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  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Holly heeft afscheid genomen van Liverpool en haar leven daar en probeert het drama van haar oude werkplek achter zich te laten. Ook probeert ze haar vrienden te vergeten die haar, toen ze hen het meest nodig had, in de kou lieten staan. Ze bouwt in Snowdonia, Wales, een nieuw leven op in het oude huisje van haar geliefde grootmoeder. Holly is van plan om, net als haar grootmoeder, als kluizenaar te gaan leven. Want als er één ding is dat de tijd in Liverpool haar heeft geleerd, is dat ze niemand kan vertrouwen.Chloe begint zich opgesloten te voelen in haar prachtige appartement in het modieuze Chelsea in hartje Londen. Overal waar ze gaat of staat, volgen fotografen haar en stellen vragen die ze niet wil beantwoorden. Ze droomt ervan aan de hectiek van Londen te ontsnappen en ergens helemaal opnieuw te beginnen waar niemand haar kent. Op een dag springt ze in een taxi, geeft de chauffeur duizend pond en vraagt hem haar naar een klein dorpje in Wales te rijden. Hoe verder ze van Londen verwijderd is, hoe opgeluchter ze zich voelt.Ethan wordt wakker in een ziekenhuisbed zonder enige herinnering aan wie hij is of waarom hij in het ziekenhuis ligt. De politie beweert dat hij de dood van zijn beste vriend op zijn geweten heeft, maar Ethan weigert dat te geloven. Hij zal de waarheid echter pas te weten komen als hij zijn geheugen terugkrijgt. Daarom besluit hij Cambridge, waar hij studeert, te ontvluchten in een poging zijn gedachten te ordenen.Kerstmis nadert en het Welshe landschap is bedekt met sneeuw. De ouderwetse huisjes in de dorpen beginnen langzaamaan een kerstsfeer uit te stralen. Hier raken de levens van Holly, Chloe en Ethan met elkaar verweven, en proberen ze samen de angsten en het verdriet te overwinnen dat hen in hun leven achtervolgd heeft.Dit is het eerste deel van Kerstperikelen in Snowdonia.Lilly Emme is een Zweedse schrijfster die al heel lang in Engeland woont. Lilly Emme is een meester in het schrijven van gevoelvolle feelgoodromans, haar boeken zijn geliefd bij haar lezers.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Holly lascia Liverpool per fuggire dai drammi del precedente lavoro e dimenticare gli amici che le hanno voltato le spalle nel momento del bisogno. Si trasferisce quindi nel vecchio cottage dell’amata nonna paterna nella regione di Snowdonia, in Galles. Proprio come la nonna prima di lei, Holly ha intenzione di condurre un’esistenza solitaria perché, se c’è una cosa che la vita a Liverpool le ha insegnato, è che non può ci si può fidare di nessuno.Chloe si sente prigioniera del suo lussuoso appartamento nell’esclusivo quartiere di Chelsea, nel cuore di Londra. I paparazzi seguono ogni suo passo facendole domande fastidiose. Sogna di fuggire dal caos della capitale e ricominciare da capo, in un luogo dove nessuno possa riconoscerla. Un giorno salta a bordo di un taxi e offre mille sterline al tassista perché la porti in un piccolo paesino del Galles. Più si allontana da Londra, più il peso che le opprime il petto si alleggerisce.Ethan si risveglia in un letto d’ospedale, senza ricordare come ci sia arrivato. La polizia lo accusa della morte del suo migliore amico, ma Ethan non ci vuole credere. Fino a che la memoria non gli tornerà, Ethan non potrà sapere come sono andate davvero le cose. Fugge allora da Cambridge, dove studia, per rimettere in ordine i propri pensieri. Natale è alle porte e una coltre di neve ricopre di bianco i paesaggi del Galles. La festante atmosfera natalizia riempie i cottage "vecchio stile" dei villaggi. I destini di Holly, Chloe ed Ethan si intrecciano, mentre i tre cercano di vincere le paure e i dolori che li perseguitano.Questa è la prima parte della serie "Un Natale movimentato in Snowdonia".Lilly Emme è un’autrice svedese che ha vissuto a lungo in Regno Unito. Tutti i suoi romanzi, leggeri e divertenti, sono molto apprezzati dal pubblico.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    È l’antivigilia di Natale e tutto è pronto per l'apertura del pub di Holly. Chloe, Ethan e Baptiste si fanno in quattro per aiutarla e il morale è alto. Quando arriva l’ennesima lettera minatoria destinata a Holly, Chloe contatta la polizia. Accompagnata dagli agenti del paese, Holly torna al suo cottage, dove una figura misteriosa si aggira con una tanica di benzina.Ethan comincia a recuperare frammenti di ricordi e, insieme a Chloe, trova nuovi indizi su ciò che può essere successo a Colin. Presto la vicenda si fa più chiara, ma saranno in grado di trovare il colpevole in tempo? Il Natale nella bella campagna gallese non si rivela riposante e solitario come i tre nuovi amici avevano immaginato, ma la nuova amicizia dona loro la speranza di un nuovo, felice futuro insieme.Questa è la quarta e ultima parte della serie "Un Natale movimentato in Snowdonia".Lilly Emme è un’autrice svedese che ha vissuto a lungo in Regno Unito. Tutti i suoi romanzi, leggeri e divertenti, sono molto apprezzati dal pubblico.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Holly si è trasferita nella villa di Chloe per sfuggire al mittente delle terrificanti lettere minatorie. Insieme, le due donne intraprendono una missione di salvataggio, portando il povero Ethan dalla solitudine del cottage al calore del vecchio maniero.Holly si prepara all'inaugurazione del suo pub, che sarà inaugurato proprio la Vigilia di Natale. Ad aiutarla c'è l’affascinante quanto irritante Baptiste, il quale pare conoscere l'uomo che la sta minacciando. Insieme, Baptiste e Holly mettono a punto un piano per assicurarlo finalmente alla giustizia.Chloe sfugge al proprio dolore promettendo a Ethan di indagare su ciò che è realmente accaduto a Colin, il suo ragazzo. La polizia crede che il colpevole sia proprio il giovane Ethan, ma Chloe è convinta di poter provare la sua innocenza.Questa è la terza parte della serie "Un Natale movimentato in Snowdonia".Lilly Emme è un’autrice svedese che ha vissuto a lungo in Regno Unito. Tutti i suoi romanzi, leggeri e divertenti, sono molto apprezzati dal pubblico.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Ethan arriva in Snowdonia e comincia a fare i conti con le aspettative che la sua famiglia ha riposto in lui. Vecchi ricordi iniziano a riaffiorare, e ripensa a come suo padre voleva che lui facesse carriera per poi, un giorno, prendere in mano la gestione della tenuta di famiglia. Che Ethan sia stato preso nel coro maschile più prestigioso di Cambridge non ha alcuna importanza per i genitori. Per evitare i parenti durante il periodo natalizio, Ethan ha quindi affittato un piccolo cottage fingendosi uno scrittore alla ricerca di un posto tranquillo dove terminare il proprio romanzo. Holly ha rilevato invece il vecchio pub del paese e sta facendo del suo meglio per rimetterlo in sesto. Mentre sta andando a ritirare un pacco di rifornimenti per il locale, si scontra con una ciclista che ha perso il controllo della bici sulla neve fresca. Scopre con sorpresa che si tratta di Chloe, la star del cinema da poco trasferitasi nel paesino. Dopo un incontro a dir poco inaspettato, le due si incamminano insieme verso il centro. Quando una figura indesiderata ricomparirà dal passato per spaventarla, Holly sarà costretta a rivelare alcuni suoi oscuri segreti alla nuova amica... Questa è la seconda parte della serie "Un Natale movimentato in Snowdonia".Lilly Emme è un’autrice svedese che ha vissuto a lungo in Regno Unito. Tutti i suoi romanzi, leggeri e divertenti, sono molto apprezzati dal pubblico.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 39,00 kr.

