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  • af Carl Jung, Charles Baudelaire, Dalai Lama, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Take a tour of some of the most extraordinary thinkers in history with ‘500 Quotes from Great Minds´.Packed with cherry-picked thoughts, reflections, and observations, it offers inspiring insights into almost every aspect of life, from love and death to art and politics.A superb addition to any coffee table, ‘500 Quotes from Great Minds´ is ideal for those who need a bit of extra motivation.Born in Paris, Charles Baudelaire (1821 – 1867) was one of the most highly-regarded poets of the 19th century. His works focused on the destruction of nature in the shadow of industrialisation. Lao Zi (1368 – 1644) is credited as the founding father of Taoism. Thought to have lived at the same time as Confucius, he wrote the Tao Te Ching.Born in Tibet, the first Dalai Lama (1391 – 1474) started life as a shepherd before studying as a monk and receiving a vision during meditation. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist, who had a huge impact on psychology as a science.

  • af Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Known as the ‘Age of Enlightenment,’ the 1700s was a time that provoked significant leaps in philosophical thought.Most importantly, the thinkers of the time espoused the virtues of happiness, the evidence provided by the senses, and the distance between organised religion and the state.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 18th Century’ offers a fascinating insight into the philosophical revolution that was taking place at the time.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in philosophy.Nicolas de Chamfort (1741 – 1794) was a political philosopher who attacked the French monarchy through antiroyalist writing. Also born in France, Denis Diderot (1713 – 1784) was a writer and central figure in the Age of Enlightenment.Scottish economist, Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) wrote treatises on morality and economics. German physicist, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 – 1799) satirised superstition and wrote extensively about natural phenomena. Pierre Beaumarchais (1732 – 1799) was a French playwright, spy, diplomat, and watchmaker.

  • af Miguel De Cervantes, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolas Machiavel, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    Known as the High Renaissance period, the philosophy of the 1500s leaned towards establishing the relationship between the human body and the human soul. Logic was waning as a philosophical ideal and, instead, the focus fell on human nature.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 16th Century’ cherry-picks some of the most profound and insightful observations from some of the finest minds of that era.A superb gift for history buffs and philosophy fans alike.Miguel de Cervantes (1547 – 1616) was born in Spain and went on to become one of the most important figures in Spanish literature. His use of colloquialism and ordinary speech challenged the overblown structures of traditional literature of the time. Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat and philosopher who condoned the use of unscrupulous means in politics. Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa,’ while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af Maurice Leblanc
    42,99 kr.

    A classic crime caper featuring the daring gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin, a master of disguise, a criminal genius, and a man intent on righting wrongs when Justice can't be bothered.In this gripping tale, Lupin has set himself a challenge: to rob the millions stashed in Madame Imbert's safe. But Imbert’s private mansion is a fortress. Can Lupin outwit the police and unlock the secrets within the safe?Guaranteed to keep you guessing until the very end, this tale is perfect for fans of ´Knives Out´ and ´Glass Onion´.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’, who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.

  • af Emil Cioran, Carl Jung, Gaston Bachelard, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    While we tend to think of the great thinkers as hailing from Ancient Greece, the 20th century has had more than its fair share of sharp minds.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 20th Century’ is a collection of reflections, insights, and observations from some of the best brains of that era.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in history or philosophy.Born in Ohio, Ambrose Bierce (1842 – 1914) went on to write one of the greatest American novels of all time, ‘The Devil’s Dictionary.’ Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who founded the science of psychoanalysis. A Romanian, Emil Cioran (1911-1995) was an acclaimed philosopher who embraced nihilism and pessimism in his ideology.One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist who had a huge impact on psychology as a science. Gaston Bachelard (1884 – 1962) was born in Bar-sur-Aube and went on to become an important scientific philosopher.

