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  • af Barbara Cartland
    44,99 kr.

    Fini la pension ! Aurora Hartnell rentre chez elle, au manoir des Trois Fontaines, retrouver son père adoré. Mais sa belle-mère ne cache pas qu’il lui tarde de se débarrasser d’elle. Elle lui a d’ailleurs trouvé un soupirant, lord Woodward, qu’Aurora déteste d’emblée. En revanche, le jeune duc de Linford la charme au premier regard. Plein de projets, il a entrepris de rénover son château et sollicite son avis. Aurora découvre un homme accessible, à l’écoute de ses conseils et qui saura l’aider lorsqu’elle apprendra l’odieux complot que fomentent Woodward et sa belle-mère.Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    44,99 kr.

    À 21 ans, Vanda n’est toujours pas mariée et se moque pas mal des freluquets qui n’en veulent qu’à sa fortune. Un beau jour, lord Sudbury, son père, lui annonce qu’il lui a trouvé le mari idéal : leur voisin, le comte de Cunningham. — C’est ridicule ! Je ne suis pas amoureuse de lui ! proteste la jeune fille. Peine perdue, lord Sudbury est intraitable. Vanda décide donc d’avoir une discussion avec le comte. Soulagée, elle constate que lui non plus n’a aucune envie d’un mariage arrangé. Pour se tirer de ce guêpier, les deux jeunes gens vont fuir à l’étranger en se faisant passer pour frère et sœur. Peut-être chacun rencontrera-t-il l’âme sœur ? Paris, Vienne, Venise, Delphes... Il fallait le plus romantique des voyages pour que Vanda comprenne que les sentiments que lui inspire le comte n’ont rien de fraternel !Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    44,99 kr.

    Lors d’un voyage en train, Tania Amesly, jeune beauté tout juste sortie du couvent, rencontre Rupert de Grantmore, capitaine de l’infanterie. Leur amitié naissante se mue vite en un sentiment plus troublant… Hélas, à Londres, Tania est attendue par son horrible belle-mère. — Je ne vous supporterai qu’enfermée dans la nursery… jusqu’à ce que j’aie trouvé un moyen de me débarrasser de vous !Tania est atterrée. Elle est à la merci de cette harpie qui la menace de l’interner. Que faire ? La loi est contre elle… Rupert serait -il son seul espoir ?Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    44,99 kr.

    Trois enfants au château de Castillon ! Le marquis Pierre-Henri est accablé. Ruiné, grand blessé de guerre, il vit cloîtré dans sa propriété tourangelle. Et le voilà nommé tuteur de trois orphelins anglais qu’il ne connaît même pas ! Impossible de les renvoyer sans trahir la promesse faite à leur père. Eh bien soit ! Il les abritera dans l’aile la plus éloignée du château. Mais qu’on ne lui demande rien de plus, il ne daignera même pas les voir ! L’aînée, Iva, a dix-huit ans et possède des talents de guérisseuse. Ce malade aigri qui se terre dans sa chambre, elle est certaine de pouvoir le soulager. Encore faudrait-il qu’il accepte son aide. À moins que... Et c’est ainsi que chaque nuit, Pierre-Henri rêve à l’apparition d’un ange blond aux mains bienfaisantes...Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • af Marcel Proust
    40,99 kr.