    Holly har forladt sit liv i Liverpool i et forsøg på at lægge dramaet fra sin gamle arbejdsplads bag sig og glemme de venner, der vendte hende ryggen, da hun havde mest brug for dem. Hun skaber sig et nyt liv i sin elskede farmors gamle hytte i Snowdonia i Wales. Holly regner med at holde sig for sig selv, præcis som hendes farmor havde gjort før hende, for hvis der er noget, tiden i Liverpool har lært hende, så er det, at hun ikke kan stole på nogen.Chloe begynder at føle sig indespærret i sin smukke lejlighed i det fashionable Chelsea, i Londons hjerte. Hvor hun end går hen, er der fotografer i hælene på hende, og de stiller spørgsmål, som hun ikke vil besvare. Hun drømmer om at forlade det kaotiske London og begynde på en frisk et sted, hvor ingen genkender hende. En dag sætter hun sig ind i en taxi, giver chaufføren 1000 pund og beder ham køre sig til en lille by i Wales. Jo længere væk fra London hun kommer, desto lettere føler hun sig.Ethan vågner i en sygehusseng uden at kunne huske, hvem han er, eller hvorfor han er der. Politiet påstår, at han har forårsaget sin bedste vens død, men Ethan nægter at tro det. Han kommer ikke til at kende sandheden, før hans hukommelse vender tilbage, og han flygter fra sin studieby Cambridge i et forsøg på at få klarhed i sine tanker.Det nærmer sig snart jul, og det walisiske landskab dækkes af sne. Julestemningen begynder at fylde de gammeldags huse i byerne. Her sammenflettes Hollys, Chloes og Ethans skæbner, når de sammen forsøger at overvinde de rædsler og sorger, som forfølger dem i livet.Dette er første del af "Juleblues i Snowdonia".Lilly Emme er en svensk forfatter, som i lang tid har boet i England. Hun er mester i at skrive feelgood-romaner med stor indlevelse, og læserne elsker hendes bøger.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 39,00 kr.

