38,99 kr. Walter Schnaff is unlike the other soldiers in the Prussian army. While his brothers-in-arms advance through Normandy with the intent of subjugating the French and achieving victory, Walter is a pacifist who can’t stand the thought of killing. Yet when his unit is ambushed, Walter’s philosophy is tested to its limits. Can pacifism prevail when the enemy is closing in on all sides?Guy de Maupassant’s short story "Walter Schnaffs’ Adventure" explores the horrors of the 1870 Franco-Prussian war and poses important questions about what it means to be a soldier.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When the Baronne de Grangerie attempts to imitate the gestures of a woman in the window on the opposite side of the street, she gets much more than she bargained for. Will she make her next move based on her sensual appetites, or will her conscience prevail? With his short story "The Signal" from 1886, Guy de Maupassant conveys the little dramas and daily preoccupations of the rich and bored bourgeois. Maupassant himself was famously fascinated with lower class women and prostitution – but with "The Signal", he ironically moves the brothel to the boudoir in a clash of social class.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev. Some of his best known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "The Thief" tells the tragic story of a soldier enamoured with life and with a girl as disquieting and wayward as she is beautiful.Through masterful storytelling within a story, Guy de Maupassant portrays a fiery and passionate romance, initiated in secrecy and heartbreakingly brought to light, when on one dark, fateful evening, the soldier is mistaken for a thief.With "The Thief", Maupassant calls upon the reader to question the nature of crime, the appropriateness of juridical punishment in nineteenth-century France, and the willingness to sacrifice everything in the name of love.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the short story. Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories mainly focus on the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev. Some of his best-known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Two old school friends meet in a café in Paris, but their chance meeting turns into a surprise for one of them. Aged, dirty, and with fingernails blackened with tobacco, Jean des Barrets has fallen on hard times since the days of his lordship, and to the dismay of his friend now passes his days drinking beers, or "Bocks". The two discuss how fate has led them down differing paths, and whether Barrets’ lifestyle is, in fact, so different from the rest of us.Family issues, anger, pain, and mistakes fill this short story to the brim. A philosophical tease for fans of Flaubert or Camus, Maupassant tackles themes of poverty and childhood trauma with compassion, elegance, and understanding.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. First published in 1898 ‘The Refugees’ is a historical tale by the famous ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Set largely in France at the end of the 17th century, the novel follows the story of a group of Huguenot’s whose very existence in France is under threat. Forced to flee persecution, they must make the perilous journey to freedom in Canada where they will have to try and make new lives for themselves. Full of vibrant characters, this is a fascinating story by the Victorian author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Matilda cannot wait for her husband to be away so she can invite Captain Sommerive into her house and heart. But as their love affair grows more passionate, Matilda begins to see that the secret could cost her everything. With her fifteen month old son crying at the very sight of her lover, and the Captain himself growing bolder by the minute, it seems inevitable that Matilda’s husband must discover the betrayal.In this short story Maupassant paints a dark and satirical portrayal of the lives of women, exploring the tragedy of a cycle of neglect with pointed wit and a wicked sense of humour.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
Fra 58,99 kr. Brandes es un pintor que reflexiona sobre su vida ahora que esta está llegando a su final. Consciente de que todo se acaba, nos muestra sus mejores momentos y los peores, en una existencia marcada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la desaparición de su madre y el dolor de perder un hijo. En La decisión de Brandes, Márquez nos habla de sentimientos y vivencias, de colores y de la esencia de las cosas. Escribe sobre los pequeños gestos de resistencia contra la opresión y de lo que significa ser humano. Con la fuerza de los recuerdos vividos y la nostalgia de la vejez, el autor escribe una novela intensa, potente y muy íntima.Eduard Márquez (Barcelona, 1960) es un escritor de poesía, literatura infantil, juvenil y adulta, entre otros. Empezó como escritor de poesía con libros como La travesía innecesaria (1991), pero ya a partir del año 2000, se adentró en la literatura infantil, del cual es un autor prolífico. Con más de quince obras publicadas, ha quedado finalista en el premi Llibreter y ha ganado el premio de la Crítica de narrativa catalana, el QWERTY y el premio Octavi Pellissa.