    Baldassare Silvande, visconte di Silvania, è prossimo alla morte. Consapevole dell’imminenza del trapasso, inizia così a rendersi conto del valore che ha la vita: ogni cosa si fa più chiara, e i piaceri sensuali dell’esistenza diventano più nitidi. Smarrito in tale oblio edonistico, ben presto Baldassare ritrova le forze. Sennonché, al manifestarsi nuovamente della malattia, tale illusoria parentesi di pace torna ad infrangersi con l’angoscia della morte, dando al racconto un tono ben diverso e molto più cupo... In questo pezzo di prosa giovanile, Proust affronta il tema della morte mescolandolo a quello del piacere, sovrapponendo entrambe le dimensioni ad una percezione del tempo che – sebbene l’autore lo negasse – ricorda da vicino le coeve teorie di Henri Bergson su un "tempo interiore"...Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Marcel Proust (1871-1922) nasce a Parigi in una famiglia dell’alta borghesia di Illiers. Diplomatosi brillantemente al Liceo Condorcet (1889), si arruola volontario nel 76° Reggimento di fanteria, di stanza ad Orléans. Tuttavia, a causa di una forte asma cronica, dovrà rinunciare alla carriera militare, laureandosi in legge nel 1893. Proust manifesta, fin da giovane, un interesse prioritario per la letteratura e per la sfavillante vita sociale della Belle Époque. A partire dal 1895 pubblica i primi lavori, distinguendosi inoltre come traduttore di Ruskin. È però fra il 1909 e il 1922, che Proust lavora al suo capolavoro: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto". Raccolta in sette volumi, con i suoi circa nove milioni di caratteri, l’opera figura nel Guinness dei Primati come il romanzo più lungo di sempre.

  • af Marcel Proust
    40,99 kr.

    "L’indifferente", originariamente incluso nell’opera "I piaceri e i giorni" (1896), venne poi ritirato dallo stesso Proust, prima di essere riscoperto, a distanza di ottant’anni, da Philip Kolb. Al centro della storia vi è l’amore contrastato fra la bella vedova Madeleine di Gouvres e l’ombroso Lepré. Quest’ultimo, infatti, si considera talmente indegno dei sentimenti della donna da non riuscire quasi a vederla. L’indifferenza del giovane ha un che di arcano, tanto è complessa da discernere, ed è probabile che poggi su un’esperienza autobiografica dello stesso autore. Il senso di oppressione che nasce dall’inesprimibile: questo, in fondo, il tema alla base del racconto, nonché di tanta produzione letteraria di Proust.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Marcel Proust (1871-1922) nasce a Parigi in una famiglia dell’alta borghesia di Illiers. Diplomatosi brillantemente al Liceo Condorcet (1889), si arruola volontario nel 76° Reggimento di fanteria, di stanza ad Orléans. Tuttavia, a causa di una forte asma cronica, dovrà rinunciare alla carriera militare, laureandosi in legge nel 1893. Proust manifesta, fin da giovane, un interesse prioritario per la letteratura e per la sfavillante vita sociale della Belle Époque. A partire dal 1895 pubblica i primi lavori, distinguendosi inoltre come traduttore di Ruskin. È però fra il 1909 e il 1922, che Proust lavora al suo capolavoro: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto". Raccolta in sette volumi, con i suoi circa nove milioni di caratteri, l’opera figura nel Guinness dei Primati come il romanzo più lungo di sempre.

  • af Marcel Proust
    40,99 kr.

    Incluso originariamente nell’opera "I piaceri e i giorni" (1896), "La confessione di una ragazza" è un racconto già estremamente maturo, scritto attraverso un uso intelligente della prima persona e che propone a chi legge una morbosità che, negli altri racconti coevi, sembra trovarsi in secondo piano. L’esponenziale corruzione di un animo innocente – quello della protagonista – sembra infatti allargarsi anche alla sua famiglia, in una valanga apparentemente inarrestabile di depravazione. Un racconto estremamente incisivo, che colpisce per la profondità e la dirompenza, e che offre a chi legge gli archetipi di quelli che, nella Recherche, diventeranno gli assi portanti della narrativa di Proust: il rapporto morboso con la maternità, l’erotismo come colpa e l’assolutezza della morte.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Marcel Proust (1871-1922) nasce a Parigi in una famiglia dell’alta borghesia di Illiers. Diplomatosi brillantemente al Liceo Condorcet (1889), si arruola volontario nel 76° Reggimento di fanteria, di stanza ad Orléans. Tuttavia, a causa di una forte asma cronica, dovrà rinunciare alla carriera militare, laureandosi in legge nel 1893. Proust manifesta, fin da giovane, un interesse prioritario per la letteratura e per la sfavillante vita sociale della Belle Époque. A partire dal 1895 pubblica i primi lavori, distinguendosi inoltre come traduttore di Ruskin. È però fra il 1909 e il 1922, che Proust lavora al suo capolavoro: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto". Raccolta in sette volumi, con i suoi circa nove milioni di caratteri, l’opera figura nel Guinness dei Primati come il romanzo più lungo di sempre.