    Ethan ankommer til Snowdonia og konfronteres med sin families forventninger. Gamle minder begynder at vælde op i ham, og han tænker tilbage på, hvordan hans far krævede, at han skulle gøre karriere og en dag overtage familiens gods. At Ethan er blevet optaget i Cambridges bedste mandskor var ingenting værd for hans familie. For at undgå sin familie lejer Ethan en lille hytte og finder hurtigt på en historie om, at han er forfatter og har brug for at skrive i fred.Holly har overtaget byens gamle pub og gør sit bedste for at få lokalerne i orden. Da hun er på vej til at hente en leverance til sin nye pub, kører hun ind i en cyklist, som slingrer afsted i den nyfaldne sne. Til sin forbløffelse ser hun, at det er filmstjernen Chloe, som for nylig er flyttet til den lille by. Efter det mildest talt uventede møde begiver de sig ind til byen sammen. Snart tvinges Holly dog til at afsløre sine dystre hemmeligheder for den nyfundne veninde, da en uvelkommen gæst fra hendes fortid dukker op for at skræmme hende.Dette er anden del af "Juleblues i Snowdonia".Lilly Emme er en svensk forfatter, som i lang tid har boet i England. Hun er mester i at skrive feelgood-romaner med stor indlevelse, og læserne elsker hendes bøger.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 39,00 kr.

    Det er dagen før juleaften, og alt er parat til åbningen af Hollys pub. Chloe, Ethan og Baptiste er alle parat til at hjælpe til, og stemningen er i top. Pludselig dukker et nyt trusselsbrev til Holly op, og Chloe kontakter politiet. Sammen med byens betjente begiver Holly sig hjem til sin hytte, hvor en mystisk skikkelse sniger sig rundt med en dunk benzin.tEthan begynder at få dele af sin hukommelse tilbage, og sammen med Chloe finder han nye spor i retning af, hvad der kan være sket med Colin. Snart står det klart, hvad der kan være foregået, men vil de finde gerningsmanden i tide?Julen i det smukke walisiske landskab bliver ikke så fredelig og ensom, som nogen af de tre nye venner havde tænkt sig, men deres nye venskab giver dem alle et håb om en ny, lykkelig fremtid sammen i den lille by. Dette er fjerde og sidste del af "Juleblues i Snowdonia".Lilly Emme er en svensk forfatter, som i lang tid har boet i England. Hun er mester i at skrive feelgood-romaner med stor indlevelse, og læserne elsker hendes bøger.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 39,00 kr.