149,99 kr. Juin 1974, Marseille. Marie-Dolores Rambla, huit ans, est enlevée sous les yeux de son petit frère et retrouvée morte deux jours plus tard, le corps lardé de quinze coups de couteau et le crâne fracassé. Aucune trace de violences sexuelles, pas de mobile. Un crime gratuit pour lequel Christian Ranucci sera guillotiné deux ans plus tard.Derrière l'affaire du « Pull-over rouge », le destin tragique du frère de Marie-Dolores, Jean-Baptiste Rambla, aujourd'hui en attente d'être jugé en appel pour le meurtre, en juillet 2017, d'une femme de 21 ans. En état de récidive, il avait bénéficie d'une libération conditionnelle après avoir été condamné, en 2008, pour le meurtre de sa patronne. Les deux victimes ont été massacrées.Le destin de cet homme interroge celui de sa famille, disloquée par la perte et le chagrin, emportée dans la tourmente judiciaire, broyée par la machine médiatique. Comment se construire dans un tel chaos ?Revenir sur la tragédie de Jean Rambla, c'est aussi se replonger dans une époque : les années 70, la France de Giscard, quand les cites marseillaises étaient encore riantes, le débat sur la peine de mort suscitait les passions.Concis, humain, passionnant, ce récit raconte une époque et ses destins. Entre doute et intime conviction : une quête de vérité.Coll. “Intime conviction” © Les Presses de la Cité, 2022Agnès Grossmann vit à Paris, elle est journaliste (télévision et presse écrite), ancienne présentatrice des journaux sur RFI et Radio Classique, réalisatrice de télévision (documentaires, reportages notamment pour Faites entrer /'accuse). Elle a enquêté sur les affaires Omar Raddad, Francis Heaulme, Patrick Dils, Roberto Succo.
- Lydbog
- 149,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Julie, een jonge Engelse, komt naar Parijs even voordat de Tweede Wereldoorlog losbreekt. Ze neemt een rol op in het verzet, maar haar verzetsgroep wordt geïnfiltreerd door een Franse collaborateur. Samen met haar zoontje en een Joodse wetenschapper die aan radartechnologie werkt gaat Julie aan boord van een kleine zeilboot. De Duitsers zitten hen op de hielen en hebben er veel voor over om de wetenschapper in handen te krijgen. De overtocht naar Engeland belooft woelig te worden. Een ijzersterk gedocumenteerde oorlogsroman, die in de tweede helft de allures van een thriller krijgt. Dat de auteur ervaring had met zeilboten, maakt het allemaal nog een stuk geloofwaardiger.Clare Francis (1946) zeilde twee keer de Atlantische Oceaan over in een zeilboot. Ze was de eerste vrouw die de "Whitbread Around the World"-zeilrace won. Toen ze haar ervaringen aan boord begon op te schrijven, merkte ze voor het eerst dat ze schrijftalent had. Tussen 1983 en 2008 publiceerde ze 12 romans, waaronder verschillende bestsellers. Enkele van haar boeken zijn ook verfilmd.
- E-bog
- 111,99 kr.
32,99 kr. Pan Trebolino, szef francuskiego oddziału detektywistycznego, szuka ciepła przy kominku w swoim gabinecie. Wkrótce będzie musiał opuścić przytulny kąt i wyjść na paryskie - wyjątkowo mroźne jak na marzec - ulice, by rozbić szajkę fałszerzy pieniędzy. Na kanwie książki w 1928 r. powstał film "The Forger".Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) - angielski pisarz i scenarzysta, autor popularnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych. Nie miał łatwego startu. Był nieślubnym dzieckiem aktorki wychowywanym przez rodzinę tragarza. Edukację zakończył na szkole podstawowej i tuż po niej rozpoczął pracę. Po uzyskaniu pełnoletności przystąpił do Royal West Kent Regiment i służył w Południowej Afryce. Jego talent dosłownie eksplodował w 1905 r., kiedy ukazała się jego powieść "Zemsta Sprawiedliwych". W ciągu kolejnych dwudziestu ośmiu lat napisał ok. 170 książek, kilkanaście sztuk teatralnych i wiele scenariuszy filmowych, do "King-Konga" z 1932 r. Nie używał pióra, treść swoich książek rejestrował na dyktafonie, skąd spisywała je maszynistka.
