102,99 kr. Daisy Turner has worked at Buchanan’s Family Jewellers since the day she finally escaped her troubled home. With a unique talent for matching the perfect piece of jewellery to any romantic milestone, she painstakingly polishes each stunning creation every morning and safely locks them away each night, longing for the day she’ll have a love story to call her own...But everything changes one day in December when the owner announces she is retiring. She will leave the shop to whichever of her three sons creates the perfect piece of Christmas jewellery for Daisy.In danger of losing the job that once saved her, Daisy is catapulted out of her comfort zone as each of the brothers sweeps her off her feet to find out what her heart truly desires. Between ice-skating, starlight shopping and cosy candle-lit dinners, it’s only handsome and guarded youngest brother Kit who really seems to be listening. Because Daisy has a secret. Every night, when the shop closes, she lays out her tools in neat rows and creates sparkling designs of her own...As Christmas Day approaches, Daisy’s growing feelings for Kit fill her with a confidence she never knew she had. But as the brothers present their elaborate gemstone masterpieces, she’s in for the shock of her life... Was Kit using her to get ahead in the competition all along? Or has he truly worked out the one thing she has always longed for?They say all good things come in small packages, but the best things don’t need wrapping at all...Snuggle up with this absolutely heart-warming Christmas read and find a warm spot by the fire. An unputdownable festive treat for lovers of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street:‘Really wonderful... Full of charm, romance, great characters, and magic settings... will get you in the mood to put your Christmas tree up early.’ Netgalley reviewer‘I fell in love with this book instantly. I absolutely love this author... the most amazing characters... so well written... envelopes you in a massive hug. A brilliant festive book!’ Netgalley reviewer, 5 stars‘Grab a cup of hot chocolate and a throw, curl up in your favourite chair and enjoy this story! It is a winner.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.Emma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Nina Bailey loves Christmas. Except this year she doesn’t. Because it turns out that her husband-to-be has been cheating on her – and her beautiful wedding ceremony in the snow is cancelled.She’s not really in the mood to be jolly, sing carols, or go anywhere near gingerbread men – in fact, what Nina wants is to avoid the whole thing. So she’s come to stay at her Aunt Dolly’s cosy café in the south of France to nurse her broken heart.Nina is determined to get through Christmas with no tinsel, no fuss – and definitely no flirting. So when she arrives and meets infuriatingly handsome Ryan Sadler, with his gorgeous forest-green eyes, she is not best pleased.And when Nina overhears him making fun of her, she is furious. (There might have been an incident with a koala onesie and a spilled bottle of milk, but that really wasn’t her fault!) So despite the spark between them, and the fact that he can whip up a fabulous dinner faster than she can say Michelin star, romance and Christmas are off the menu this year.This heart-warming romantic comedy will have you reaching for eggnog, roasted chestnuts and gingerbread cookies! The perfect festive book to read curled up in front of the fire, for fans of Sue Moorcroft, Holly Martin and Debbie Johnson.Readers are falling in love with "I’ll Be Home for Christmas!"‘From the heartbreak to the emotional moments, to the touching and hilarious ones. This book had everything for me and I would quite happily read it again in an instant.’ The Writing Garnet‘Melted my heart!... Had me cracking up laughing hysterically!... A brilliant storyline!!’ Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews‘The pages flew... Charming characters, beautiful landscape, snow and hot chocolate, pastry and love, humour and romance. What more could I ever want in a Christmas book?!!’ Goodreads ReviewerPrevious series has sold over 150,000 copies to date. Amazon UK top 100 author. Escape to the Little French Cafe and Summer at the Little French Cafe are also availableFor fans of Debbie Johnson, Zara Stoneley and Debbie MacomberAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Snowy rooftops, mulled wine, and a hot single dad. Not the Christmas Saffy wished for... but maybe the one she needs?Twenty-nine year old Saffron Baxter knew her holiday plans didn’t stand a chance the moment her sister called to say she was stuck abroad with no hope of being home before Christmas. Saffy would just have to abandon thoughts of wild festive parties in the city and head down to remote Cornwall.Because every year her sister hosts a huge Christmas meal for all the single parents in her village. And Saffy knows it’d break her heart to let them down.Arriving as snow starts to fall over the thatched cottages of the little harbour town of Port Breok, she meets Logan – the tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed, devoted single dad who lives next door, with his adorable daughter Chloe. At first she thinks he might help her make Christmas Day extra-memorable, but he just seems convinced she’ll never manage – that she’s just a party girl who doesn’t care about Christmas, or anyone’s feelings.Maybe he’s right. After all – she doesn’t want to settle down, she’s only there for a few days... But she’s still determined to do her sister proud with gorgeous decorations, the most beautiful real tree – complete with extra twinkly lights, and delicious mince pies. To make it a Christmas everyone will remember, especially little Chloe. Even if, when the mistletoe comes down, she knows she’ll probably never see Logan again...The perfect festive romance novel, ideal for fans of Nora Roberts, Jenny Hale and Debbie Macomber.Readers love Snowy Nights at the Lonely Hearts Hotel:‘Oh my, what a fabulous romantic and festive read!...There really is so much to love about this story... a truly fabulous feel good read that will definitely have you feeling all loved up and romantic by the end. The perfect festive read.’ By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars‘A pure pleasure to devour this book, I just didn't want it to end, I was enjoying it so much... A wonderful Christmas book.’ Rachel’s Random Reads, 5 stars‘The perfect heartwarming and feel good Christmas novel. I loved everything: the plot, the description of Cornwall, the characters. It's a page turner I couldn't put down. Highly recommended!’ Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars‘A beautifully festive and heartwarming story. Absolutely fantastic! Will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.’ The Cosiest Corner, 5 stars
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- 102,99 kr.