    Holly er flyttet ind på Chloes herregård for at komme væk fra den mand, som sender trusselsbreve til hende. Sammen udfører de to kvinder en redningsaktion – de bringer den alvorligt syge Ethan fra ensomheden i hytten til varmen i den gamle herregårdsbygning.Holly forbereder den store åbning af sin pub, som skal slå dørene op dagen før juleaften. Hun får hjælp af den flotte, men irriterende Baptiste, som viser sig at kende den mand, der truer hende. Baptiste og Holly begynder sammen at lægge en plan for at få en retfærdig dom over en mand, som længe er undsluppet loven.Chloe flygter fra din egen sorg ved at love Ethan at undersøge, hvad der i virkeligheden er sket med hans kæreste Colin. Politiet lader til at tro, at den unge Ethan er skyldig, men Chloe er overbevist om, at hun kan bevise hans uskyld.Dette er tredje del af "Juleblues i Snowdonia".Lilly Emme er en svensk forfatter, som i lang tid har boet i England. Hun er mester i at skrive feelgood-romaner med stor indlevelse, og læserne elsker hendes bøger.

  • af Anita Charles
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    When Mallory become the governess of Raife Benedict’s niece, she sets off for the beautiful Morven Grance, Raife’s house on the Welsh borderland. Her life becomes inextricably linked with the Black Benedicts, all of them as intriguing as they look. Yet none of them has quite the effect on her as her distant, yet alluring employer. It does not help that he does not seem the least bit interested in Mallory, a plain governess. The story set in romantic Welsh landscapes dates back to the 20th century and was written by Anita Charles, a pseudonym of the English romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Anita Charles is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career. Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death. On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 16,99 kr.

    Holly porzuca swoje dawne życie w Liverpoolu. Chce zostawić za sobą traumatyczne przeżycia związane z byłym miejscem pracy i zapomnieć o przyjaciołach, którzy odwrócili się od niej, gdy potrzebowała ich najbardziej. Zaczyna nowy rozdział w swojej ukochanej chatce po babci, położonej w górzystej Snowdonii w Walii. Tak, jak jej babcia kiedyś, Holly pragnie zamieszkać na odludziu. Czas spędzony w Liverpoolu nauczył ją, że nikomu nie może ufać.Chloe czuje się jak w więzieniu w swoim pięknym londyńskim mieszkaniu w modnej dzielnicy Chelsea. Gdziekolwiek się nie uda, od razu prześladują ją dziennikarze i zadają pytania, na które nie ma ochoty odpowiadać. Marzy o ucieczce od londyńskiego zgiełku i o wyprowadzce do miejsca, w którym będzie anonimowa. Pewnego dnia wsiada do taksówki, wręcza kierowcy tysiąc funtów i prosi, by zawiózł ją do małej wioski w Walii. Im bardziej oddala się od Londynu, tym większą ulgę czuje.Ethan budzi się w szpitalu. Nie pamięta, kim jest ani dlaczego tam się znalazł. Policja twierdzi, że jest zamieszany w śmierć swojego najlepszego przyjaciela, ale Ethan w to nie wierzy. Nie dowie się prawdy, dopóki nie odzyska pamięci. Przerywa studia w Cambridge i wyjeżdża, aby uporządkować myśli. Zbliżają się święta Bożego Narodzenia, a walijskie góry pokrywa warstwa śniegu. Świąteczna atmosfera zaczyna wypełniać całą okolicę. To tu splatają się losy Holly, Chloe i Ethana, którzy wspólnie próbują zmierzyć się z przeciwnościami losu.To pierwsza część z serii „Świąteczne tarapaty w górzystej Snowdonii".Cykl przyjemnych opowiadań pełnych śniegu i walijskich gór. Przedstawione historie przywracają wiarę w człowieka i dobro.Lily Emme jest szwedzką pisarką, która wiele lat spędziła w Anglii. Specjalizuje się w pisaniu powieści „feel-good" (poprawiających samopoczucie), w które wkłada całe swoje serce, a jej książki są uwielbiane przez rzesze czytelników.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 16,99 kr.

    Holly przenosi się do posiadłości swojej przyjaciółki, aby uciec przed mężczyzną, który wysyła jej listy z pogróżkami. Kobiety wspólnie podejmują akcję ratunkową, mającą na celu sprowadzenie chorego i osamotnionego Ethana do przytulnej rezydencji Chloe.Dzień przed Wigilią, Holly organizuje wielkie otwarcie swojego pubu. Pomaga jej w tym przystojny, lecz irytujący Baptiste, który, jak się okazuje, zna jej prześladowcę. Baptiste i Holly zaczynają planować zemstę na mężczyźnie. Chloe próbuje zapomnieć o swoim smutku, skupiając się na sprawie Ethana. Razem chcą dowiedzieć się, co tak naprawdę stało się Colinowi. Mimo, że w roli jego oprawcy policja widzi Ethana, Chloe zamierza udowodnić jego niewinność.To trzecia część z serii „Świąteczne tarapaty w górzystej Snowdonii".Cykl przyjemnych opowiadań pełnych śniegu i walijskich gór. Przedstawione historie przywracają wiarę w człowieka i dobro.Lily Emme jest szwedzką pisarką, która wiele lat spędziła w Anglii. Specjalizuje się w pisaniu powieści „feel-good" (poprawiających samopoczucie), w które wkłada całe swoje serce, a jej książki są uwielbiane przez rzesze czytelników.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 16,99 kr.