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- 32,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Frenchman Louis de Laval is the son of an exiled aristocrat, whose uncle is trying to persuade him to return to his native country to join Napoleon’s army. It soon becomes apparent however that his uncle has lured him back under false pretences, and Louis finds himself in considerable danger as he gets caught up in an intrigue which threatens the life of the emperor he has come to support. Full of treachery and double dealings, this is a thrilling short story from the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Her beloved France was torn apart by the First World War and yet Edith Wharton still felt compelled to put pen to paper.Inspired by some of her own experiences, ‘A Son at the Front’ tells the story of George, who is enlisted into the French Army. However, the focus falls firmly on the family left behind: George’s divorced mother and father, and his stepfather. To make matters even more complicated, George’s parents are American, leaving them feeling like strangers in a strange land.‘A Son at the Front’ explores themes of social expectations, unfulfilled dreams, pride, and broken marriages. While Wharton is better known for her searing satires on the American upper classes, ‘A Son at the Front’ is one of many books featuring France and the First World War. A gripping read from one of the most celebrated authors of the 20th Century.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.
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- 102,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Dark secrets are revealed when two aristocratic old friends embark on a journey through their memories in Guy de Maupassant’s "The Son." At 25, one of the men committed a crime on a walking tour in Brittany, France and when he returns many years later, he is confronted with the poor monster brought on by his own horrid actions. With "The Son", Maupassant illustrates the conflict between classes, between the privileged and underprivileged, in a story of exploited women and ill-fated children of the lower class.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the short story. Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev. Some of his best known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. In the early years of the 20th Century, Edith Wharton took the road trip of a lifetime across France with the celebrated author, Henry James (author of ‘Turn of the Screw,’ later adapted for TV, featuring ‘Downton Abbey’ star Michelle Dockery). Accompanied by Edith’s husband, their chauffeur, and Wharton's two dogs, they travelled the French countryside, stopping wherever inspiration struck.The result, ‘A Motor-Flight Through France,’ is a chronicle of the French villages, towns, and cities they visited. Wharton, with an innate appreciation for architecture, perfectly captures the beauty of turn-of-the-century France, detailing their stop-offs with evocative descriptions. From the food, they ate to the people they met, ‘A Motor-Flight Through France’ is an important chronicle of the country at a time when Italy was setting its military sites on it. A superb read for Wharton fans, and those with an interest in history and travel.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When the beautiful and powerful Countess Samoris arrives in Paris, she is dressed all in black. She has come to attend her daughter’s funeral, a bright and innocent girl whose death has sparked a singular mystery: who killed Yvette Samoris? Powerful in its depiction of the French upper-class, "Yvette Samoris" explores the bedchambers of high-society courtesans and the hypocrisy of their visitors. Guy de Maupassant leaves a lasting commentary on our indifference and the exploitation of the lower classes; a tender adieu to innocence.A perfect match for readers of "Madame Bovary" or "An Inspector Calls". Can people be trusted on their appearances, or is there always something vile and sinister lurking behind the façade?Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Madame de X. writes letters to Madame de L. - lots of letters. She writes about her relationship struggles, the difficulty of love, and most importantly, men. Madame de X. simply cannot believe their lack of manners, composure, and tact. A series of seemingly polite letters quickly transforms into a fast-paced and witty yet heated exchange. This epistolary adventure is unmissable for those who enjoyed Anton Chekhov's short stories.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French writer. Famed for being a master of the short story, he also wrote travel books and occasionally dabbled in poetry. His stories mainly focus on the relationships between men and women sitting at crossroads in their lives - whether personal or professional. His dramatic flair is largely influenced by French novelist Gustave Flaubert and is perfect for fans of Anton Chekhov's short stories. The most notable of the 300 short stories that he wrote include 'Bel Ami', 'Une Vie', and 'The Dumpling'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
59,99 kr. What young man wouldn't fall in love with an elegant and beautiful older lady? When that lady is much older and married though, the situation becomes much more complicated!'Sentimental Education' follows the amorous adventures of young Frédéric Moreau, a law student who falls in love with Madam Arnoux, the wife of a wealthy merchant. In the dynamic atmosphere of Paris, which is shaken by social and political revolutions, the paths of Moreau and Madam Arnoux will cross and re-cross over the years, transforming him into the prisoner of a passion he could not escape.Regarded as the pioneer of the contemporary novel, it draws a panorama of the lost dreams of a generation stuck amid the conflicts of its own time: mid-19th century France marked by political reforms and major events such as the Second Monarchy, the Revolutions of 1848, and the Second Republic. Described by Flaubert himself as 'the moral history of the men of my generation', 'Sentimental Education' is a fine blend of a love story and historical realism that has something for every reader.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a highly influential French novelist listed among the greatest representatives of realism. He is best known for his scandalous masterpiece 'Madame Bovary' (1857) which is considered as a watershed not only in 19th-century realism but in world literature. It has been adapted for the TV many times, most notably as a three part BBC series in 2000 and a movie in 2014.His works 'Salammbô' (1862), 'A Sentimental Education' (1869), and 'The Memoirs of a Madman' (1838) are just few examples of his literary craftsmanship. A complete perfectionist in his writing, Flaubert has been admired for his aesthetic ideals and his work influenced the development of the novel in Europe, America and around the globe.
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- 59,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Arthur Burdon är en framgångsrik läkare i sina bästa år och bor med sina vackra fästmö Margaret i Paris. En kväll på restaurangen Chien Noir blir de presenterade för en man vid namn Oliver Haddo. Han sägs vara magiker och gör starkt intryck på alla närvarande – inte bara på grund av sitt frånstötande yttre utan även för de krafter han påstår sig besitta. Han säger sig till exempel vara immun mot varje plåga och varje fruktan, och dessutom sitta inne på återuppståndelsens hemlighet och odödlighetens nyckel. Efter mötet med Haddo blir relationen mellan det förälskade paret allt mer spänd. Och en dag får Arthur höra att Margaret ska gifta sig med den korpulente magikern. Hon som hyste ett sådant förakt mot denne man. Vad har hänt? Är det verkligen Margaret själv som har fattat det fullständigt obegripliga beslutet?W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) var en av de mest uppskattade engelska författarna av sin tid. Hans författarskap är brett och rymmer alla genrer, och han var dessutom en av den tidens bäst betalda författarna.
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- 50,99 kr.
99,00 kr. Charles Baudelaires legendariske digtsamling "Les fleurs du mal", på dansk "Helvedesblomsterne", "Ondskabens blomster" eller "Syndens blomster", er et af 1800-tallets vigtigste digteriske værker. Digtene beskriver digterens moralske forfald, hans flugt fra virkeligheden og den ondskab og lidelse, han ser overalt omkring sig.Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) var en fransk digter, kunstkritiker og oversætter. Han var en af de mest indflydelsesrige franske digtere i 1800-tallet, og særligt hans digtsamlinger "Helvedesblomster" (1857) og "Parisisk spleen" (1862) er blevet klassikere, der læses overalt i verden.
148,99 kr. La cultura de la Belle Époque idolatraba a los cazadores de imágenes. Los pintores, retratistas y cineastas se habían convertido en notarios de la alegría de vivir burguesa. En ese contexto, los Lumière encarnarán el modelo de este arquetipo social. Su descubrimiento de la instantánea, con la que fijan la realidad en impresiones, es el primer paso del arte cinematográfico, la vida en movimiento.Con el mismo frenesí inventor de los Lumière, Jean Flandrin, empleado de la familia, visitará al padre del impresionismo, Claude Monet, para encontrar respuestas cromáticas. Las tribulaciones afectivas del químico de los Lumière, las artimañas policiales en el París de fin de siglo, el diálogo entre la pintura y el cine conforman una trama que culmina en la conquista de la foto en colores. Este optimismo fugaz quedará enterrado en las trincheras de la Gran Guerra, sin embargo, en adelante, la memoria pasará a leerse en imágenes.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Pedro García Martín es un escritor español, catedrático de Historia Moderna por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Es escritor de ensayo y de narrativa histórica. En 2008 recibió el Premio Ciudad de Salamanca por su novela «El químico de los Lumière».
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
43,99 kr. I E. Phillips Oppenheims debutroman inom spiongenren får vi följa den franska rojalisten Sabin, som konspirerar för att återuppliva den franska monarkin och sätta sin egen släkting på tronen. Hans plan är storslagen. Steg ett är att lägga vantarna på värdefulla dokument, innehållande information om det engelska försvaret. Steg två är att överlämna dem till Tyskland – i utbyte mot deras erövring av Frankrike för att återinföra monarkin. Men en sak har Sabin inte tagit med i beräkningen: den unge lord Wolfenden, som riskerar att förstöra allt ...Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) var en populär engelsk författare från London. Han skrev ofta fartfyllda böcker med glamorösa karaktärer och storslagna intriger. Under första världskriget och mellankrigstiden var han en utav spiongenrens mest uppskattade författare. Flera av hans verk filmatiserades även under 1900-talets första hälft.