Fra 149,00 kr. En række gamle mordsager dukker op, og kun en mand kan stoppe dem...Fjerde bog i serien om William Warwick, sympatisk og dynamisk politikommissær hos Metropolitan Politi i London. Her har man dannet en enhed for uopklarede mord - et cold case-team - med det formål at pågribe de kriminelle, der undslipper almindelig efterforskning. I Genève er rigmanden og kunstsamleren Miles Faulkner erklæret død to måneder tidligere. Så hvorfor bliver hans skruppelløse advokat ved med at arbejde for ham? Og hvem er den mystiske mand, hans enke planlægger at gifte sig med? Det stenrig familiedynasti Alden nyder det overdådige og glamourøse liv ombord på en trans-atlantisk luksusliner. Alt er tilsyneladende lykkeligt, men under overfladen udkæmpes en indædt kamp om magt og position, en kamp, der tager en morderisk drejning undervejs.Fællesnævneren for alle efterforskninger er politiinspektør William Warwick fra Metropolitan Politi. Hans talent for at gennemskue komplicerede sager, hans skarpe intellekt og hans store mod vil snart male de kriminelle op i et hjørne - spørgsmålet er bare, om Warwick kan fange morderne, før det er for sent?
118,99 kr. Keine Lüge hat Bestand, wenn die Toten sprechen!Die toughe Expertin der Gerichtsmedizin, Cassie Raven, löst ihren 2. Fall: »Wer mit den Toten spricht« ist der 2. Teil der außergewöhnlichen Forensik-Thriller-Reihe »Raven & Flyte ermitteln« aus England.Cassie Raven, Assistentin der Rechtsmedizin mit einer Vorliebe für Piercings und Tattoos, ist für gewöhnlich hart im Nehmen. Als ihre geliebte Großmutter ihr jedoch gesteht, sie jahrelang über den Tod ihrer Eltern belogen zu haben, ist Cassie tief erschüttert. Denn es gab nie einen tödlichen Autounfall, als sie noch klein war – stattdessen wurde ihr Vater für den brutalen Mord an ihrer Mutter verurteilt und saß 17 Jahre im Gefängnis.Mithilfe von DS Phyllida Flyte - ihrer Beinahe-Freundin - stellt Cassie Recherchen an, die jedoch immer mehr Fragen aufwerfen. Dann taucht ihr plötzlich bei Cassie auf und behauptet unschuldig zu sein. Nur die Toten können die ganze erschütternde Wahrheit enthüllen....Auch in ihrem 2. Forensik-Thriller verbindet A. K. Turner hoch spannendes Insiderwissen aus der Pathologie mit faszinierenden Protagonisten.
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- 118,99 kr.
20,99 kr. Ekipa ze "Świata zaginionego" znów w komplecie!Każdy z uczestników dawnej wyprawy dostaje list od profesora Challengera z prośbą o zaopatrzenie się w tlen i niezwłoczne przybycie do jego londyńskiej posiadłości. Naukowiec odkrył, że w najbliższym czasie Ziemię czeka niebezpieczeństwo. Wraz z przybyszami i swoją żoną zamyka się w specjalnie przygotowanym pokoju. Grupa przeczekuje niebezpieczny czas w schronieniu, a jednocześnie obserwuje tragedie, jakie rozgrywają się na zewnątrz.Wydarzenia opisane w książce stanowią wyraz spirytualistycznych zainteresowań autora. Na bazie powieści kanał BBC kilkukrotnie stworzył słuchowisko radiowe, prezentowane jako sequel "Świata zaginionego".Historia wpisuje się w nurt science fiction i może przypaść do gustu miłośnikom twórczości Stanisława Lema.Profesor biologii George Challenger ma analityczne podejście do świata. Stawia śmiałe tezy badawcze, a jego naukowa ciekawość często skutkuje niesamowitymi odkryciami. Jak na ekscentryka przystało, przyciąga do siebie postaci, które tak jak on są żądne wrażeń. Cykl powieści prezentuje trzymające w napięciu przygody tej barwnej gromady.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - szkocki lekarz, mason, pisarz, autor słynnej serii detektywistycznej o Sherlocku Holmesie. Pochodził ze zubożałej, przemocowej rodziny, w I wojnie światowej stracił wiele bliskich osób, w tym syna. Osobiste tragedie i chęć utrzymania kontaktu ze zmarłymi skierowały go w stronę spirytyzmu. Nowa fascynacja poróżniła go z przyjacielem, iluzjonistą Harrym Houdinim, który zajmował się demaskowaniem spirytystów. Sam autor stał się bohaterem popkultury - postaci inspirowane jego osobą pojawiają się w licznych książkach (np. "Spisek sześciu" Marka Frosta), w serialu "Detektyw Murdoch", a także w mandze i anime.
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- 20,99 kr.