    W dzień przed Wigilią wszystko jest już przygotowane do otwarcia pubu. Chloe, Ethan i Baptiste spędzają wspaniały czas, organizując to wielkie wydarzenie. Wkrótce jednak, gdy Holly dostaje kolejny list z pogróżkami, Chloe postanawia powiadomić policję. Prześladowana kobieta udaje się razem z funkcjonariuszami do swojej chatki, gdzie z kanistrem benzyny czai się tajemniczy osobnik.Ethan powoli odzyskuje pamięć i razem z Chloe znajduje nowe tropy prowadzące do rozwiązania zagadki śmierci Colina. Wkrótce staje się jasne, kto zabił, ale czy zdążą schwytać sprawcę? Okazuje się, że trójka bohaterów nie spędzi świąt Bożego Narodzenia w pięknej walijskiej scenerii zgodnie z pierwotnym planem – w spokoju i samotności. Mimo wszystko wzajemna przyjaźń daje im nadzieję na szczęśliwą przyszłość w małej wiosce.To czwarta część z serii „Świąteczne tarapaty w górzystej Snowdonii".Cykl przyjemnych opowiadań pełnych śniegu i walijskich gór. Przedstawione historie przywracają wiarę w człowieka i dobro.Lily Emme jest szwedzką pisarką, która wiele lat spędziła w Anglii. Specjalizuje się w pisaniu powieści „feel-good" (poprawiających samopoczucie), w które wkłada całe swoje serce, a jej książki są uwielbiane przez rzesze czytelników.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 16,99 kr.

    Ethan przyjeżdża do Snowdonii i rozmyśla o presji ze strony rodziny. Dawne wspomnienia zaczynają powracać, gdy przypomina sobie, czego oczekiwał od niego ojciec. Miał zrobić karierę i pewnego dnia przejąć majątek. To, że dostał się do najlepszego chóru męskiego w Cambridge dla jego najbliższych nie było żadnym osiągnięciem. Unikając swoich krewnych, Ethan wynajmuje małą chatkę w Walii. Udaje, że jest pisarzem, który potrzebuje ciszy i spokoju, aby tworzyć. Holly przejmuje stary pub w wiosce i dokłada wszelkich starań, by doprowadzić lokal do porządku. W drodze na zakupy zderza się z rowerzystką, w której, ku wielkiemu zaskoczeniu, rozpoznaje gwiazdę filmową, Chloe. To nieoczekiwane spotkanie staje się początkiem bliskiej znajomości. Wkrótce jednak w Snowdonii zjawia się nieproszony gość, a Holly zostaje zmuszona do wyjawienia nowej przyjaciółce swoich mrocznych sekretów.To druga część z serii „Świąteczne tarapaty w górzystej Snowdonii".Cykl przyjemnych opowiadań pełnych śniegu i walijskich gór. Przedstawione historie przywracają wiarę w człowieka i dobro. Lily Emme jest szwedzką pisarką, która wiele lat spędziła w Anglii. Specjalizuje się w pisaniu powieści „feel-good" (poprawiających samopoczucie), w które wkłada całe swoje serce, a jej książki są uwielbiane przez rzesze czytelników.

  • af Sue McDonagh
    111,99 kr.