  • af Emil Cioran, Epictetus, Gaston Bachelard & mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    While most of us have heard of the likes of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, there is a host of less-famous philosophers who have just as much to say.‘400 Quotes from Little-known Philosophers’ is a collection of thoughts, observations, and reflections made by those that history hasn’t chosen for the Big League.Spanning the centuries, these quotes are just as fascinating, insightful, and relevant, as those whose names are synonymous with philosophy.A superb and inspirational book to browse through, ‘400 Quotes from Little-known Philosophers’ is ideal for anyone needing a bit of extra motivation throughout their day.Born in Ohio, Ambrose Bierce (1842 – 1914) went on to write one of the greatest American novels of all time, ‘The Devil’s Dictionary.’ A Romanian, Emil Cioran (1911 – 1995) was an acclaimed philosopher, who embraced nihilism and pessimism in his ideology.A former slave, Epictetus (50 AD – C 135) went on to promote philosophy as a way of life rather than a set of beliefs. Gaston Bachelard (1884 – 1962) was born in Bar-sur-Aube and went on to become an important scientific philosopher.

  • af Paul Valery, Jean Giraudoux, André Gide, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    "700 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 20th Century" is a wonderful collection of wit and wisdom from some of the greatest French writers ever.From Anatole France and Jules Renard to Marcel Proust and André Gide, this carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire, amuse, and entertain.Ideal for those needing a dose of encouragement.These French literary giants are responsible for some of the most famous French novels and poems ever written, including "Carrot Top", "The Little Prince", and "In Search of Lost Time".

  • af Alfred de Musset
    42,99 kr.

    This wondrous collection contains 100 of Alfred de Musset’s most celebrated quotes, including ´How glorious it is – and also how painful – to be an exception.´ and ´Romanticism is the abuse of adjectives´.This collection is guaranteed to educate, amuse and surprise, and it is perfect for those who need an extra bit of motivation throughout their day.French writer Alfred de Musset (1810-1857) was a pioneering Romantic poet and novelist, acclaimed for his first collection of poems, "Contes d'Espagne et d'Italie" (Tales of Spain and Italy), and honored with the Légion d'honneur in 1845.

  • af Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    "600 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 18th Century" features the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest French writers ever,From Montesquieu and Voltaire to Denis Diderot and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, this carefully crafted collection is an entertaining, educational and enthralling insight into the finest minds of the 18th Century.Ideal for those needing a dose of encouragement.These French literary giants are responsible for some of the worlds most famous works, including "Candide", "Discourse on Inequality" and "The Social Contract".

  • af Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexandre Dumas, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Guy de Maupassant, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, and Fyodor Dostoevsky, are just some of the famous writers whose wit and wisdom are included in this audiobook, "700 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 19th Century".Between them, these authors are responsible for some of the most famous stories ever written, including "Crime and Punishment", "The Three Musketeers" and "Madame Bovary".This carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire, amuse, and entertain.These literary giants are considered among the greatest writers of the 19th Century. Their influential works continue to resonate with audiences to this day.

  • af J. M. Gardner
    42,99 kr.

    Ready for a magical adventure?Worried that he will be gone soon, a king seeks help from the Fairy of Truth to make sure his son, Prince Darling, stays a good person.But Prince Darling often misbehaves and the fairy cannot seem to change the boy's character... or can she?Will Prince Darling become the kind-hearted ruler his kingdom needs?Teaching kids that being good is more important than beauty, wealth, or power, this classic fairy tale is the perfect bedtime story.Best know for her rewritten version of "Beauty and the Beast", Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (1711-1780) was a French novelist who often included folk tales in her writing.

  • af Alphonse de Lamartine
    42,99 kr.

    A pioneer of the French Romantic movement, beloved poet and statesman Alphonse de Lamartine, rose to prominence with masterpieces such as "Les Méditations Poétiques" and "Histoire des Girondins".This collection, which features 100 of Alphonse de Lamartine’s most famous quotes, celebrates his legacy as a political idealist and passionate author.Perfect for those who need a little extra inspiration throughout their day, this collection is guaranteed to educate, amuse and surprise.French poet and statesman Alphonse de Lamartine (1790—1869), best known for his masterpiece "Les Méditations Poétiques", achieved bestseller status with "Histoire des Girondins" and received the Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1825.