  • af Marcel Proust
    40,99 kr.

    Incluso originariamente nell’opera "I piaceri e i giorni" (1896), "La fine della gelosia" è un racconto giovanile, che ha già in sé tutto il potenziale di Proust. La vicenda narrata riguarda due giovani innamorati, Honoré e Françoise, la cui storia sembrerebbe apparentemente solida. Quando, però, un amico confessa ad Honoré che la ragazza terrebbe dei comportamenti sconvenienti, il giovane inizia a provare una cocente gelosia. Ossessionato dalla prospettiva che l’amore di Françoise venga meno, Honoré rischia di mettervi fine proprio con la sua incessante preoccupazione. Basterà un evento imprevisto a far prevalere l’amore sulla gelosia?Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Marcel Proust (1871-1922) nasce a Parigi in una famiglia dell’alta borghesia di Illiers. Diplomatosi brillantemente al Liceo Condorcet (1889), si arruola volontario nel 76° Reggimento di fanteria, di stanza ad Orléans. Tuttavia, a causa di una forte asma cronica, dovrà rinunciare alla carriera militare, laureandosi in legge nel 1893. Proust manifesta, fin da giovane, un interesse prioritario per la letteratura e per la sfavillante vita sociale della Belle Époque. A partire dal 1895 pubblica i primi lavori, distinguendosi inoltre come traduttore di Ruskin. È però fra il 1909 e il 1922, che Proust lavora al suo capolavoro: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto". Raccolta in sette volumi, con i suoi circa nove milioni di caratteri, l’opera figura nel Guinness dei Primati come il romanzo più lungo di sempre.

  • af Marcel Proust
    40,99 kr.

    In questo suo racconto giovanile, pubblicato a venticinque anni nella raccolta "I piaceri e i giorni", Proust ci descrive la parabola di Violante, una semplice ragazza di campagna la quale, trasferitasi in città, viene travolta dalle tentazioni mondane. In nome di un ideale astratto di amore, Violante si condannerà ad una ricerca estenuante, finendo infelice vittima della vanità. Con la precoce maestria di un genio mondiale della letteratura, Proust condensa in questo racconto molti dei temi a lui più cari, quali la perdizione, la ricerca di un’emancipazione dai desideri e, soprattutto, l’atroce inconsistenza dalla mondanità.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Marcel Proust (1871-1922) nasce a Parigi in una famiglia dell’alta borghesia di Illiers. Diplomatosi brillantemente al Liceo Condorcet (1889), si arruola volontario nel 76° Reggimento di fanteria, di stanza ad Orléans. Tuttavia, a causa di una forte asma cronica, dovrà rinunciare alla carriera militare, laureandosi in legge nel 1893. Proust manifesta, fin da giovane, un interesse prioritario per la letteratura e per la sfavillante vita sociale della Belle Époque. A partire dal 1895 pubblica i primi lavori, distinguendosi inoltre come traduttore di Ruskin. È però fra il 1909 e il 1922, che Proust lavora al suo capolavoro: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto". Raccolta in sette volumi, con i suoi circa nove milioni di caratteri, l’opera figura nel Guinness dei Primati come il romanzo più lungo di sempre.

  • af Marcel Proust
    40,99 kr.