    Alleenstaande moeder Jo weet best dat motormonteur Ed een Don Juan is. Een toevallige ontmoeting brengt hen bij elkaar, en de vonk slaat over. Toch vreest Jo dat Ed te veel te verbergen heeft – net als zijzelf, trouwens. Als het toeval Jo opeens in het middelpunt van de belangstelling brengt, moeten Jo en Ed een grote beslissing nemen. Romantiek met een vleugje mysterie en veel humor, dankzij Jo’s slimme zoontje Liam en haar flamboyante buurvrouw Beryl. Tweede deel in een reeks feel-good-romans rond het Kunstcafé uit de titel.Sue McDonagh kent de verrassende wendingen die het leven in petto heeft. Ze werkte als politieagent, lerares en artieste, om in 2019 te beginnen schrijven. Ze is een fervent motorrijdster (net als veel van haar personages), schrijft dolgraag dialogen en liet zich voor haar derde roman over het Kunstcafé inspireren door een… eBike. McDonagh woont in Wales.

  • af Elena Wilkes
    120,99 kr.

    A life built on lies – now the truth could destroy herFrankie Turner knows what it's like to be unwanted; she was brought up in care. Now as a social worker to kids in the same system, she’s someone who understands ... But Frankie is hiding an unthinkable secret: one that may have its roots in the murder of a young, beautiful woman fifteen years ago.Yet the past is out there. Someone knows what Frankie is hiding – and now they’re back to shatter her perfectly constructed life, terrorizing her with menacing letters and silent calls to the house she shares with husband Alex.She may have reinvented herself, but Frankie’s past is back to haunt her – and now, there’s nowhere to run.A gripping psychological thriller that will have you hooked. Fans of Lisa Jewell and Erin Kelly won’t be able to put this one down.Elena Wilkes grew up in Walsall in the West Midlands and then worked for eighteen years in H.M Prison Service. The people she met there provided the basis for all her novels.Many of the prisoners there came across as very ordinary people who had committed the most appalling crimes but would, one day, walk straight back on the streets.This begged the question: how much do we know about anyone, really? The people who live amongst us may seem no different from us at all, but when you scratch a little deeper, you realize they hold some very dark secrets.

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    41,99 kr.

    ‘The Doom of the Griffiths’ is a haunting short story by the acclaimed Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. A long-forgotten curse was placed upon the Griffiths family by the last native Prince of Wales, Owain Glyndŵr, following a betrayal by a member of the Griffiths family. The curse foretells that the Griffiths family line will end ‘with the murder of the eighth generation Griffiths by the ninth’. Many years later, will the ominous prophecy upon the condemned family come true? A dark tale of revenge, jealousy, and treachery.Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) is an enduringly popular and highly regarded English novelist. Born in Chelsea, London, Elizabeth was sent to live with her aunt in Knutsford, Cheshire after her mother died, a place which would provide inspiration for some of her most popular works, including ‘Cranford’. A sociable and lively young woman, Elizabeth married Minister William Gaskell in 1832 and settled in Manchester. An industrial hub and the scene of much political and social change, her time in Manchester influenced much of her writing. Her first novel, ‘Mary Barton’ focussed on the appalling and impoverished living conditions of those living in Northern industrial cities and was a huge success, sparking the interest of notable figures such as Charles Dickens, who invited Elizabeth to contribute to the periodicals he edited. An active humanitarian, her works dealt sympathetically with the plight of the poorest in society, and she did not shy away from controversial topics such as prostitution and illegitimacy. A close friend of Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth also wrote a highly acclaimed biography of the author in 1857. Some of her best known and most loved novels include ‘Cranford’, ‘North and South’ and the posthumously published ‘Wives and Daughters’, all of which have been adapted for TV by the BBC, most recently ‘Cranford’ starring Judi Dench, Michael Gambon, and Greg Wise. Elizabeth Gaskell is regarded as one of the most important novelists of the Victorian era.

  • af Sue McDonagh
    111,99 kr.

    Wat een perfecte, romantische vakantie had moeten worden, eindigt in een drama voor Flora. Uit wraak steelt ze de motor van haar vriendje en vlucht naar de kust van Wales voor een welverdiende vakantie voor één.Wanneer er een badmeester uit Australië in haar leven opduikt en haar hulp biedt wanneer ze die het meest nodig heeft, heeft ze niet langer het gevoel dat ze enkel in Wales op vakantie is. Kan ze de plek waar ze naartoe is gevlucht ooit een thuis noemen?Sue McDonagh gaf haar baan op bij de politie in Essex toen bij haar op 24-jarige leeftijd kanker werd vastgesteld. Na een succesvol herstel verhuisde ze naar Wales. In 2009 leerde ze motorrijden en nu runt ze Curvy Riders, een motorclub voor vrouwen, en schrijft ze boeken over stoere vrouwen.