102,99 kr. An irresistible festive treat from million-copy bestseller Amanda Prowse.While her free-spirited daughter travels the world, Vivienne prepares for a lonely Christmas in Bristol, with her best friend Ellen and her ancient dog Bob. Then a letter arrives that changes everything. Vivienne's daughter is getting married in New Zealand, and she wants her mum and Ellen by her side. Out on the rugged coast of Tutukaka, the sea sparkles, romance beckons – and Vivienne falls under the spell of another life. Will she leave everything she holds dear for a chance at happiness? Or will her daughter be the only one to fall in love this Christmas?Reviews for Amanda Prowse:'If you love JoJo Moyes and Freya North, you'll love this. There's no shortage of books with Christmas in the title, but this family-focused story stands out from the rest''A heartwarming novel to read in the run-up to Christmas – hot, balmy beaches herald the festive season on one side of the world, and light dustings of snow on the other side'Tripfiction'A sweet, humorous snapshot of a romance... Will elicit a sigh and a smile'New York Journal of Books
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Nestled in the Cornish village of Cloudsea, sits Sea Cottage – the perfect place for some Christmas magic ...At last Ivy is looking forward to Christmas. She and her husband Stuart have moved to their perfect little cottage by the sea - a haven alongside the rugged cliffs that look out to the Atlantic Ocean. She’s pregnant with their much-longed for first baby and for the first time, since the death of her beloved mother, Ivy feels like things are going to be alright.But there is trouble ahead. It soon emerges that Stuart has been keeping secrets from Ivy, and suddenly she misses her mum more than ever.When Ivy stumbles across a hidden letter from her mother, secrets from the past come hurtling into the present. But could her mother’s words help Ivy in her time of need? Ivy is about to discover that the future is full of unexpected surprises and Christmas at Sea Cottage promises to be one to remember.This Christmas warm your heart and escape to the Cornish coast for an uplifting story of love, secrets and new beginnings that you will remember for many Christmases to come.'The loveliest of lovely stories...this story has smiles in bucketloads. Do not under any circumstances miss the opportunity to read this story' Turning Pages, Opening Doors'This is a lovely read, it drew me right in and I cared about everyone, even annoying mother-in-laws!' Jo's Book Journey'A charming Christmas story that delivers a message of hope and forgiveness, not only for the holidays, but any day!' Angry Grey Cat Reads
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Snow is falling and there’s romance in the air. Curl up for a cosy Christmas by the fire at Seaview Cottage...When thirty-year-old Lily Ambrose’s latest relationship ends in disaster, she remembers happy childhood holidays in the seaside town of Shipley and decides it’s the perfect place for a fresh start.But when Lily arrives, the town’s spirits are as low as her own: the local celebrity due to turn on the Christmas lights has gone on a cruise instead. Keen to prove herself, she calls in a favour and secures gorgeous reality star Ollie.Lily’s neighbours are initially thrilled, but Ollie is as uncontrollable as he is good-looking. He can’t remember the town’s name, calls the Christmas decorations tacky, and manages to offend everyone. And whilst handsome but stubborn cameraman Craig tries to help, even he can’t stop Ollie’s madcap plans to stage a romance with Lily...Will Lily be able to keep Ollie under control and bring the Christmas cheer back to Shipley – and find herself a real kiss under the mistletoe?Perfect for fans of Phillipa Ashley, Cathy Bramley and Debbie Johnson.‘Had me properly laughing... A light hearted, fun, easy to read story that will have you giggling, while also wishing your own house has far more Christmas lights!’ Rachel’s Random Reads, 5 stars‘Karen Clarke has such a knack for writing hilariously funny one-liners. I have lost track whilst reading this how many times I’ve laughed out loud... This is a fabulous book!!' Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars‘Perfect to get you in the Christmas spirit!’ Read.Sleep.KnitAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair.
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- 102,99 kr.
129,99 kr. 'Tis the season for finding love... and the perfect book!With just two weeks until Christmas, everything in Clove Lore should be perfect. But the latest holidaymaker to the Borrow a Bookshop is feeling far from festive...Icelandic ex-bookseller Magnús Sturluson might be surrounded by love stories in the Bookshop, but he’s nursing a sadness that not even fiction can fix.When Alexandra Robinson winds up stranded in Clove Lore, she finds a safe place to hide from heartbreak. After all, all that’s waiting for her at home is a cheater boyfriend and the memories of her parents.As Alex is slowly embraced by the quirky village community, she finds her tough exterior thawing – and as she grows closer to Magnús, she discovers an equally soft heart under his gruff shell.However, when a great flood on Christmas Eve brings devastation in its wake, it’s up to Magnús and Alex to batten down the hatches, help bring the village back together again, and introduce the locals to the Icelandic tradition of the jólabókaflóð – Yule book flood.Can Magnús and Alex rescue the ruins of the village and salvage their Christmas spirit? Or is there another problem lurking even closer than they thought?A totally uplifting read that will lighten the winter gloom, for fans of Jenny Colgan and Trisha Ashley. Booklovers will adore this seasonal treat!Kiley Dunbar is a writer of romantic fiction and teaches creative writing and English literature at a university in the North of England. She's a proud member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and a graduate of their New Writers' Scheme.She met her very own leading man, working as a Shakespeare tour guide in Stratford-Upon-Avon - much like her heroine in One Summer's Night. They got engaged four days after they met, telling you that one, she's not exactly risk-averse and two, she's a true romantic.