    "Malinconica villeggiatura di Madame de Breyves" è un racconto giovanile di Proust, incentrato sull’amore. Ma non si tratta, qui, di quel sentimento gratificante che si potrebbe pensare: l’amore di cui ci parla l’autore, piuttosto, è una malattia dell’animo, un’entità aliena che si impossessa dell’individuo, senza lasciargli alcuna scelta. Madame de Breyves si innamora di un uomo che stima assolutamente insignificante, e del quale fa pure fatica a ricordare i tratti del viso. La sua infatuazione per Monsieur de Lalèande, pur essendole totalmente incomprensibile, sembra accrescersi in parallelo con l’incapacità di quest’ultimo di comprendere tale sentimento. Un racconto dalla potenza straordinaria, che si incunea nella coscienza di chi legge proprio come il terribile amore della protagonista per de Lalèande...Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Marcel Proust (1871-1922) nasce a Parigi in una famiglia dell’alta borghesia di Illiers. Diplomatosi brillantemente al Liceo Condorcet (1889), si arruola volontario nel 76° Reggimento di fanteria, di stanza ad Orléans. Tuttavia, a causa di una forte asma cronica, dovrà rinunciare alla carriera militare, laureandosi in legge nel 1893. Proust manifesta, fin da giovane, un interesse prioritario per la letteratura e per la sfavillante vita sociale della Belle Époque. A partire dal 1895 pubblica i primi lavori, distinguendosi inoltre come traduttore di Ruskin. È però fra il 1909 e il 1922, che Proust lavora al suo capolavoro: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto". Raccolta in sette volumi, con i suoi circa nove milioni di caratteri, l’opera figura nel Guinness dei Primati come il romanzo più lungo di sempre.

  • af Ralf Isau
    148,99 kr.

    Die Polizei steht vor einem Rätsel. Zahlreiche Attentate auf berühmte Kunstwerke und Anschläge in Museen lassen die Polizei im Dunklen tappen. Schließlich wird die junge Journalistin Alex Daniels in die Ermittlungen verstrickt und versucht ihrerseits, den Fall zu lösen. Mysteriöse Botschaften und verschlüsselte Codes in einem Kunstwerk bringen Alex schließlich auf die Spur des Täters und sie erkennt, dass sie weit mehr mit den Taten verbindet, als sie ahnte ...Ralf Isau wurde 1956 in Berlin-Tempelhof geboren. Nach einer kaufmännischen Ausbildung war er zunächst als Programmierer tätig, bevor er 1988 zur Schriftstellerei fand. Nach einem erfolgreichen Start im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendbuch wechselte Isau in das Erwachsenengenre. Er hat zahlreiche Fantasyromane veröffentlicht, die häufig mit historischen Fakten gespickt sind. Isau lebt mit seiner Frau in der Nähe von Ludwigsburg.

  • af Helen Pollard
    102,99 kr.

    Many of us long to leave everything behind and start a sun-soaked new life.Emmy Jamieson has done it: she is the manager of a beautiful guesthouse that nestles among vineyards in France.She has also found love with gorgeous Alain the accountant. Life could not be better.She is so happy that she is even confident that she can cope with the arrival of the eccentric, demanding Thomson family for a golden wedding.Then, in steps owner Rupert's poisonous ex-wife Gloria, who criticises Emmy, attacks Alain and unpicks Rupert's finances.Things start to fall apart and Emmy fears her dream life is about to become a nightmare.Fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Nick Alexander will be drawn to join Emmy among the vineyards.What everyone’s saying about 'Return to the Little French Guesthouse':‘I've absolutely fallen in love ... I felt myself longing for a Rupert of my own in times of crisis ... I'll also take some friends like Sophie and Ellie ... What I really want, though, is at least one more book with all of them.’ Well Read Pirate Queen‘Oh wow! I absolutely loved, lived, laughed and cried with this brilliant, addictive tale. I ADORED the first book in the series and reading this one was like meeting up with much loved old friends ... oodles of humour thrown in. A beautiful, fun tale, set in stunning surroundings, with characters that you don't want to leave behind. Highly recommended!’ Renita D’Silva, author of "The War Child".Return to the Little French Guesthouse has been published in 7 languages and the series has sold over 230,000 copies in the English language.As a child, Helen had a vivid imagination fuelled by her love of reading (long past her bedtime!) so she started to create her own stories in a notebook. She still prefers fictional worlds to real life and loves infusing her writing with humour and heart. Helen lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two grown-up (in theory) kids and a Jekyll and Hyde cat. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends and indulging her nostalgia by watching old seventies and eighties TV shows.

