bli mördare? Annika Liedgren är en svensk författare från Stockholm. Hennes debutroman "Blodsarvet" utkom år 2019.
Fra 55,99 kr. - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Veinte años tardará Ulises, el rey de Ítaca, en volver a su patria. Luego de luchar en la guerra de Troya por diez años, siendo uno de los héroes, Ulises emprende el regreso a su tierra natal. Pero una ofensa al dios Poseidón lo alejará de su camino por otros diez años, siendo condenado a navegar sin rumbo y a vivir las más extrañas aventuras y vicisitudes en el camino. Así, en su retorno a Ítaca, Ulises desafiará monstruos y tempestades, se enfrentará a encantamientos y a las seductoras sirenas, sobreponiéndose al designio de los dioses, en su intento por volver a su hogar. Mientras su fiel esposa, Penélope, y su hijo, Telémaco, intentan resistir ante la codicia de los pretendientes que aspiran al trono. La Odisea es un poema épico de la Grecia clásica y representa una de las grandes epopeyas de la historia de la humanidad. Se cree que fue una de las primeras obras escritas en la antigüedad, luego de ser recitada durante siglos. Convertida en una pieza clave de la cultura universal, ha inspirado a grandes autores de la literatura, desde Virgilio hasta Joyce. Hoy puede escuchar y disfrutar esta obra, creada para ser narrada en voz alta. Dividida en tres partes, conocerá la situación de Ítaca sin Ulises, las peripecias de su regreso y su venganza para recuperar su trono y vengar su honor.Homero (Grecia, Siglo VIII a.C.) fue un poeta griego, al que se le atribuye la autoría de La Odisea y La Ilíada, conocidas epopeyas épicas de la tradición oral griega. Desde el período helenístico se ha cuestionado si el autor de estas obras fue la misma persona. Si bien su origen y su vida siguen en discusión, se estima que vivió en Jonia durante el Siglo VIII a.C. siendo una figura influyente de la antigua Grecia. Sus creaciones literarias han trascendido el tiempo y el espacio, siendo el pilar sobre la que se apoyó la épica grecolatina y, por consiguiente, toda la literatura occidental.
Fra 55,99 kr. - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Aquiles, el gran guerrero griego, se enfurece con Agamenón, el líder del ejército, y decide ausentarse de la batalla contra Troya. Sólo luego de la muerte de Patroclo, su mejor amigo, volverá a pelear desatando así el principio del fin para los troyanos. La cólera de Aquiles, la fuga de Helena con Paris, y la venganza de Menelao entre otras historias, se entrecruzan en este clásico de la literatura universal, donde los hombres luchan por su gloria y los dioses juegan con su destino. La Ilíada es la famosa epopeya épica griega que narra los acontecimientos en el último año de la guerra de Troya. Atribuida al poeta Homero, es una de las composiciones más importantes de la literatura de la antigua Grecia y de todos los tiempos, siendo de gran relevancia para toda la cultura occidental. Fue llevada al cine en múltiples ocasiones, siendo la más reciente la película Troya (2004) con los actores Brad Pitt y Orlando Bloom.Originariamente parte de tradición oral griega, ahora puede escuchar y disfrutar este poema épico creado para ser narrado en voz alta.Homero (Grecia, Siglo VIII a.C.) fue un poeta griego, al que se le atribuye la autoría de La Odisea y La Illíada, conocidas epopeyas épicas de la tradición oral griega. Desde el período helenístico se ha cuestionado si el autor de estas obras fue la misma persona. Si bien su origen y su vida siguen en discusión, se estima que vivió en Jonia durante el Siglo VIII a.C. siendo una figura influyente de la antigua Grecia. Sus creaciones literarias han trascendido el tiempo y el espacio, siendo el pilar sobre la que se apoyó la épica grecolatina y, por consiguiente, toda la literatura occidental.
Fra 59,99 kr. Pelottava roisto on ottanut nuoren Athenan panttivangiksi ja vie hänet Kreikan vuoristossa sijaitsevaan luolaan. Roisto haluaa paitsi rahaa, myös jotain arvokkaampaa: Athenan omakseen. Yhtäkkiä kuuluu ääniä, joku kiipeää jyrkkää rinnettä ylöspäin. Athena tuntee suunnatonta helpotusta, sillä hän tietää, että se on Orion. Orion oli tullut takaisin pelastaakseen Athenan!Barbara Cartland (1901–2000) on vuosisadan tuotteliaimpia kirjailijoita. Cartlandin tuotantoon kuuluu yli 650 romanttista teosta. Hänen kirjojaan on käännetty 38 eri kielelle ja niitä on myyty yli miljardi kappaletta. Barbara Cartland on epäilemättä yksi maailman suurimmista rakkausromaanien tekijöistä.