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- 129,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Daisy is preparing to spend her first Christmas in the only place she’s ever really felt at home: beautiful Fox Farm. But when tragedy strikes, she will need all her festive cheer, and all the mulled wine, to keep Christmas from being cancelled...Living at Fox Farm, with its cosy café and charming pottery workshop, is a dream come true for thirty-one-year-old Daisy. The kindly owner, Jean, and the close-knit village feel like the family Daisy has never had. She’s been looking forward to finally having people to buy gifts for and to share cookies with in front of the fire after too much Christmas dinner.When Jean suddenly falls ill, Daisy is the first to lend a hand in organising the holiday celebrations. She ropes in Alex – Jean’s handsome Scrooge of a nephew – to help her. From the get-go Daisy and Alex cannot agree on anything, butting heads through decorating disasters and tripping over each other at the holiday barn dance. Alex hates Christmas, and Daisy is feeling so festive she might as well be the fairy on top of the ten-foot tree. Can Daisy melt Alex’s icy exterior and prove to him just how magical Christmas can be?But then Alex discovers Fox Farm is almost bankrupt, and suddenly its whole future is in jeopardy. They need a plan, and quickly, if Jean is to have a place to come back to this Christmas. Will Daisy be able to save the only real home she’s ever had? And might this Christmas be the beginning of something special?Grab a mug of hot chocolate and a mince pie (or two!) and lose yourself in this utterly charming and romantic holiday tale that proves home is where the heart is. Perfect for fans of RaeAnne Thayne, Sarah Morgan and Heidi Swain, this is the book that will make your Christmas!Readers adore Helen Pollard:‘I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough... Uplifting, witty, moving and romantic... sure to make you giggle, sigh and keep you hooked.’ Bookish Jottings‘I just couldn’t put it down. It could warm you even on the coldest day of the year.’ Books By My Bedside‘I loved every single page of this book and didn't want the story to end... Had me hooked from start to finish, had me giggling on the bus... One of those warm, cosy books.’ The Reading Shed‘A heartwarming and funny rom-com... kept me hooked... I loved the twists and turns.’ Scrapping and Playing,‘A bewitching, fun read... a delightful setting and an added mystery, too.’ Splashes Into Books,Her La Cour des Roses series has sold over 200,000 copiesFor fans of Sarah Morgan, Nicola May, Phillipa Ashley and Cathy Bramley
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- 102,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Die französische Küste im Jahre 1795. Während die Feuer des Krieges sich auf dem Festland immer weiter ausbreiten, tobt auch auf See ein Kampf um die Vorherrschaft. Doch nicht alle kämpfen mit so fairen Mitteln wie der ehrenhafte Freibeuter Harry Ludlow und sein Bruder James: Als der skrupellose Kapitän Toner von der Royal Navy ihn unrechtmäßig zwingt, ihm die Hälfte seiner Crew zu überlassen, schwört Harry, seine Männer zu retten – und nimmt allen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz die Verfolgung von dessen Fregatte auf. Als er Toners Schiff auf der Höhe der Westindischen Inseln einholt, beginnt ein erbitterter Kampf ums Überleben ...»Donachie versteht es meisterhaft, lebendige Figuren und Atmosphäre zu schaffen!« Kent MessengerDer packende vierte Teil der Harry Ludlow Reihe.Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts: Harry Ludlow schmeißt seinen Offiziersposition in der Royal Navy hin um fortan als Freibeuter über die Meere zu ziehen. Auf seinen Reisen stolpern er und seine Gefährten immer wieder in brenzlige Situationen und Mordfälle, die aufgeklärt werden wollen. Mit dieser fesselnden Reihe kommen nicht nur Fans von historischen Seefahrer-Romanen, sondern auch begeisterte Krimi-Leser auf ihre Kosten.David Donachie, 1944 in Edinburgh geboren, ist ein schottischer Autor, der auch unter den Pseudonymen Tom Connery und Jack Ludlow Bekanntkeit erlangte. Sein Werk umfasst zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen; besonders beliebt sind seine historischen Seefahrerromane.
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- 148,99 kr.
107,99 kr. A winter tale of love rekindled in a cherished York bookstore.Megan Taylor, a young widow, finds comfort in organising book clubs and author events in her family bookstore nestled within the snow-dusted cobbled streets of York.When prize-winning author Xander Stone literally bumps into her and trashes her taste in books, Megan can sense that her self-imposed hibernation from romance might be at an end. Their view on literature clash, leading to animated debates that breathe a new passion into her life, but will it be enough to thaw their frozen hearts? Furthermore, the bookshop is in financial trouble and Megan finds herself precariously poised, juggling the shop's survival with the flickering sparks of new love.Amidst snow flurries and seasonal magic, "A Bookshop Christmas" promises to delight the hearts of bookworms and romantics alike.A Grumpy x Sunshine, Slow Burn Romance perfect for fans of Kiley Dunbar, Kate Forster and Donna Ashcroft.Readers LOVE Rachel Burton:Terri H, Reviewer - 5 starsA lovely book to lose yourself in. Great characters and just the right amount of romance, a perfect read any time of year.Jesse C, Reviewer - 4 starsA sweet, wholesome Christmas book with a literary twist. Lots of fun references to famous and even contemporary romances and the narrator was so soothing. A perfect audiobook to get lost inKristen G, Bookseller - 5 starsChristmas bookishness alights in this snowy romance as the main characters work through their own issues and begin to move on... with each other. The poignant plight of independent bookstores and the shared death of loved ones is balanced with the hilarious and historical Regency Christmas party and the romance book club to end all book clubs.Rachel Burton has been making up stories for as long as she can remember and always dreamed of being a writer until life somehow got in the way. After reading for a degree in Classics and another in English Literature she accidentally fell into a career in law. Eventually, she managed to write her first book during her lunch breaks. Now she writes from a small bedroom looking out over hydrangeas, lavender bushes and rambling roses, in a little house in Yorkshire.
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- 107,99 kr.