  • af Napoleon, Sun Tzu & Niccolo Machiavelli
    59,99 kr.

    Unleash your inner tactician and unlock the secrets of strategic brilliance with "Learn Strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu, and Machiavelli." This captivating guide invites you to delve into the minds of history's greatest military and political strategists.From Napoleon's audacious campaigns to Sun Tzu's timeless wisdom and Machiavelli's cunning political insights, this collection offers a treasure trove of knowledge to sharpen your strategic thinking and decision-making skills.Born in Florence, Italy, Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 -1527) was a renowned Italian philosopher, diplomat, and author, whose timeless work "The Prince" has defined political strategy for centuries.Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) was a French military and political leader. The former Emperor of France, Napoleon shaped history, leaving a lasting legacy and stirring both admiration and controversy.

  • af Wiesław Mandryka-Bukowiński
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Co jest istotą tytułowego ,,Jom ha-Kippurim" czyli judaistycznego Święta Pojednania? Czy dotyczy ono tylko wyznania mojżeszowego? I jak pokonywać stereotypy, jak okazywać sobie szacunek podczas każdej rozmowy, zwłaszcza tej prowadzonej w wielokulturowym gronie? To druga część trylogii o dziejach Wincenta Opary oraz ludziach z jego otoczenia. Sensacyjne wątki zostały umiejętnie wplecione w fabułę daleko wykraczającą poza polski krąg kulturowy. Autor podjął udaną próbę wprowadzenia narracji przepełnionej ciekawymi dialogami, które pokazują nie tylko najróżniejsze opinie, ale też odmienne światopoglądy głównych bohaterów. Jeśli lubisz powieści z wielowątkową aferą szpiegowską i niestraszne ci rozmowy na tzw. tematy tabu, z pewnością ta lektura zdobędzie twoje uznanie. Trzytomowe dzieło Wiesława Mandryki-Bukowińskiego to wielowątkowa podróż w czasie i przestrzeni, z ciekawie wykorzystanym motywem biblijnej Wieży Babel jako uniwersalnego synonimu braku porozumienia i ludzkiej próżności. ,,Jom Kippur. Podróż w nieznane" jest drugą częścią trylogii przedstawiającej skomplikowane losy oficera służb specjalnych Wincenta Opary, który toczy nieustanną walkę o własne wartości i w każdych okolicznościach rozwija umiejętność skutecznej komunikacji. Wiesław Mandryka-Bukowiński - ur. w 1957 r. pisarz, poeta i tłumacz literatury niderlandzkiej, znany przede wszystkim jako autor powieści ,,Wierni" (2010) i ,,Babel, na granicy dobra i zła" (2012). To absolwent Wydziału Neofilologii Germańskiej z wykładowym językiem niemieckim i niderlandzkim oraz Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Instituut voor Leven-de Talen w Leuven (Belgia). Jako student uczestniczył w prezentacji sztuki szwajcarskiego dramatopisarza Friedricha Dürrenmatt’a pt. „Die Panne" („Kraksa") na Bauhaus Uniwersität w Weimarze (Niemcy).Od wielu lat pełni funkcję przedstawiciela firm flamandzkich w krajach Europy Środkowej. Jest członkiem Stowarzyszenia Pisarzy Polskich, na stałe mieszka pod Warszawą.

  • af Victor Hugo
    79,00 kr.