29,99 kr. Molts crítics consideren Èdip rei l'obra mestra de Sòfocles. Èdip és l'heroi tràgic per antonomàsia: l'home just, intel·ligent, pietós envers els déus, que vol conèixer la veritat pel bé del seu poble, costi el que costi; i que no defalleix en l'intent de descobrir-la,malgrat que, a mesura que s'hi apropa, ja intueix que serà la causa de la seva ruïna. La solució diversa amb què Iocasta i Èdip afrontaran el coneixement de la veritat és també el reflex de dues maneres d'encarar les dificultats vitals.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Sòfocles va nèixer al voltant de 496. Va ser un dels tres grans dramaturgs tràgics de l'antiga Atenes, Grècia, juntament amb els dramaturgs i filòsofs Èsquil i Eurípides.
- Lydbog
- 29,99 kr.
149,95 kr. Karl Ove Knausgård er en eftertragtet essayist, også internationalt, og det essayistiske er en drivende kraft i hele hans forfatterskab. I denne samling følger vi ham på en rejse gennem Amerika og ind på en operationsstue i Albanien, hvor der udføres hjernekirurgi. Samlingen består tillige af tekster om litteratur, maleri, fotografi, om kunstens tilblivelse og vilkårene for at skabe, altid med det underliggende ønske om at se bag de kategorier, der former vores blik på os selv og verden. Han skriver blandt andre om Anselm Kiefer, Anna Bjerger, Jon Fosse, om Michel Houellebecq og Laurie Anderson. "Knausgård er et enormt essayistisk talent." The New York Times
- E-bog
- 149,95 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Gorący piasek i szum morskich fal towarzyszą bohaterom spędzającym czas w bułgarskim kurorcie. Są lata 60. Nad Morzem Czarnym rozkwita turystyka. Życie urlopowiczów toczy się w nadbrzeżnych kawiarniach, kasynach i hotelowych pokojach. Wczasowicze zjechali się głównie z Europy Zachodniej, choć wśród gości znajdziemy także małżeństwo Polaków. Wakacyjny klimat nie jest jednak w stanie zagłuszyć bolesnych wspomnień sprzed lat...„Wczesną jesienią w Złotych Piaskach" to powieść, w której losy młodej Szwedki splatają się z polskim małżeństwem. Kurortowy klimat opowieści przełamują tragiczne wspomnienia z czasów II wojny światowej.Stanisława Muskat-Fleszarowa – (1919 – 1989) polska powieściopisarka, publicystka, poetka i dramaturg. Po wojnie wyjechała do Gdyni, gdzie zajęła się twórczością literacką oraz pracą w sektorze kultury. Była dziennikarką „Dziennika Bałtyckiego" oraz kierowniczką literacką Teatru Wybrzeże. Debiutowała w 1948 roku poematem historycznym „Sen o morskiej potędze". Przez wiele lat była działaczką PZPR i Towarzystwa Przyjaźni Polsko-Radzieckiej. rnrnJej dorobek obejmuje ponad 700 utworów i jest niejednorodny. Muskat-Fleszarowa zasłynęła jako powieściopisarka, choć pisała także poezję oraz utwory o charakterze publicystycznym.
Fra 14,99 kr. Крачун и Малчо са двама софийски полицаи и неразделни приятели. Историята на тези хумористични герои на Димитър Подвързачов е забавна и поучителна и ще се хареса както на деца, така и на възрастни. Героите не могат да бъдат удържани в професионалния си дълг дори когато тръгват да заловят своя автор, който е посмял да ги осмее в книга:– Но кой е?– Някой си Ди-ми-тър!– Крачуне! Тоз човек е хитър:от нашите геройства смелитой сигур нещо ще спечели!Димитър Подвързачов е роден на 6 октомври 1881 година в Стара Загора. Животът му поднася първата трудност твърде рано – баща му умира, преди той да се появи на бял свят. Поради липса на средства не успява да завърши гимназия. Работи като редактор за различни вестници и списания през годините. Заради натрупания му по нелек начин житейски опит и като признание за литературния му талант хора от обкръжението му като Константин Константинов, Николай Лилиев, Йордан Йовков и Димчо Дебелянов го наричат Бащата (макар той самият да е нямал баща).Подвързачов оставя след себе си съвършени преводи на класици като Шекспир, Сервантес, Лермонтов, Гогол, Толстой, Горки, Чехов, Джек Лондон и много други. Под псевдонима „Хамлет принц Датски" издава книгата „Как дяволът чете Евангелието. Хумористични драски, мисли и парадокси, фейлетони". Сред произведенията му за деца най-популярни са „Приключенията на Крачун и Малчо в София" и поемата „Война в джунглите".