49,00 kr. "Da ordet ’pub-kravleri’ egentlig ikke findes på dansk – og af særdeles gode grunde slet ikke kan findes på dansk, fordi de vigtigste præmisser savnes – vil det være på sin plads indledningsvis at bemærke, at det er en direkte oversættelse af det engelske: ’pubcrawling’.Det betyder strengt taget ikke andet end at tage sig en lystig aften, vandre fra pub til pub og tage én eller to-tre drinks hvert sted, men udøvere af denne ædle og interessante sport ender ofte nok i en slags firbenet tilstand af fremdrift."Henning V. Ringsted beskriver med varme og et glimt i øjet det fænomen, han igen og igen havde bevidnet under sin tid i London, men som ved bogens udgivelse i 1968 endnu ikke var nået til Danmark. Pubcrawl er sidenhen blevet en ganske populær disciplin blandt danskerne, men det gør det ikke mindre fornøjeligt at læse om fænomenet hos Henning V. Ringsted.Henning Vibe Ringsted (1907-1983) var en dansk forfatter og journalist, der er særligt kendt for sit arbejde som krigskorrespondent for dagbladet Politiken i Berlin under anden verdenskrig. Han har skrevet et væld af bøger om europæisk kultur samt erindringer og noveller. Henrik V. Ringsted modtog i 1945 som den første nogensinde Cavlingprisen for sit enestående journalistiske virke.
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- 49,00 kr.
62,99 kr. Under en vinprovning på Operakällaren möter krögaren och vinfantasten Axel Turner den italienska Giulia Layon, som har kontakter Axel bara kan drömma om. Samtidigt är Karolin i full färd med att öppna en tredje restaurang, men allt går inte som planerat. När ett engelskt bolag tränger sig fram tar Axels nyfikenhet honom till London och Carter Townsend, en mäktig man med kopplingar till Ryssland.Det visar sig att ett ryskt nätverk har stulit pengar från Ukrainas statskassa och nu samarbetar Axel igen med svensk och engelsk säkerhetstjänst. Hemma i Stockholm börjar Karolin tappa tålamodet med honom, medan Giulia finns där för Axel. Ödet tar oförutsägbara vändningar och Axel gör sitt bästa för att hänga med.Sten Wennerström, född 1955, är ekonom och statsvetare med bakgrund inom finans och media. Han debuterade 2009 med "Grisen" som blev den första i serien om agenten Axel Turner. Utöver det har han skrivit politiska satirer.
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- 62,99 kr.
129,99 kr. Christmas and romance are in the air...It's December 23rd and while everyone else is rushing home for the holidays, workaholic Leesa Oliver is dreading switching on her out-of-office for the festive season. And it seems her equally driven boss, Cary Anderson, isn't relishing spending Christmas at his family's country estate either.Together, they draft an unexpected Christmas contract: They'll spend half of the holidays with each other's families, pretending to be a couple. Leesa knows the insufferably good-looking Cary will make her Christmas more bearable, but what happens after the last of the mince pies have been eaten...? Leesa signed off on a sensible business agreement, but somewhere, amongst the fairy lights and carols something seems to have changed... It seems there might just be some magic under the mistletoe this Christmas!Praise for Lucy Coleman: 'A deliciously heart-warming romance that will make you swoon and will sweep you off your feet' Dash Fan.'I soon became addicted to reading this book' Amanda Oughton. 'This is the first book of Lucy Coleman's that I've read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I now, most definitely, have to read all her work' Gia T.Lucy lives in the Forest of Dean in the UK with her lovely husband and Bengal cat, Ziggy. Her novels have been short-listed in the UK's Festival of Romance and the eFestival of Words Book Awards. Lucy won the 2013 UK Festival of Romance: Innovation in Romantic Fiction award.
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- 129,99 kr.
102,99 kr. In the little village of Whistling, with its butterscotch cottages and rolling green hills, snow is beginning to fall. Christmas is coming, and Emma Halloway is on her way home.When twenty-eight-year-old food writer Emma Halloway gets dumped then knocked off her bike, she’s broken in more ways than one, and returns to her family’s cosy cottage in the Yorkshire Dales. Emma hasn’t been back in some time, running from her crazy relatives and her childhood sweetheart, Jack Allen.Emma’s grandmother is determined to bake her back to health and happiness, as the Halloways have done for generations. Surrounded by old friends and warm cinnamon buns, Emma starts to believe in her family’s special talents for healing again. But then in walks Jack with his sparkling hazel eyes, stirring up the family feud between them.As the twinkly lights are strung between the streetlamps, Emma remembers just why she fell for Jack in the first place... and why a Halloway should never date an Allen.The infuriating new lodger, Sandro, doesn’t believe anyone should have to choose between love and family. With a little bit of Christmas magic, can Emma and Jack find a way to be together, or will Emma find herself heartbroken once more?An utterly gorgeous Christmas romance about the importance of family, freshly baked biscuits, and learning to trust your heart. Perfect for fans of Phillipa Ashley, Debbie Johnson and Debbie Macomber.What readers are saying about Christmas at Hope Cottage:‘For me, Lily Graham equals Christmas.’ Chells and Books, 5 stars‘This is far more than a feel-good book, this is a never-give-up-believing-because-dreams-can-come-true sort of book ... I could close my eyes and smell the cooking and baking and I could wish along for the outcomes I wanted so much for the brilliant characters ... simply wonderful ... I am still glowing inside. It is one of those books that you wish you could touch just a part of it for real because it has that special essence that we hope to experience sometime in our life.’ Books from Dusk till Dawn, 5 stars‘A terrific mesmerizing story that has plenty of charm, sparkles and romantic feelings. I absolutely loved this amazing book.’ With Love for Books, 5 stars‘Had me entranced ... I found myself falling in love ... beautiful ... a clever, heart-warming and emotional read which will make you see life in a completely different way ... I thoroughly enjoyed every inch of this book.’ The Writing Garnet, 5 stars‘I loved every page.’ Bookworms and Shutterbugs, 5 starsOver 30,000 copies sold. Amazon US and UK Top 20 bestselling author.