    I 1793 er rædselsregimet i Frankrig på sit højeste, og ingen kan vide sig sikker. Landets fjender samler sig faretruende langs landets grænser, men livet i den nyfødte republik er på mange måder mere skræmmende end alle Europas forenede monarkier.Victor Hugos realistiske og bevægende roman "1793" viser os livet i Frankrig i netop dette år, som det så ud blandt den forpinte befolkning. Bogen viser, hvordan de politiske idealer om et lige og retfærdigt samfund, der startede revolutionen, blev ofret i den strøm af vanvid, der skyllede ind over det blødende Frankrig i 1790’erne.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var en fransk digter, romanforfatter og dramatiker. Mens resten af verden fejrer ham for de store romanværker "Klokkeren fra Notre Dame" (Notre-Dame de Paris) fra 1831 og "De elendige" (Les Miserables) fra 1862, er han i Frankrig primært kendt for sine digtsamlinger, fx "Les Contemplations" og "La Légende des siècles".Han producerede mere end 4.000 tegninger og kæmpede socialpolitiske kampe for eksempelvis afskaffelse af dødsstraffen. Hans sociale engagement afspejles også i hans værker, der berører de fleste af de politiske og sociale spørgsmål samt de kunstneriske tendenser i sin tid. Han er begravet i Panthéon i Paris og hyldet som en af Frankrigs allerstørste digtere overhovedet.

  • af Robert Louis Stevenson
    59,99 kr.

    ‘An Inland Voyage’ is a fascinating account of a canoe trip made by Stevenson and his good friend Sir Walter Grindlay Simpson from Belgium to France. It is a relaxing account of the their voyage, what they saw and did, their failures as travellers, and no small amount of humour, with Stevenson at one point stranded on a tree as his canoe is swept away.The text has a philosophical offering as well, that the most beautiful adventures in life are not those we seek. It is a story perfect for anyone looking for a relaxing late night read, or those of you looking for the Victorian Bear Grylls.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.

  • af George Moore
    77,99 kr.

    If you had the courage and money to lead a fast life, wouldn't you do so?'Confessions of a Young Man' is a memoir by Irish novelist George Moore who spent about 15 years in his teens and his 20s in Paris, and later in London as a struggling artist.Moore's 'confessions' are aesthetic. If there's more, you'll find a soul struggling to rid itself of Victorian morality. Of landed gentry, Moore moved from Ireland to Paris hoping to be a painter. He immersed himself in Degas and Manet and discussed Gautier and Baudelaire at his Montmartre haunt until dawn.This memoir was finished in his early 30s after he had decided to become a writer. He first tried his hand at journalism, but he found it stifling: ‘I longed to give a personal shape to something and this could not be achieved in an article.’ His memoir is youthfully all over the place, at times, but its alluring ideas are found on every page.This is a wonderful look into the mind of the younger George Moore.George Augustus Moore was an Irish novelist, short-story writer, poet, art critic and playwright. As a writer he is best known for his contribution to the natural realist genre of literature. He was amongst the first English-language writers to follow in the footsteps of the French realists, especially the writings of Émile Zola were influential in his work. Moore himself went on to influence fellow Irishman, James Joyce.Although Moore's work is often not considered to belong to the mainstream Irish and British literature of his time, he is widely accepted as being one of the first great modern Irish novelists.His works have also been adapted for film and TV such as 'Albert Nobbs' (2011) starring Glenn Close, Mia Wasikowska and Aaron Taylor-Johnson; and the 'Esther Waters' TV series from 1977 starring Gabrielle Lloyd, James Laurenson and Alison Steadman.

  • af Helen Pollard
    102,99 kr.