43,99 kr. Hjalmar Olsson har precis blivit ertappad med stöld och relegerats från skolan. Han har också nyligen kommit ur en olycklig kärleksaffär med domprostens unga hustru. Hans högsta dröm i livet är att bli präst, men efter livets senaste missöden börjar han känna sig allt mer uppgiven. Så händer det, som av en slump, att han börjar känna sig mer och mer dragen till den grekiska halvön, Athos. Ön som är en kvarlevande spillra av ett imperium som gick under för flera hundra år sedan. På ön tvingas Hjalmar ifrågasätta allt som han tidigare trott sig veta om religion, livet och världen. Och det dröjer inte länge innan han överväger att lämna det bekanta, svenska vardagslivet bakom sig för gott och istället skapa ett nytt liv på den mystiska halvön.Vad skönt du drömt är den tredje och avslutande delen i trilogin om Hjalmar Olsson.Erik Bengtson (f. 1938) är en svensk författare. Under sin livstid har han belönats med ett antal priser, bland annat Årets värmlandsförfattare 2008. Vid sidan av författarskapet har han även varit verksam som lärare.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
77,99 kr. The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Earl Granville travels to Windsor Castle for an audience with Queen Victoria. He had been asked by Count Yuri Unkar of Samosia, a small but significant country in the Balkans if an English bride of Royal Blood could be found to marry Prince Ivor and thus ensure the country’s protection of Great Britain and the Union Jack. Queen Victoria had already sent many of her relations to sit on thrones to protect the Balkans from invasion by the Russians, who were intent on expanding their Empire at the expense of many small States. This time Queen Victoria could think of no one as she was rapidly running out of suitable relatives. However, Earl Granville had been awake all night thinking of solutions to the problem and then he remembered. Prince Vladimir a cousin of the Queen. He had married a woman who played the piano in public, which was not considered correct for a Prince of Royal Blood. They had been banished from London and had gone to live in a small village in Devon and then forgotten. Earl Granville leaves immediately to see Prince Vladimir to ask if his beautiful daughter Linetta would go to the Balkans as bride to Prince Ivor. Linetta finally agrees but only on the condition that she could get to know the Prince first and if she did not like him then she would return home to her beloved parents. She plans to go to Samosa as a Governess to the Count’s children and in that way would meet the Prince without him realising who she was. How they met for the first time when Prince Ivor heard Linetta playing the piano as beautifully as her mother had taught her. How Linetta saved the Prince’s life by her quick reactions. And how she finds the love of her life through the beauty of herself and her ethereal music is all told in this exciting and romantic novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life."