  • af Edith Wharton
    77,99 kr.

    Wharton’s fifth novel, ‘The Reef’ is widely thought to be partly autobiographical. When American diplomat, George Darrow, bumps into aspiring actress, Sophy Viner, the relationship he has with his former love, Anna Leath, is challenged. Through this tale, Wharton explores the human condition, examining how those from different classes interact, whether it is better to tell the truth and harm or lie and protect, the nature of trust, and the nature of forgiveness. Written with Wharton’s trademark sensitivity, this book is ideal for those who like their romance served up in a compelling and realistic way.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Fighting France’ is a collection of essays, written by Wharton, on the outbreak of the First World War. Having returned to her beloved France to work with the Red Cross, Wharton began detailing the impact of the conflict on her spiritual homeland. While she uses her literary talents to paint a harrowing picture of the devastation caused by the war, she always puts people, rather than places, under the spotlight. A fascinating read from the time of Downton Abbey for anyone interested in military history and exceptional journalism of the early 20th Century.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    A short story with a punch, ‘Madame de Treymes’ follows lovelorn John Durham as he travels to France to court his old love, Fanny Frisbee. While Fanny is separated from her husband, she is still married, and it looks unlikely that he’ll agree to a divorce. Can Fanny’s sister-in-law, the eponymous ‘Madame de Treymes’ help the course of true love? An intriguing read, this book might sound like a simple romance, but there are darker themes at work. Ideal for those who already admire Wharton’s work and those just getting to know her.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Crucial Instances’ was the second collection of Wharton’s short stories to be published. Of the seven, ‘Copy: A Dialogue’ is presented as a short play. This collection shows the breadth of Wharton’s abilities, with stories ranging from the ‘feelgood’ to a Gothic, supernatural outing. Shorter stories seemed to serve as a focus for Wharton and her writing is exceptionally precise and memorable when faced with these parameters. A great read for Wharton fans and those new to her work.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Kerfol’ is one of Wharton’s more unusual ghost stories, in that the ghosts of the piece aren’t human. Chilling and tragic, this tale tells of Anne de Cornault, who is considering buying an estate in France. We discover that the estate, ‘Kerfol,’ (which translates from the Breton as ‘house of madness’) was once the scene of a murder. An atmospheric read, ‘Kerfol’ is an exploration of an unhappy marriage and revenge from beyond the grave. A perfect spine-tingler from the pen of a master storyteller.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    One of Wharton’s earliest works, ‘The Marne’ offers a fascinating insight into the shadow cast by the First World War. When 15 year-old American, Troy Belknap, is on his annual holiday in France, war breaks out. While Troy would love to fight for the French but is too young for service. Will he be able to live with himself or will frustration swallow him up? ‘The Marne’ is a culturally-significant story and one that allows us to see and experience France as the author herself did. A thrilling and thought-provoking story from one of America’s greatest novelists.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af A. E. W. Mason
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Detektyw Hanaud zostaje poproszony o zbadanie okoliczności śmierci bogatej wdowy, pani Dauyray. Kobieta została uduszona w swojej Willi Róż, co więcej z tym zabójstwem wiąże się kradzież jej cennej biżuterii. W kręgu podejrzanych jest młoda przyjaciółka madame Dauyray, Celia Harland, która zniknęła zaraz po zgłoszeniu zabójstwa. Inspektor Hanaud odkrywa, że w tajemniczej Willi Róż odbywały się seanse spirytystyczne, zaś piękna Celia występowała w nich jako medium. Okazuje się, że ostatni seans kobieta miała przeprowadzić właśnie w noc morderstwa... ,,Willa Róż" to najbardziej udana powieść detektywistyczna Masona. Na jej motywach powstała sztuka teatralna z 1920 r. oraz cztery adaptacje filmowe z lat 1920-1940. Książka przypadnie do gustu miłośnikom pełnych zawiłych szczegółów zagadek kryminalnych i wczesnych powieści detektywistycznych w stylu Agathy Christie. Śledztwa inspektora Hanauda - seria powieści detektywistycznych A. E. W. Masona, w których występuje fikcyjny francuski inspektor John Hanaud i jego przyjaciel, były finansista Julius Ricardo. Postać Hanauda była wzorowana na dwóch prawdziwych szefach policji Monsieur Macé i Monsieur Goron, których wspomnienia czytywał Mason. Niewysoki i przysadzisty detektyw Hanaud miał być całkowitym przeciwieństwem szczupłego Sherlocka Holmesa, przez wielu uważany jest za inspirację do stworzenia Herkulesa Poirota Agathy Christie. Alfred Edward Woodley Mason (ur. 7 marca 1865 w Dulwich, zm. 22 listopada 1948 w Londynie) - brytyjski pisarz, dramaturg, podróżnik i alpinista, polityk zaangażowany w życie społeczne. Kształcił się w Dulwich College, a w 1888 r. ukończył Trinity College w Oksfordzie. Zadebiutował w 1895 r. utworem ,,A romance of Wastale", ale największą sławę przyniosły mu ,,Cztery pióra" (1902 r.) i ,,Tajemnica Willi Róż" (1910 r.) - powieść kryminalna o losach detektywa Hanauda, uważanego za inspirację do stworzenia Herkulesa Poirota Agathy Christie. Podczas I wojny światowej piastował funkcję burmistrza, służył w Pułku Manchester oraz Royal Marines. Jako wojskowy był założycielem siatek kontrwywiadowczych w imieniu rządu brytyjskiego. W uznaniu zasług zaproponowano mu tytuł szlachecki, ale Mason odmówił jego przyjęcia, argumentując, że niewiele on by znaczył dla bezdzietnego mężczyzny.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    The handsome Virgo, Marquis of Fane, has a reputation as a bit of a ladies' man and doesn't care for the high-society socialites chasing after him and his fortune. His passions are racehorses and art, and he sets his sights on a painting called 'The Virgin of the Lilies'. But while investigating the painting’s dubious provenance the Marquis encounters Cyrilla, the shy and beautiful daughter of the artist and is instantly, utterly bewitched.However, the pair have hurdles to overcome and Cyrilla soon realises that no matter how much she loves Virgo, she cannot bring herself to do what he asks of her... will love overcome all or will they forced apart forever?Perfect for fans of Catherine Cookson, Georgette Heyer or Julia Quinn.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Edith Wharton
    59,99 kr.