    Summer sun, chilled, white wine, and a gorgeous fiancé. Nothing could upset pure bliss ... Right?Emmy Jamieson loves her new life in the gentle hills and sunflowers of the lush French countryside, managing La Cour des Roses, a beautiful, white stone guesthouse. With marriage to caramel-eyed Alain just round the corner, things couldn’t be more perfect.The odd glass (gallon) of wine dulls the sound of Emmy’s mum in full motherzilla-of-the-bride mode, and the faint tinkling of alarm bells coming from Alain’s ex are definitely nothing to worry about. Guesthouse owner Rupert and a whole host of old and new friends are there to make sure nothing gets in the way of Emmy’s happiness.But as Emmy gets close to the big day, a secret from the past throws everything decidedly off track. Will her idyllic French wedding go ahead as planned, or will Emmy run back home to England with a broken heart?This summer, escape to the rolling vineyards of France for an utterly uplifting read. Fans of Jenny Colgan, Debbie Johnson and Nick Alexander will want to join Emmy for a pain au chocolat in the sun-drenched garden at La Cour des Roses.What everyone’s saying about Summer at the Little French Guesthouse:‘I'm utterly bereft that this fantastic book has come to an end ... I have been hooked on from the start ... grips my heart and won't let go ... I could potentially wax lyrical for far longer about various aspects of the book, but really I may start spoiling it for you ... a wonderful way to escape your own life, while devouring a great story that should have you grinning!’ Rachel’s Random Reads 5 stars‘Love this book! ... I barely got the first one done and I grabbed the next two to continue ... Fun characters, fun story, and makes me want to pack a bag and head to the Loire Valley in France.’ Goodreads Reviewer‘It's like meeting old friends ... the series is a perfect summer read. It's about family, friendship and helping them ... a twist I didn't see coming ... It caught me by surprise.’ Flying ThoughtsSummer at the Little French Guesthouse has been published in 5 languages and the series has sold over 230,000 copies in the English language.As a child, Helen had a vivid imagination fuelled by her love of reading (long past her bedtime!) so she started to create her own stories in a notebook. She still prefers fictional worlds to real life and loves infusing her writing with humour and heart. Helen lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two grown-up (in theory) kids and a Jekyll and Hyde cat. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends and indulging her nostalgia by watching old seventies and eighties TV shows.

  • af Katri Sisko
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Kuohuviini kuplii lasissa lentokentällä. Elina on lähdössä Pariisiin juhlimaan syntymäpäiväänsä kahden ystävänsä kanssa. Elinan pitäisi olla innoissaan. Juhlahumua laskee kuitenkin se, että nyt se pelätty kolmekymmentä on lasissa. Aikuisuustesti kertoo, ettei elämä ole mennyt ihan niin kuin Elina suunnitteli. Kansainvälisen uran ja romantiikan sijaan hänestä tulikin peruskoulun opettaja ja kaiken lisäksi vielä sinkku. Niillä eväillä ei jännittäviä somepostauksia julkaista. Vaan löytyykö Pariisista rakkautta ja jännitystä kolmekymppisen Elinan elämään? 30 jälkeen 30 on toinen osa Katri Siskon kepeässä ja samaistuttavassa chick lit -trilogiassa. Se on oivaltava kuvaus aikuistumisesta, rakkaudesta ja ystävyydestä.Elinalla on ongelma – ongelma nimeltään numero 30! Kolmekymmentä vuotta on rajapyykki, jolloin elämän pitäisi olla kuosissa. Mutta mitä jos ei ole? Mitä jos kaikki on hajallaan?30-trilogia on hulvaton trilogia kolmenkympin kriisistä – tämä sarja naurattaa takuulla!Nimimerkki Katri Sisko kirjoittaa vetäviä viihdekirjoja. Hän on ammatiltaan opettaja.

  • af Едгар Бъроуз
    Fra 33,99 kr.