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Timon Ateenalainen on varakas mies, joka jakaa rahojaan avuliaasti muille. Avuliaisuus kuitenkin kostautuu, ja Timon ajautuu vararikkoon - mutta kukaan ei ole valmis auttamaan Timonia itseaan.Timon pettyy ihmisiin niin paljon, etta alkaa vihata koko ihmiskuntaa. Han lahtee Ateenasta ja muuttaa asumaan luolaan.William Shakespearen naytelma perustuu Ateenassa noin 400 vuotta ennen ajanlaskumme alkua elaneeseen Timoniin. Timonista kertoi ensimmaisen kerran historioitsija Plutarkhos. Timon Ateenalaisen vahva tarina on innoittanut Shakespearen lisaksi monia muita taiteilijoita.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
9,95 kr. Donald Elis nigdy nie był typem romantyka, ale kochał swoją żonę. Lubił z nią rozmawiać, dzielić myśli i zwyczajnie spędzać życie. Od pewnego czasu dostrzegał w zachowaniu Heleny niepokojące znaki. Kobieta przeżywała jakieś strapienia, z którymi nie chciała się dzielić. Coraz więcej czasu małżonkowie spędzali samotnie, a Donald widząc łzy spływające po twarzy żony, nie wiedział jak może pomóc. Nie spodziewał się jednak tego, że wkrótce przeczyta jej pełen emocji, pożegnalny list. Nieszczęśliwa Helena opuściła męża i schroniła się na Wyspie Smutku. Mówiono, że to azyl dla chorych na nieukojoną miłość i tęsknotę. Donald słyszał, że mało kto wraca z wyspy, a jeśli już – to z zamąconym umysłem lub jako wrak człowieka. Czy mężczyźnie uda się odnaleźć żonę i odkryć powody ucieczki? Jakie tajemnice skrywa Wyspa Smutku?Tadeusz Konczyński (1875-1944) - polski poeta, dramatopisarz, scenarzysta. Uzyskał tytuł doktora filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Był wielkim propagatorem piłki nożnej, opiekunem i mecenatem pierwszych klubów piłkarskich. W latach 1914–1918 redagował „Ilustrowany Tygodnik Literacki". Swoje utwory literackie i krytyczne publikował na łamach prasy. Tworzył komedie i dramaty o tematyce psychologicznej i historycznej. Był też autorem licznych powieści obyczajowych i psychologicznych. W 1913 roku opublikował swoją najbardziej znaną powieść fantastycznonaukową "Ostatnia godzina".
62,99 kr. "Han tvekade först, som om han anade vad som fanns i det där byltet. Efter en kort stund gick han sakta närmare, det var inte långt från vägen, högst tio meter. När han kom riktigt nära och insåg vad det var fråga om växte illamåendet i honom."När polisen kommer till platsen inser de snart att det rör sig om ett mord. Det sällsynt grymma brottet, och sättet kroppen var dumpad på tyder på att det inte rörde sig om någon vanlig dispyt. Kriminalteknikerna Lennart Kjellin och Claes Bjernemo påbörjar undersökningen, som snart assisteras av Klas Geijer. Han är en av de skickligaste poliser som finns att tillgå, men hans tjänst avbryts ständigt av hans förpliktelser mot den svenska försvarsmakten. Geijer är så hemlighetsfull gällande sina uppdrag att hans assistent börjat skämta om att han är en spion. Om hon bara visste hur nära sanningen hon var ...Snart leder mordutredningen in Geijer och hans kollegor i ett internationellt spiondrama, där de snart spelar ett högt spel med livet som insats.Stig Edqvist är en av Sveriges mest rutinerade poliser och utredare, under sin mer än 40 år långa tjänst inom polisen har han sett mer än de flesta. Han har varit chef för Palmegruppen, som utreder mordet på statsministern Olof Palme, som idag är en av världens största polisutredningar. Stig Edqvist är utöver detta en hyllad författare, vars böcker älskas av läsare och kritiker.
- Lydbog
- 62,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. Aufregender historischer Roman aus der Zeit der AntikeOhne Eltern wächst Thaïs in einem Hurenhaus auf, wo die schöne, kluge Frau zur Hetäre, einer gelehrten Gespielin wichtiger Männer ausgebildet wird.Thaïs verkehrt schon bald mit großen Rednern und Philosophen. Sogar Alexander der Große gerät in den Bann der schönen Kurtisane. Thaïs begleitet die Männer auf ihren Feldzügen, bringt unterwegs Kinder zur Welt, feiert Orgien und wird zur wichtigsten Frau im Leben des Großkönigs. Am Ende ihres Lebens beauftragt sie den Eunuchen Menandros, ihr Leben aufzuzeichnen.Die Kurtisane des Kaisers" ist die unglaubliche Lebensgeschichte der Griechin Thaïs, eine der sagenumwobensten Frauen der Antike. "Insgesamt hat mir das Buch allerdings sehr gut gefallen, da man einen schönen Einblick in die Zeit zu Alexander dem Großen erhält." Kerstin, Lesestunde.wordpress.comMaria Helleberg wurde 1956 geboren. Sie studierte Dänisch und Theaterwissenschaften. Seit 1986 veröffentlicht sie Romane, Novellen, Kinderbücher, Reiseliteratur und Theaterstücke. Ihre Werke, für die sie etliche Auszeichnungen und Stipendien erhalten hat, wurden in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt.n