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- 43,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Set during the Hundred Years War, ‘Sir Nigel’ follows the fortunes of Sir Nigel Loring. A minor noble, Sir Nigel is down on his luck following the premature death of his Lord. Nigel longs to become a true knight – to engage in righteous battles and live a life ruled by chivalry and honour. The story follows Nigel as he sets out to achieve his dreams, encountering pettiness, corruption, and romance along the way. Packed full of adventure, humour and excitement, ‘Sir Nigel’ is a prequel to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s earlier novel ‘The White Company’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
73,99 kr. "Gaan we weer stijgen?""Nee. Integendeel.""Zijn we aan het dalen?""Erger dan dat, kapitein! We vallen!"Vijf krijgsgevangenen ontsnappen in een luchtballon tijdens een belegering. Ze worden ver uit koers geblazen en dagen later storten ze neer op een schijnbaar verlaten eiland. Na verloop van tijd slagen ze erin een behoorlijk bestaan op te bouwen op het eiland, maar op een dag zien ze een piratenschip aan de horizon.Duidelijk beïnvloed door 'Robinson Crusoe' weet Jules Verne een intrigerend mysterie aaneen te rijgen met grote plotwendingen en verrassingen overal in het verhaal.'Het geheimzinnige eiland' heeft al veel filmadaptaties geïnspireerd, waaronder 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island' met Dwayne Johnson in de hoofdrol.Jules Verne (1828-1905) werd geboren in de Franse havenstad Nantes en had advocaat moeten worden zoals zijn vader, maar hij rende vroeg van huis weg om toneelstukken en artikelen voor tijdschriften te schrijven. Zijn samenwerking met de uitgever Pierre-Jules Hetzel leidde tot de magisch populaire boekenreeks 'Voyages extraordinaires', of 'Buitengewone reizen'. Beroemde titels in deze serie zijn onder andere 'Naar het middelpunt der aarde' (1864), 'Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee' (1870) en 'De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen' (1873). Verne deed altijd uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor hij met schrijven begon.Jules Verne is ten onrechte geclassificeerd als kinderschrijver vanwege de verkorte en vervormde versies van zijn boeken, terwijl hij als auteur in Frankrijk de artistieke avant-garde heeft beïnvloed.Jules Verne is de op één na meest vertaalde auteur ter wereld - tussen Agatha Christie en William Shakespeare in - en wordt vaak de vader van het genre sciencefiction genoemd.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
38,99 kr. While Wharton is best known for her searing autopsies on American aristocracy, ‘Verses’ reveals a more introspective side of the author. This was her first work, published by her parents, and swiftly to be followed by ‘The House of Mirth’ and ‘The Age of Innocence,’ the ladder which was adapted for the silver screen in 1993, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, and Michelle Pfeiffer.‘Verses’ reveals Wharton’s love for Shakespeare, in poems such as ‘Heaven,’ and ‘Maiden Arise.’ Through her work, the author explores the themes of life, love, and death, and sets aside some well-chosen words to write about the changing of the seasons. A wonderful read for Wharton fans who want to get to know the glass ceiling breaking author a little bit better.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When you turn 32, you die. That’s the fate of the male descendants of the Chabrillane family who have all perished on their 32nd birthday.The curse began over 600 years ago, the night Henri Chabrillane killed the alchemist Michel Mauvis. Michel’s son, Charles, swore revenge on Henri and his descendants and from that day forth, no male Chabrillane has ever lived to thirty-three years of age.Now, Antoine, the Count de Chabrillane and the last of his line, is approaching his 32nd birthday. Alone in the family's crumbling castle, he must face the Chabrillane curse.‘The Alchemist’ is a short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1908, when he was still a teenager and first published in 1916.Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) was an American author of horror, fantasy and science fiction. He is best known for his short stories of weird fiction, including ‘The Call of Cthulhu’, ‘At the Mountains of Madness’, ‘The Shadow over Innsmouth’, and ‘The Shadow Out of Time’.Lovecraft's writing did not grant him fame or fortune during his life. He died without the acclaim his work now generates. Credited with inventing cosmic horror, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential horror writers of the 20th Century,Inspired by the likes of Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, and Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft’s work has influenced writers and filmmakers such as Guillermo del Toro, Neil Gaiman, Thomas Ligotti and Stephen King.H.P Lovecraft was inducted into the Museum of Pop Culture's Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2016.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