    ‘French Ways and their Meaning’ is part guidebook and part tribute to Wharton’s beloved France. While living there during the First World War, Wharton decided to write a collection of essays about the French, to enlighten the English and American troops who were to find themselves stationed there. Often funny, and always perceptive, Wharton not only beautifully captures the cities and countryside but the spirit of the French. A superb read for Francophiles, Wharton fans, and those with an interest in 20th Century history.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Emile Zola
    148,99 kr.

    La muerte sorprende a los padres de Denise Baudu, dejando a ella y a sus dos hermanos huérfanos y sin recursos. La joven decide trasladarse a París con la esperanza de poder trabajar en el comercio de su tío, pero la realidad en la capital es desalentadora: la tienda está en declive tras la apertura de unos grandes almacenes, «El paraíso de las damas», dirigidos por Octavio Mouret. Necesitada de dinero, Denise acaba encontrando trabajo en dichos almacenes para gran disgusto de su familia. La joven se enfrenta a todo tipo de adversidades, pero su honestidad y sentido de la moral le permiten progresar en ese entorno hostil, donde hay lugar para el odio, la desesperación y también el amor.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Émile Zola nació en París en 1840 en el seno de una familia acomodada. Trabajó como empleado de aduanas y en publicidad antes de dedicarse plenamente a la literatura. Fue el máximo representante del naturalismo y el gran impulsor de la llamada novela experimental. Entre sus obras más destacadas se encuentra la serie «Los Rougon-Macquart», compuesta por veinte novelas, y ensayos como «El naturalismo en el teatro» y «¡Yo acuso!».

  • - intégrale
    af Maurice Leblanc
    43,99 kr.

    ‘The Escape of Arsène Lupin, the Adventures of Arsène Lupin the Gentleman Burglar’ are classic crime stories by the French writer Maurice Leblanc, featuring his famous gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin.Full of murder, intrigue, and daring escapes, the bold and charismatic detective finds himself on the wrong side of the law yet again as he seeks justice in his own unique way.The inspiration behind the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’, these stories are perfect for fans of the show and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ series.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist, whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’ who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.A whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise, Lupin became an international success and saw Leblanc write over 60 crime novels and short stories featuring his French detective. The books inspired the hit Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ starring Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, and Clotilde Hesme.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.

  • af Alexis De Tocqueville
    42,99 kr.

    A French political philosopher and politician, Alexis de Tocqueville's works are now considered early examples of sociology and political science.They include many of his famous insights, such as "Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom." and "There are two things which a democratic people will always find very difficult - to begin a war and to end it."A carefully selected collection that contains 100 of Tocqueville’s most celebrated quotes, this book will delight those interested in the musings of one of the most notable French political philosophers.Alexis de Tocqueville, (1805 - 1859) was a French political philosopher, historian, and politician, best known for writing ‘Democracy in America’ (1835–40) and ‘The Old Regime and the Revolution’ (1856). Both works explored the effects of improving social conditions on the individual and the state in western society, and are now considered early examples of sociology and political science.Tocqueville was named Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honour) in 1837, and in 1838 was elected to the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. In 1841, he was elected to the Académie Française.

  • af Maurice Leblanc
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Lupin's Marriage, the Confessions of Arsène Lupin’ is a classic crime caper by the French writer Maurice Leblanc, featuring his famous gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin.Referred to as the French ‘Sherlock Holmes and the inspiration behind the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’, the criminal genius and master of disguise looks back on his action-packed adventures in this ten-story collection: ‘Confessions of Arsène Lupin’.The other stories in this compilation are: ‘Two Hundred Thousand Francs Reward’, ‘The Wedding Ring’, ‘The Infernal Trap’, ‘The Sign of the Shadow’, ‘The Red Silk Scarf’, ‘Shadowed by Death’, ‘A Tragedy in the Forest of Morgues’, ‘The Invisible Prisoner’ and ‘Edith Swan-Neck’.Full of villains to outsmart and ladies to save, these classic nail-biting mysteries are perfect for fans of the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ stories.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist, whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’ who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.A whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise, Lupin became an international success and saw Leblanc write over 60 crime novels and short stories featuring his French detective. The books inspired the hit Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ starring Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, and Clotilde Hesme.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.

  • af Alphonse de Lamartine, Alfred de Musset & Charles Baudelaire
    42,99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from Poets’ is a brilliant collection of quotes from some of the most celebrated French poets, including Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, and Alphonse de Lamartine.These great minds are responsible for some of the most celebrated works in French history, as well as quotes like "The beautiful is always bizarre" and "Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends."‘300 Quotes from Poets’ is the ideal read for anyone with an inquiring mind.Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1821 –1867) was a French poet whose original style influenced a whole generation. His most famous work is ‘Les Fleurs du mal’ (The Flowers of Evil).Alfred de Musset (1810 – 1857) was a French dramatist, poet, and novelist, who famously wrote the autobiographical novel ‘La Confession d'un enfant du siècle’ (The Confession of a Child of the Century).Alphonse de Lamartine (1790 – 1869) was a French author, poet, and statesman, who was hugely influential in the foundation of the Second Republic and wrote the epic poem ‘La Chute d'un Ange’ (The Fall of an Angel).