    Приключенията на човека-маймуна продължават във втората част „Завръщането на Тарзан", вдъхновила в последствие създаването на филмови екранизации и комикси. Тарзан се отправя към Франция, но спокойното му пътуване е осуетено от заговорите на Николас Рокоф. Вместо да се види с приятеля си Пол д’Арнот, Тарзан се озовава на дуел срещу граф Раул. В последствие графът е този, който изпраща Тарзан на служба в Алжир в знак на благодарност. Накрая обаче Тарзан се озовава в джунглите на Южна Африка, изправяйки се срещу стари познайници, врагове и любов. Накъде води завръщането на Тарзан? Към познатите южни брегове на Африка или към обятията на неговата любима Джейн Портър? Едгар Райс Бъроуз е американски писател, широко познат и до ден днешен с емблематичния си герой Тарзан. Роден е през 1875 год., но започва своята писателска кариера едва през 1911 год., когато написва научно-фантастичния роман „Под луните на Марс", по-късно преработен със заглавието „Принцесата на Марс". През 1912 год. създава първата история за Тарзан, а големият читателски интерес вдъхновява Бъроуз, който продължава цикъла с още 24 книги и постига дългогодишен триумф като писател на научна фантастика и фентъзи. Историите за Тарзан са преведени на повече от 56 езика и са основа за редица екранизации, първата, от които през 1918 год. Имението, което Бъроуз закупува през 1919 год., с цел да бъде по-близо до снимачната площадка на филмите за Тарзан, остава и до ден днешен познато с името „Тарзана."

  • af Joakim Jakobsen
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    Ny udgave af Joakim Jakobsens klassiker om verdens største cykelløb. Opdateret til og med Tour'en 2021, hvor danske Jonas Vingegaard blev en sensationel nummer to.Det er den ultimative fortælling om, hvordan verdens bedste cykelryttere gennem mere end 100 år har presset deres kroppe og hoveder gennem umenneskelige strabadser på de franske landeveje og bjergtoppe. Hårdheden, taktikken og enkeltmandspræstationerne har fascineret publikum, så løbet i dag er verdens største årlige begivenhed. En scene, hvor helte taber stort og frygteligt eller lider sig til sublime sejre. Og hvor heroisme, snyd og brændende rivalopgør hvert år skrives ind i historien.Joakim Jakobsen fortæller hele historien bag løbet og følger dets udvikling år for år fra 1903. Han går tæt på de afgørende etaper og tegner portrætter af store og små mestre fra den første vinder til den seneste hersker.Fås også i illustreret udgave i stort format, som indeholder til og med 2020-Tour'en.

  • af Jørgen Leth & Jørn Mader
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    DEN SIDSTE TOUR MED MADER OG LETH er to gamle venners tur på memory lane med masser af interessante historier fra deres tid sammen som landets mest legendariske kommentatorpar. Det er en personlig samtalebog, hvor Jørn Mader og Jørgen Leth mindes deres tid sammen i og udenfor kommentatorboksen, fra 1989 til 2003, hvor de talte Tour de France ind i danske hjerter og var med til at give cykelsporten et folkeligt gennembrud med deres særlige stil. De deler sjove minder lige fra de franske landeveje til højderne i Colombia og store øjeblikke med en usædvanlig generation af danske ryttere som Bjarne Riis, Rolf Sørensen og Jesper Skibby, fortæller med vid og bid om deres helte og skurke i sadlen og tegner et levende billede af deres hæsblæsende liv på farten med det professionelle cykelfelt, men Mader og Leth vender også blikket indad og snakker om uenigheder, jalousi, nedture og kærlighed til hinanden.

  • af Anna-Lena Brundin
    43,99 kr.

    I Mitt Montmartre skriver Anna-Lena Brundin om den fyrfaldige vinnaren i tärning på Bistrot Le Cyrano och om kocken Simone som gör matlådor till sina stamkunder; om väninnan Mona som suktar efter en romantisk kväll och den vackra grannen Claire på Avenue de Wagram. Hon skriver om Parisnätter, cafébesök, stadens klibbiga augustihetta, Montmartres Casanova och Edith Piafs livsöde.I sann Sex and the City-anda begrundar Brundin storstadslivets egenheter i detta kärleksbrev till Paris.Anna-Lena Brundin är en svensk författare, skådespelare, sångerska och komiker.

  • af Charlotte Jacobi
    103,99 kr.