77,99 kr. Princess Caterina of Theiss receives a letter from her close friend Princess Henriet of Istria asking her to stay with her immediately. The two Provinces were close to each other and part of Austria. On arrival at the Palace in Istria, Princess Caterina is horrified to hear that, owing to the Russians’ threatening behaviour in the Balkans, the Emperor of Austria has written to Queen Victoria asking her to send an English husband for Princess Henriet so that the Union Jack can fly over Istria and deter any greedy predators. The Russians at the time are a great menace to all Europe and are especially anxious to acquire access to the Mediterranean, which Istria could easily provide. The Duke of Dunlerton, whose mother was Princess Alice of Saxe-Coburg and therefore Royal has been sent by the Queen to marry Princess Henriet. But Henriet tells Caterina that she is already madly in love with Fritz Hofer, a tall handsome Officer in her father’s best Regiment. Rather than marry anyone else, she insists to Caterina that she will kill herself! To save her friend from suicide, Caterina agrees that Henriet will escape with the man she loves and she will take her place and marry the Duke without him or anyone else realising what is happening. How Caterina does so successfully. How she is terrified of what will happen when the Duke discovers that he has been made a fool of and is now married to the wrong Princess. How they are all afraid of Queen Victoria and what she will say when she learns about Caterina’s deception. And how, despite her sacrifice for her friend, she unexpectedly finds the love she has been hoping for and praying for all her life is all told in this exciting story by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Ein Reiseführer der anderen Art!In diesem Werk gibt es nicht nur ein einfaches Aufzählen von Orten und Sehenswürdigkeit auf der Insel Lesbos. Stattdessen hält Eva Demski auch einzelne Momente und Atmosphären mit einer wunderbaren Liebe zum Detail fest, indem sie den Spuren von Sapphos folgt. Die erste Lyrikerin der Weltliteratur ist nicht einfach nur ein Mythos, viel mehr ist sie auch das Symbol für die Liebe zwischen Frauen. Die Autorin beschreibt, wie Lesbos heute aussieht und was dort noch an Sapphos erinnert. Und gleichzeitig setzt sie sich mit den Werken der Lyrikerin auseinander.Autorin Eva Demski wurde 1944 in Regensburg geboren. Ihr Abitur machte sie an dem altsprachlichen Lessing-Gymnasium, nach welchem sie 1964 ihr Studium der Germanistik, Kunstgeschichte und Philosophie an den Universitäten Mainz und Freiburg im Breisgau begann, welches sie 1968 abschloss. Nach ihrem Studium arbeitete sie als Dramaturgieassistentin beim Schauspiel Frankfurt und war gleichzeitig freie Verlagslektorin und Übersetzerin. Im Hessischen Rundfunk arbeitete sie von 1969 bis 1977 und ab 1977 entschied sie sich, als freie Schriftstellerin in Frankfurt am Main zu arbeiten.
- Lydbog
- 58,99 kr.
69,00 kr. For de, der virkelig interesserer sig for klassisk filosofi, kan det være en stor fornøjelse og fordel at læse teksterne på det originale oldgræsk. Professor emeritus Sten Ebbesen har sammensat en lærebog til dem, der ønsker lære "filosofgræsk". Bogen er delt op i to dele: Tekster og øvelser samt grammatik og gloser.Sten Ebbesen (f. 1946) er professor emeritus ved Saxo-Instituttet ved Københavns Universitet. Hans primære forskningsområder er middelalderens filosofi og græsk og latin. Han har blandt andet bidraget til trilogien "Den danske filosofis historie" med bindet "Dansk middelalderfilosofi".
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
77,99 kr. Dalma Wickham, having been in Athens to learn Greek, arrives at a British Steamer to return to London to find that they will not allow her dog, Twi-Twi, on board. Because she is turned away from the British ship, she walks round the quay and sees a most magnificent yacht. While she is admiring it, a bomb goes off at the end of the quay and the seamen leave the yacht to see what has happened.On an impulse, because she realises it is her last chance of getting Twi-Twi to England, she slips aboard the yacht and hides in one of the empty cabins. The yacht goes to sea and she is just beginning to feel hungry when Twi-Twi starts barking.Dalma has made up her mind that the owner of the yacht must be very rich and old but, when the door opens, she sees a young man who is very handsome and he is the Earl of Ravenscraig. Because her father, Lord Wickham, is a trusted advisor to the Prime Minister and Queen Victoria, she recognises that there would be a great scandal if she travels alone with such a handsome man.Because she is herself so beautiful and interesting, the Earl says he will not turn her off his yacht, but he has a problem to resolve in Fez before he returns to London. It turns out that he is trying to rescue a young woman, the daughter of his secretary, who has been captured by evil white slave traders. How Dalma helps the Earl in freeing the girl when she is about to be sold. How they reach England in safety, but Dalma knows that she is already in love with the Earl. How she discovers that he is married to a Greek Princess and is faced with an appalling problem for which there is apparently no answer. And how they both wish on a star that one day they will be together for ever is told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.