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- 102,99 kr.
Fra 129,95 kr. Nyoversættelse af Rasmus Hastrup som også nyoversatte George Orwells 1984.Dyrene på mr. Jones gård gør oprør og overtager magten. I spidsen står grisene med filosofien om, at alle dyr skal være lige, men efterhånden som tiden går, korrumperes både grisene og resten af gården, og snart er det ikke muligt at skelne mellem dyr og menneske.Animal Farm udkom for første gang på dansk i 1947 under titel Kammerat Napoleon og er kendt som en satirisk allegori over det Sovjetiske styre og Stalin. Det er en evigaktuel roman om de paradoksale menneskelige behov for frihed og magt, og faren ved politisk totalitarisme.
102,99 kr. Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake is a truly heart-warming and hilarious read about sisters, love and finding the courage to be yourself – one snowflake at a time.For Tamsin Angel, Christmas is always the biggest and best... chic parties and a little showbiz sparkle are a must. This year though, things aren’t going quite as planned...With bailiffs suddenly at the door and her husband nowhere to be found, it looks like Christmas just got downsized. Moving into her sister’s flat, she wonders whether things will ever be the same again.After losing her husband on Christmas Eve, Sam Angel has rebuilt her life around her son Jacob and her new business – The White Angel Bakery. She’s also found herself a very handsome, loving boyfriend, but is struggling to let go of the past.Thrown together with a sprinkle of Christmas magic, Sam and Tamsin might just learn a little more about each other – and themselves. But when disaster strikes at the bakery, will they be able to save the day in time for Christmas?What people are saying about Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake...‘It’s going to warm your heart, break your heart as well, and make you laugh. It’s a perfect mix of every feeling possible. It’s a compelling, captivating, optimistic read and I highly recommend it! 5/5’ On My Bookshelf‘A magical, sparkling Christmas story about learning to forgive and move on with life when things turn sour. Filled with festive sweets, sarcastic wit and real-life issues, it will make you laugh and encourage you to think about what’s truly important in your life. 5/5 Life With Joy‘The story is just wonderful ... It truly is heart-warming and hilarious, but also connected with serious issues ... It’s a magnificent Christmassy story.’ Lina ReadsSue Watson was a journalist on women’s magazines and national newspapers before leaving it all behind for a career in TV. As a producer with the BBC she worked on garden makeovers, kitchen takeovers and daytime sofas – all the time making copious notes so that one day she might escape to the country and turn it all into a book. After much deliberation and copious consumption of cake, Sue eventually left her life in TV to write. After a very successful debut novel, Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes Sue signed a deal with Bookouture.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Die Dämonenland-Reihe vereint Peter Dubinas schauerlichste und spannendste Geschichten. Im Garten von Schloss Morgan in England wird die Jamaikanerin Abigail Riordan von einer fallenden Statue erschlagen, aber ihr Bruder glaubt nicht an einen tragischen Unfall. Seine Schwester war eine erfolgreiche Dämonenjägerin und was er in der Gruft des Schlosses vorfindet lässt seine schlimmsten Ängste wahr werden.In New York City wird Alan Bates von wiederkehrenden Albträumen geplagt: bei einem Prozess der Inquisition verflucht der Angeklagt den Richter und alle seine Nachfahren. Während Bates noch befürchtet, selbst von diesem Fluch betroffen zu sein, kommt es in New York schon zu schaurigen Mordfällen...Peter Dubina, geboren am 1. Juli 1940 in Iglau, Tschechoslowakei, zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Horror- und Western-Autoren deutscher Sprache. Er schrieb mehr als 100 Romane aus den Genres Horror, Western, Krimi und Science Fiction. Neben seinem bürgerlichen Namen verwendete Peter Dubina u.a. die Pseudonyme R. F. Garner, P. Derringer, Peter Burnett und John Kirby.Peter Dubina lebte und arbeitete bis zu seinem Freitod am 7. März 1990 in Illertissen im Allgäu.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Two best friends. One big lie. The best bake-off EVER.Bella Bradley is the queen of television baking – a national treasure. Her Christmas specials have been topping the ratings for years and her marriage to Peter ‘Silver Fox’ Bradley is the stuff of Hello magazine specials.But this year things are going to be different.For Amy Lane, Bella’s best friend from school, life hasn’t held quite the same sparkle. And when Amy’s husband walks out three weeks from Christmas, it seems their lives are further apart than ever.Amy has watched Bella’s rise to fame fondly, despite the fact Bella was always a terrible cook. But when she realises that Bella’s latest Christmas book is made up entirely of Amy’s mother’s recipes, the gloves are off...After winning a competition to appear on Bella’s TV show, Amy is going to make sure that for Bella and her viewers, this will definitely be a Christmas to remember...A hilarious, heart-breaking and feel-good read about best friends, baking and the magic of Christmas.What readers are saying about Bella’s Christmas Bake Off‘I never thought I'd laugh and cry as much as I did while reading this book. I wish I could give it 10 stars! I loved this story and hope others do too.’ The Final Chapter‘I genuinely laughed out loud reading Bella's Christmas Bake Off. It was a lovely, relaxing read, and one that really cheered me up. It has the perfect recipe of laughter, happiness and a little romance thrown in... I absolutely loved this book, it is a fab Christmas read and I highly recommend it. I give Bella’s Christmas Bake Off 5 Stars.’ Tea Lady Mumbles‘Within a matter of pages I was (as usual with these books) laughing my socks off and immediately fell in love with the slightly crazy Amy ... Sue Watson has such a knack for the humorous side of characters ... Her humour, writing style and stories never fail to hit the spot and are guaranteed to cheer me up, make me laugh and generally improve my mood.’ Best Crime Books and MoreOver 31,000 copies sold