  • af Damion Hunter
    163,99 kr.

    The final thrilling tale of the House of Appius Julianus.A new and deadly threat has emerged at the outskirts of the Roman Empire on the Danube, one that threatens to throw the entire region into chaos.Correus, risen to prefect of a cavalry ala on the border, and Flavius, advisor to the emperor, have both attempted to warn the erratic Domitian of the seriousness of this foe, but to no avail.With trouble at home in the form of an irate senator, as well as the impending doom of a devastating military loss, the two brothers must use their accumulated experience, grit and trust in each other to ensure their family’s safety, once and for all.The final book in the epic Centurions series, and the first installment for almost forty years, a moving and powerful adventure, and a must-read for all historical fiction fans, ideal for readers of Conn Iggulden, Rosemary Sutcliff and Simon Scarrow.Damion Hunter is a pseudonym of Amanda Cockrell. Along with the Centurions Trilogy, she is also the author of Pomegranate Seed, What We Keep Is Not Always What Will Stay, the historical trilogies The Deer Dancers and The Horse Catchers, and The Legions of the Mist, a Roman historical adventure novel. She lives in Roanoke, Virginia.

  • af Anthony Trollope
    42,99 kr.

    First published in 1879, Cousin Henry is one of Anthony Trollope’s later novels. In it, we are introduced to Indefer Jones, the elderly squire of a large manor in Carmarthen as he deliberates as to who to name as his heir. Will his beloved young niece Isabel Broderick inherit all that he owns, or will Indefer bow to convention and pass the property to his disagreeable nephew and sole male heir, Henry Jones? Rumours about a final will abound following Indefer’s death, as we are caught up in a story of pride and conscience, deceit and guilt.Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    92,99 kr.

    Miss Greatorex is invited to join a group of friends who meet weekly at Mrs Dawson's house. When Miss Greatorex asks to hear more about Mrs Dawson's cousin Lady Ludlow, the friends begin to swap stories, starting with 'My Lady Ludlow'. What follows is a collection of five short stories from the hugely popular Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell, including works such as 'The Doom of the Griffiths' about a cursed family; a tale of selfless love in 'The Half-Brothers'; and 'The Poor Clare' in which the lonely Bridget Fitzgerald sets out to avenge the death of her only companion.-

  • af Rose Burghley
    67,99 kr.

    David Falcon is a famous writer and explorer, who has more women falling at his feet than he cared for. One day, he decides to get away from it all and leave for a castle together with his secretary, the last woman known to have resisted his charms and not fallen under his spell. Yet their trip together to a remoted island may well change that, as she is about to find out. The intriguing 20th-century love tale written by Rose Burghley, a pseudonym of Ida Pollock, offers thrill and excitement for the reader.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Rose Burghley is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career.Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death.On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.

  • af Damion Hunter
    163,99 kr.

    The epic second Roman adventure in The Centurions series, perfect for fans of Simon Scarrow.Correus and Flavius, half brothers and rivals, have found the life of a Centurion to be a dangerous one. After imprisonment and torture, Flavius has found his strength and proven his mettle. Correus, son of a slave, has found glory on the battlefield.But now the brothers have been stationed to Wales, a land full of barbarians, mud and freezing rain. Here they must face the pain of lost love, the shame of lost battle, and the thrill of a new era for their beloved Rome. And in Wales awaits a princess that could change one of their lives forever...Barbarian Princess, the epic second instalment of The Centurions, is perfect for fans of Conn Iggulden and Ben KaneDamion Hunter is a pseudonym of Amanda Cockrell. Along with the Centurions Trilogy, she is also the author of Pomegranate Seed, What We Keep Is Not Always What Will Stay, the historical trilogies The Deer Dancers and The Horse Catchers, and The Legions of the Mist, a Roman historical adventure novel. She lives in Roanoke, Virginia.

  • af Arthur Machen
    42,99 kr.

    'The Hill of Dreams' follows the story of the introverted rector's son Lucian Taylor. He stumbles upon an odd Roman hill fort in his Welsh hometown which possesses his mind with supernatural visions and pagan erotic imagery. Compelled by the strange desires stirring in his soul, he moves to London to become a writer. But his hopes that the change of scenery would restore his sanity prove futile as his darkest hallucinations begin to assume a very tangible form.'The Hill of Dreams' is a moving story, one which pioneered discussions on the concept of the doomed artist in literature. Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.