50,99 kr. "Ingen visste egentligen varifrån herr Serafim Vlahuta kom, var hans vagga stått, var han hade gått i skolan eller var han suttit i fängelse. Lika litet visste man strängt taget vad han sysslade med, men det är som bekant en gentlemans ensak, men det är som bekant en gentlemans ensak."Serafim Vlahuta är en äventyrlig köpman från Sofia, som gärna håller banketter i sin vackra våning på kvällstid, och tillbringar sina dagar med att investera i nya affärsmöjligheter. Ödesnatten den 17 juli 1913, när herr Vlahuta är ute på en resa, dras han i ett parti poker in i en investering som han ska komma att ångra bittert. En fälla har gillrats för honom av två högtspelande bedragare, som använder alla möjliga medel för att lyckas med sin plan.Harald Wägner 1885-1925 var en svensk journalist och författare. Wägner skrev böcker i ett flertal genrer, däribland deckare och äventyrsromaner, ofta med en humoristisk vinkel. Harald var också bror till den kända feministen Elin Wägner och far till tv-personligheten Ria Wägner.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
Fra 69,00 kr. Kreta, den store, smukke ø, der danner den sydligste grænse af Grækenland byder på fascinerende kultur fra den tidligste europæiske civilisation frem til den traditionelle græske kultur og storslået natur. Bob Ramsing, der selv er gift med en kretensisk kvinde, guider dig rundt på den vidunderlige ø. Han fortæller, hvad den kan byde på af strande og badning, hvad man kan opleve i bjergene, om Knossos og den minoiske museum i Iraklion og meget mere.Under Anden Verdenskrig blev Bob Ramsing elev på Fodfolkets Kornet- og Løjtnantsskole, og senere blev han en del af den meget aktive sabotagegruppe Holger Danske. Efter krigen har Bob Ramsing udgivet flere bøger om Anden Verdenskrig og den danske modstandsbevægelses store og heltemodige arbejde mod den tyske besættelsesmagt.
69,00 kr. Der er fortalt mange historier om grev Dracula, den mest berygtede og frygtede vampyr af dem alle. Carsten Overskov fortæller historien om den virkelige Dracula, der lagde navn til myten om vampyren. Han var på mange måder endnu mere frygtindgydende end en vampyr kunne være. Han blev ganske rigtigt født i Transsylvanien i 1431, og han var både opfindsom og grusom, når han tog hævn over sine fjender. Det er imidlertid kun en lille del af historien om en af 1400-tallets værste massemordere.Carsten Overskov (1946-2015) var en dansk journalist og forfatter. I løbet af sin karriere arbejde Carsten Overskov blandt andet som journalist for Politiken og Danmark Radio, hvor han i mange år var tilknyttet Børneradio. Carsten Overskov har både skrevet børne- og ungdomsbøger, undervisningsmateriale og manuskripter til tv-serier.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
49,00 kr. Albaniens fortid rummer århundredes krige og undertrykkelse, og op gennem første halvdel af det 20. århundrede var det et af de fattigste og mest tilbagestående lande i Europa. Det lavede socialismen om på. I "Albanien 73" beskriver H.E. Sørensen landets enorme udvikling i årene efter anden verdenskrig og frem til 1970‘erne. Beretningen er ikke ukritisk, men er dog alligevel båret af sympati og beundring for det albanske folks kamp for en værdig fremtid.H.E. Sørensen (f. 1940) har skrevet en lang række bøger om rejser, samfund og historie, og især Sønderjylland, hvor forfatteren selv har hjemme, har fået en stor plads i forfatterskabet. H.E. Sørensen er uddannet lærer, har været leder af Skærbæk museum og har gennem mange år drevet eget forlag.
- E-bog
- 49,00 kr.