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Amelia usually loves Christmas, but this year is her first one alone since her husband passed away – though she's not quite by herself.Somehow, she's been lumbered with a menagerie of pets over the holidays, no thanks to the new village vet closing the local kennels.Between a parrot, two tortoises, and god-knows-how-many baby mice, Amelia ends up seeing a lot more of Jules the vet than she planned to. And despite her neighbours' fury for the man who shut down a local institution, she can't help enjoying every moment she spends with Jules.She tells herself it doesn't really matter as Jules will surely be driven out of the village by this time next year. But as Amelia's about to discover... love isn't just for Christmas!A cosy and snow-filled read that will warm your heart, this novel is perfect for readers who love a Christmassy romance.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Can stepping out of your comfort zone lead you to ultimate happiness?Trudy Watts has everything she's ever dreamed of: a job that she loves, a successful boyfriend, and an ultra-modern apartment in one of the most fashionable parts of London.With a long-awaited promotion due to come her way and her wedding just around the corner, Trudy's life is just perfect... That is until catastrophe strikes and her life is turned upside down.She's transferred to Turriff, a remote Scottish town to manage a small, struggling bank branch. Her arrival is traumatic and she wishes she was anywhere but here...Until she sees him, Ethan, the charming pub landlord, who seems to enjoy nothing more than teasing her. And it's right there, in that pub, that her life will suddenly change...A feisty rom-com, perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Tilly Tennant and Kiley Dunbar.What readers are saying about ´The Difference Between You & Me´:'Easy going and light-hearted''A nice little rom-com... I really enjoyed it''Great to spend a few hours with and forget your troubles!'
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Listen to the book that inspired the upcoming film 'The Railway Children Return' starring Jenny Agutter, John Bradley, Tom Courtenay and BAFTA-winning actress Sheridan Smith.When Roberta, Phyllis and Peter's father is accused of being a spy and sent to prison, the children and their mother are forced to leave their comfortable city life for the countryside. They move into a small cottage called "Three Chimneys" close to a railway station.As the children settle into their new home, the railway soon becomes the centre of their lives: promising new friends, plenty of adventures, and perhaps even the key to bringing their father home..."The Railway Children" is a heart-warming, timeless classic of friendship, family and bravery.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
125,99 kr. Hoe belandt de piepjonge Jinnie, helemaal alleen en volledig uitgebuit, in een wreed werkhuis? Het is 1873 wanneer haar vader overlijdt en Jinnie zichzelf moet zien te redden. Na een afschuwelijke jeugd in het werkhuis, mag ze op vijftienjarige leeftijd dienstmeisje worden bij de familie Shaleman. Ze hoopt zich eindelijk veilig en geborgen te voelen, maar niets is minder waar. De familie heeft hele andere plannen voor haar in petto. Wacht er een beter leven voor Jinnie, nadat ze de mysterieuze Richard Baxton-Powell ontmoet?
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- 125,99 kr.
69,00 kr. Heltedigte spiller en helt central rolle i den ældste engelske litteraturhistorie og siger endvidere meget om livet og folkesjælen i de svundne tiders England. Professor i engelsk litteratur Andreas Haarder giver i "Det episke liv" fra 1979 en spændende indføring i den poetiske tradition i de klassiske engelske fortællinger, heltedigtningen som genre samt den kultur, digtene er udtryk for.Andreas Helt Geismar Haarder (1934-2014) var dansk forfatter og professor i engelsk litteratur ved Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Han udgav blandt andet bøger om klassiske myter og heltefortællinger, ældre engelsk litteraturhistorie samt folklore i England.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
102,99 kr. Lila had a favourite rock to sit on towards the back of the cove, where she often ate her breakfast, gazing out at the tumbling Cornish sea. As the sun rose that morning, Lila wished with all her heart that the grey-green waves could wash away her old life. That Magpie Cove would help her move on, and to forget...When aspiring pastry chef Lila Bridges flees her life in the city after a heartbreaking tragedy, she finds herself working behind the counter at Magpie Cove’s most beloved local establishment – Serafina’s Café. The sweet, buttery aroma of freshly baked chocolate croissants, the cheerful gossip of the regulars and the elderly owner Serafina’s feisty humour are a much-needed balm to Lila’s broken heart. For the first time since it happened, Lila is beginning to laugh again...But when Serafina unexpectedly passes away, the future of the café looks bleak. Nathan Da Costa, Serafina’s estranged son, inherits, and returns to Magpie Cove determined to inject some big-city glamour into the place. To Lila, it seems impossible that dour, money-obsessed Nathan could be related to dear Serafina. He may have his mother’s mop of curly dark hair and deep brown eyes, but he has none of her warmth or heart.Lila needs this job and the sense of peace the town has brought her, so she’s determined to make it work with Nathan as her new boss. But her resolution is tested when the secret Lila has been keeping about what brought her to the cove begins to unravel, just as she discovers an unexpected, sweeter side to Nathan. Will trusting Nathan Da Costa with her long-held secret be Lila’s new beginning in Magpie Cove, or her emotional undoing?Be totally transported to the windswept beaches of Cornwall with this heart-warming and unputdownable story that will leave a huge smile on your face. Perfect for fans of Shari Low, Veronica Henry and Heidi Swain.What readers are saying about Secrets of Magpie Cove:‘Absolutely beautiful and perfect read!!... Completely swept me away... compelling and addictive, heart-lifting read that kept me turning the pages until late at night... absolutely fantastic!’ Bookworm86‘Delightful... lots of lovely characters, gorgeous setting... There are plenty of laugh out loud scenarios, a few heartbreaking revelations and lots of love, too, making this a marvellous read to escape into... highly recommend!’ Splashes into Books‘All the feels, this was a wonderful escape and a charming read... I absolutely loved this... The characters felt like old friends, while the plot twists and turns kept me completely engrossed.’ Page Turners Blog,‘Oh my goodness, what a story. I want to visit Magpie Cove and Serafina's Cafe!’ @karen_loves_readingKennedy Kerr has written and published poetry, children's and adult books. She lives in London and is originally from the West Country, which gave her accent a subtle (yet noticeable) pirate twang as well as a love of cream teas and all things mystical. She is the proud owner of a cuddly black cat called Twinkle, who evidently believes she is a princess. Kennedy also loves cooking and baking all types of food, which is almost as much fun as eating it.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. The dashing Duke of Selchester is on his way to visit Lord Upminster at Copple Hall when a stagecoach crashes into his own travelling carriage, buckling its wheel.Worse still, his beloved pedigree stallion, Salamanca, needs re-shoeing.Arriving on foot at the nearest village, he finds a beautiful Verena Winchcombe, who agrees to take him to the local blacksmith.It transpires that she has been awaiting the arrival of someone she calls 'the Odious Duke', who is due at Copple Hall. With horror, the Duke realises that she is talking about him so he introduces himself by his rank as Major Theron Royd instead of his noble title.Verena confides in the Duke about strange goings-on at an old, perhaps haunted, Priory and he agrees to investigate with her. During the visit, he is bludgeoned unconscious by a mysterious assailant.Awaking at Verena's home, he realises that there is much more to this feisty but beautiful young woman than meets the eye as she helps nurse him back to health after serious wounds to his head.Unaware of her the stranger's true identity, Verena begins to fall for the Duke and the two find themselves embroiled in a perilous adventure with murdered bullion thieves.An action-packed adventure story, with a classic regency romance at the heart, a tale perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Lisa Kleypas.British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Prepare to be captivated by one of the most poignant and heart-warming books you will read this year, perfect for readers who loved One Day in December. Alison’s perfect world has fallen apart. Her beloved larger than life mother-in-law, Maggie, has just passed away. Every afternoon they’d talk and laugh over a pot of tea - and Maggie was secretly the glue that held Alison’s family together. Now she’s trying to figure out a future without her...With a little help from her two best friends, Alison resolves to try and find her happy place and be more Maggie. Vowing to step outside of their comfort zones and make the most of every day, the three women each have their own challenges to overcome in the year ahead - a baby on the way, a romance to save, and a much-needed confidence boost.But as Alison finds herself drinking more wine than she ever has in her life and signing up for an extreme sports charity event, she starts to wonder if this is really the change she needed in her life? Or will she re-discover her happiness closer to home?What readers are saying about The Happiness Project:‘I completely loved this book and devoured it in one day as it was too good to put down... perfect humour... endearing and heart-warming... an uplifting and feel-good story that will leave you wanting more...’ Stacy is Reading, 5 stars‘Warm and uplifting... The story rockets along and will have you laughing and crying.’ Mrs W, 5 stars‘A stellar novel of friendship, motherhood, and happiness.’ Plucked from the Stacks, 5 stars‘Wonderful and so endearing... Having me laughing at one point and crying the next. It is a heart-warming story full of friendship, families, love and loss.’ Stardust Book Reviews‘An uplifting tale about friendship, family, and kicking-ass at womanhood... The novel is hilarious... Warm and enticing... Making me chuckle.’ Jessica Ryn‘A truly fabulous feel-good read ... It's a brilliant story of friendship.’ Mum Reinvented, 5 starsGrowing up in Birmingham, Pippa James was never without at least one book on the go and therefore lived several different lives concurrently. As an adult, she would like to spend much of her time the same way, but she now lives a chaotic life in a small Derbyshire town with her husband and two children. Her writing is frequently interrupted by parenting duties and her day job as a teacher and the only way she can find a quiet space to think, is by taking her laptop to the pub, which she does at every opportunity.
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- 102,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Imperious, handsome and gallant in battle, the Duke of Kingswood has stolen the hearts of many society belles but he is determined never to marry. To continue the family line, he is counting on his cousin and heir presumptive, Richard, to marry well and produce a son.To the Duke’s horror, Richard falls for society siren and acclaimed beauty Lady Delyth Maulden and disaster turns to tragedy when Richard finds his beloved in the arms of another, shoots him and turns his gun on himself.With Richard at death’s door, the Duke is determined that he shall find a more suitable young beauty to mend his broken heart and thwart Lady Delyth’s scheming ways. Enter the beautiful, grey-eyed waif, Benedicta Calvine. When the Duke helps her ailing father as he rides through his estate, the two's lives become entwined.Could this modest, unassuming beauty be the ideal bride the Duke seeks for Richard or will his own feelings begin to get in the way...?A light-hearted, swoony-worthy regency romance, perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Lisa KleypasBritish author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.