  • af Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
    42,99 kr.

    Uncover one of the most influential figures in French literature with ‘100 Quotes by François-René de Chateaubriand’.French writer, politician, diplomat and historian, Chateaubriand was a royalist by political disposition and a defender of the Catholic faith. During a time when society turned against the Church, he produced the defensive ‘Génie du Christianisme’.Following his autobiography ‘Mémoirs from Beyond the Grave’, this impressive collection of his most notable musings and thoughts invites readers to peek behind the scenes of one of the most dominating figures of the 17th-century French literary scene.François-René de Chateaubriand (1768-1848) was a French writer, politican, diplomat and historian. Seeing himself as one of the greatest writers and philosophers of the age, his autobiography ‘Mémoirs from Beyond the Grave’ was published after his death in 1849.During a time when French society was undergoing turbulent changes with the abolishment of the monarchy at the dawn of the French Revolution, Chateaubriand remains today a widely influential figure in 19th-century literature.

  • af Denis Diderot
    42,99 kr.

    Featuring some of the most brilliant and notable sayings from a man living on the cusp of a revolutionising world, ‘100 Quotes by Denis Diderot’ uncovers one of the most influential – yet almost forgotten – figures of the Age of Enlightenment.French writer, philosopher, and art critic Diderot is most famous for being the co-creator and editor of the ‘Encyclopédie’, which featured many contributors and is now regarded as one of the precursors of the French Revolution.This impressive collection captures his best musings and thoughts, ideal for those looking to explore one of the greatest thinkers of the age.Denis Diderot (1713-1784) was a French writer, philosopher, art critic, and co-founder and editor of the ‘Encyclopédie’. Having been passed over by the Académie Française and received little recognition for his work, it wasn’t until Empress Catherine the Great appointed Diderot as her librarian in 1766 that his reputation – and finances - improved.He remains today one of the most prominent figures during the Age of the Enlightenment, and a strong influence on the beginnings of the French Revolution.

  • af François de La Rochefoucauld
    42,99 kr.

    Uncover the wisdom from one of the most notable figures of Classicism, and the master of ‘maxims’ himself, François de La Rochefoucauld, in this collection of some of his most notable quotes.French moralist and author, Rochefoucauld is most famous for his ´Memoirs´ and the ´Maxims´, focusing on the cynical nature of love, loyalty, and friendship.An accomplished 17th-century nobleman, he lived during a time when the royal court was deciding between both aiding the nobility and threatening it.‘100 Quotes by François de La Rochefoucauld’ now allows readers to peek behind the scenes at one of France’s most notable figures to date.François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) was a French moralist, author and leading figure in the literary movement of Classicism. Master of Memoirs and Maxims, his work focused on the cynical nature of love, loyalty and friendship.An accomplished 17th-century nobleman, he lived during a time when the royal court was deciding between both aiding the nobility and threatening it.

  • af Charles de Gaulle
    42,99 kr.

    Renowned for his political ideology, 'Gaullism', Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (1890-1970) had a major influence on French politics.Amongst the Frenchman's most famous quotes are, "The cemetery is filled with indispensable men." and "I cannot prevent the French from being French." A carefully crafted collection, ´100 quotes by Charles de Gaulle´ contains 100 of his most celebrated quotes.This collection is ideal for anyone looking for a bit of philosophical guidance.Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (1890-1970) was a French general and statesman, who led the Free French during World War Two and went on to become the architect of the Fifth Republic.A decorated officer of the First World War, De Gaulle went on to chair the Provisional Government of the French Republic from 1944-1946. Retiring in the early 1950s, he wrote his ‘War Memoirs’, and in 1958, was re-appointed Prime Minister of France and founded the Fifth Republic.De Gaulle was elected President of France later that year and remained President until his resignation in 1969.