  • af Arthur Machen
    42,99 kr.

    'A Fragment of Life' is a short story by Arthur Machen taking a close look at the life of a young couple who turn to spirituality for fulfillment and away from the unsatisfying banality of their everyday lives. They make an inward journey towards mysticism and an outward journey to the land of their birth, Wales. But perhaps they should've been a little more careful with what they wished for.'A Fragment of Life' is an eerie and macabre adventure into the mystical land of Wales that fans of supernatural horror fiction will definitely love.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.

  • af Arthur Machen
    38,99 kr.

    'The White People' is a horror short story by Arthur Machen in which two men discuss the eternal battle between good and evil. Eventually one of them pulls out and opens a mysterious diary filled with archaic folklore and studies of the occult. A hallucinogenic labyrinth of madness, witchcraft and the vileness of mankind - 'The White People' is a must-read for devotees of Machen, H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages of 'The White People'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.

  • af Arthur Machen
    42,99 kr.

    'The Secret Glory' follows the story of young Ambrose Meyrick, who is enchanted by the legend of the San Graal and the forces that kept it secret in his Welsh homeland. Ambrose’s Christian public school is a living hell, its violence and superficiality is a stark contrast to the true spirituality that he seeks. Thus, his only choice is to go on a quest for the Graal and become one with the past.'The Secret Glory' closely parallels Machen's best-known work 'The Hill of Dreams' in its fascination with the hidden mysteries of art and nature waiting to be explored.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages of 'The White People'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.

  • af Arthur Machen
    42,99 kr.

    The pagan rituals and ancient ruins in Machen’s portrayal of Wales played a pivotal role in guiding the creative force responsible for the horror novella 'The Great God Pan'. Upon publication in 1894 it was widely scorned due to its overtly decadent and sexual motifs.The narrative unfolds around a mad scientist who is convinced he can make the mind experience the spiritual world and envision the beyond. Predictably proves his hypothesis to be mistaken. But is it really a mistake?Horror legend Stephen King, whose bestselling books have been adapted into blockbuster films such as 'The Stand', 'It', 'Misery' and 'The Shining', considers this terrifying story to be one of his favourites.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.

  • af Lilly Emme
    Fra 43,99 kr.

    Holly, stolt ägare till puben Harpan och grisen, har insett en sak. Hennes lilla by i Wales med dess invånarantal på 100 personer räcker inte för att hålla puben flytande. Hur många pizzor kan en bybo i Snowdonia äta per år egentligen? Okej, ganska många, men inte tillräckligt.Med ostoppbar energi bestämmer sig Holly för att starta en bokfestival som ska dra turister till byn. Att hon själv inte har läst en bok på väldigt länge spelar inte så stor roll. Inte heller att hennes pojkvän hellre skulle starta en internationell alpackatävling. Till Hollys hjälp kommer den irriterande snygga Alys. Och så Chloe förstås, stjärnskådespelerskan som drömmer om att sadla om till fostermamma åt kriminella tonåringar.Om de bara får dit Ethan, den begåvade men plågade Cambridgestudenten, finns det inget som kan gå fel med Hollys plan. Eller?Lilly Emme är en kattälskande författare som skriver rappa och humoristiska feelgoodberättelser, som ofta stannar kvar i hjärtat hos läsaren. Efter att ha bott många år i Cambridge, England, återvänder hon gärna dit i sina böcker.

  • af Gerbrand Bakker
    96,99 kr.

    Una mujer extranjera alquila una solitaria granja en Gales. Dice que su nombre es Emilie. En la granja encuentra diez gansos que van desapareciendo sin que sepa la causa. Poco a poco, conoceremos a la protagonista y querremos saber más: ¿de qué huye?, ¿por qué acepta la presencia del desconocido que aparece en la granja?, ¿qué hará cuando el marido la encuentre? Con estos elementos se podría pensar en un thriller convencional, pero en este libro, por encima de todo, encontramos una forma de narrar, la de Bakker, y una mujer que permanece en el recuerdo, o quizás en los sueños, durante mucho tiempo.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Gerbrand Bakker es un filólogo, traductor y escritor holandés. Es uno de los autores del «Diccionario etimológico del holandés». Ha recibido varios premios literarios como el Premi Llibreter o el Independent Foreign Fiction Prize.