103,99 kr. ¿Los monstruos siempre se quedan en el libro en el que nacieron? ¿Están conectadas a la vida exterior sus vidas del papel y nunca ponen un pie en el mundo real?Marcus Sedgwick, autor best seller internacional, escribe sobre los monstruos que hemos creado, tanto en la literatura, como en nuestras propias mentes en esta reinterpretación del Frankenstein de Mary Shelley.1816. Villa Diodati, a las orillas del Lago Lemán: el Año sin Verano. Mientras Byron Polidori y el Sr. y la Sra. Shelley leen viejas historias e imaginan otras nuevas, todas ellas relacionadas con fantasmas. Nacido de la imaginación de los Shelley se encuentra Frankenstein, una de las historias de terror más influyentes de todos los tiempos.En una casa de una remota montaña, en lo más alto de los Alpes Franceses, un escritor se encuentra criando a la creación de los Shelley. La realidad y la percepción de unen, alimentadas por pensamientos envenenados. La humanidad crea monstruos; pero ¿quién crea a quién realmente? Este es un libro sobre la razón, la imaginación y sobre los actos relacionados con la lectura y la escritura.Esta fantasmagórica novela de Marcus Sedgwick constituye una celebración al legado de Mary Shelley, ahora que se cumple el bicentenario de su creación.Marcus Sedgwick nació y creció en el East Kent al sureste de Inglaterra. Actualmente vive en los Alpes Franceses. Ganador de varios premios literarios, entre los que destacan el Michael L. Printz y los dos Printz Honors en 2011 y 2016. Ha sido juez de varios premios, incluyendo el Guardian Children's Fiction Prize y el Costa Book Awards. También ha ilustrado algunas de sus propias novelas.
- Lydbog
- 103,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Set during the Hundred Years War, ‘The White Company’ is a historical adventure novel by famous ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Young Alleyne has been brought up in the sheltered world of a Catholic Monastery. When he discovers the world outside the monastery walls, he quickly makes friends before joining The White Company – a group of skilful archers led by the knight Sir Nigel Loring. Together with The White Company, Alleyne sets out on an adventurous quest across Europe. Full of danger and excitement, this is an incredibly detailed historical novel.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Set between a pre-war London and Paris, this is a thrilling tale of international espionage and intrigue from the popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim. Captain Austen Rotherby is in Paris on a revenge mission when he encounters the lovely Felicia Delora. Back in London, her uncle Maurice mysteriously disappears, and the pair find themselves unwittingly caught up in an international plot.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. The play "Ruy Blas" explores the life of an ordinary poet and servant, Ruy Blas, who has secretly fallen in love with the Queen of Spain. His master plots revenge against the unfit king Charles II, and Ruy finds himself in the middle of political intrigues, murders, and sinister machinations. Hugo’s strength lies in the dramatic portrayal of the characters, as Ruy stands for the oppressed and low-standing members of society. A fast-paced and intricate, "Ruy Blas" is a tale about struggling and aspiring people, fighting for their future and against injustice.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) was a prolific French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, and statesman. His name is often associated with the Romantic movement in France. He was also an ardent politician, supporting republicanism. His best known works include "Les Miserables", "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame", "The Man Who Laughs", witnessing countless big screen adaptations.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Un diamante, il sesto diamante più grande al mondo, donato da un Raja indiano ad un ufficiale inglese, è il fulcro della "detective story" che apre questa raccolta di racconti di Luis Stevenson. Attorno ad esso ruotano i sogni, le speranze e le brame dei personaggi che fanno la loro comparsa tra le pagine del libro, che siano la moglie dell'ufficiale o un suo servo effeminato, un giovane prete, un avido detective o un principe di Boemia. Tutti inseguono un tesoro destinato a far soffrire chiunque se ne voglia impossessare.Gli altri due racconti della raccolta sono ambientati nella Francia di fine Medioevo e i due protagonisti, un giovane cavaliere e un poeta vagabondo, cercano entrambi un rifugio per la notte. Diversa però sarà la loro fortuna e diversa la condizione in cui si ritroveranno la mattina dopo.Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (1850-1894) è stato uno dei maggiori autori di romanzi dell'era vittoriana, spaziando dal romanzo d'avventura a quello storico, del fantastico e dell'orrore. Le sue storie di maggior successo, "L'isola del tesoro" e "Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde" sono oggi dei classici della letteratura inglese. Nato in Scozia in una famiglia di ingegneri, costruttori di fari, fu costretto dalla sua salute cagionevole a lasciare il Paese. Finì con l'imbarcarsi per i Mari del Sud per poi stabilirsi nell'arcipelago di Samoa, dove visse fino alla morte tra gli indigeni, che lo chiamavano Tusitala, "narratore di storie".
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.