    Zwei Familien. Drei Generationen. Ein Schicksal.Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs stehen die beiden ehemals verfeindeten Straßburger Patisserie-Familien Picard und Tritschler vor einem Scherbenhaufen, denn eine ihrer beiden Feinbäckereien mussten sie aufgeben. Die junge Ruth träumt davon, mit ihrer Tante Ida die Patisserie erneut zum Erfolg zu führen und der nunmehr französischen Stadt die süßen Köstlichkeiten wiederzugeben. Als Idas Ziehsohn Marcel traumatisiert von der Front heimkommt, sind auch Ruths verdrängte Gefühle für den attraktiven Bäckermeister wieder da. Gelingt der Familie die Rückkehr in goldene Zeiten?Charlotte Jacobi ist das Pseudonym der Autoren Eva-Maria Bast und Jørn Precht. Eva-Maria Bast, geboren 1978, ist Journalistin, Jørn Precht, geboren 1967, ist Drehbuchautor und Schriftsteller.

  • af Anatole France
    79,00 kr.

  • af Wilkie Collins
    102,99 kr.

    What is "poor" about Miss Finch? Well, with a novel with names like "Mr Sebright" (he’s an eye specialist – "see bright", geddit?), it’s all about sight. You see, Lucilla Finch has been blind since infancy – until she meets the eccentric German doctor Herr Grosse who partially restores her sight. Far from treating her simply as a "poor" blind Victorian woman, this novel is conscious of the experience of blindness, particularly that of blindness and romance.Published a few years after his acclaimed mystery novel, "The Moonstone" (which starred Sarah Hadland in a recent BBC adaptation), Wilkie Collins now keeps up the mystery in "Poor Miss Finch". Having researched a real case of regained sight, Collins depicts great detail in Lucilla’s experience of colours whilst in the midst of a love triangle.Two brothers want Lucilla’s hand in marriage; their deception and plotting must be foiled before Lucilla unwittingly changes her life forever.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    It’s 1870 and the Siege of Paris is in full swing, where the French-Prussian war has brought daily life to a halt. Wearied, starving, and strung out on absinthe, two men meet by chance at their favourite fishing spot. "Two Friends" follows Morissot and Sauvage as they make their way into no man’s land and drink away the miseries of the war.A powerful short story that extolls the virtues of French patriotism and dramatises the cruelties of war. Maupassant’s portrayal yearns for a return to ordinary life and real human connections, through plain philosophy and simple language suited to the styles of Flaubert and Hemingway.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    A stroke of paralysis has left Baron des Ravots crippled, but thanks to the toil and dedication of his dutiful servants, he can still entertain guests and hunt birds with great success. With "The Snipe", Guy de Maupassant offers an exploration of the relationship between master and servant in a society dominated by large social class differences. By satirizing the everyday life of a rich bourgeois, Maupassant skillfully exposes the shallow values and preoccupations of the French upper class.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the short story. Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev. Some of his best known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    Jean and Luc are two best friends serving in the army. Life as a soldier is unforgiving, but every Sunday provides a ray of hope for the two soldiers as they walk down the Seine river and lunch in a forest that reminds them of home. The idyllic countryside of Champioux is, to them, a little heaven. Yet when a milkmaid catches one of the soldier’s eyes, the two friends’ ordered world begins to unravel.A simple tale of friendship, love, and loss, "Two Little Soldiers" is a masterful portrayal of Maupassant’s knowledge of the human soul and condition. Perfect for readers of Hemingway, this short story is tinged with the tragedy of war seen through the lives of everyday soldiers.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    "My heart was throbbing wildly. I was frightened. I opened the door brusquely, and in the darkness I distinguished a white figure, standing erect, something that resembled an apparition." When the narrator in Guy de Maupassant’s short story "The Spasm" meets a father and his ill daughter at a health spa, he is reminded of characters from the universe of Edgar Allan Poe. What they proceed to recount to him is a tale so gruesome and harrowing that even Poe himself would cower in fear. Inspired by a real nineteenth century risk of premature burial, "The Spasm" comes with a shocking twist that holds everyone captive until the very end.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev. Some of his best known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry.