77,99 kr. Set in France in 1661, ‘Louise de la Vallière’ is the third and final part of the D’Artagnan Romances trilogy.With Louis XIV seeking to cement his position as the absolute monarch over the whole of France, D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers are forced to come out of retirement one last time.However, while their intentions may be noble, there might be hidden agendas at play that could steer the foursome in the wrong direction...Packed with murder, intrigue, conspiracy, betrayal, action, and adventure, ‘Louise de la Vallière’ is as fast-paced and exciting as any of Dumas’ earlier outings.A political animal, the author allows us to see the machinations of the royal court and its effects on the general populace. At its heart, this is a romantic romp yet Dumas deftly sprinkles the twisting plot with flecks of wistful nostalgia.An ideal read for fans of ‘The Three Musketeers’ film, starring Oliver Reed and Simon Ward.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. A seamless blend of fact and fiction, ‘The Royal Life Guard, or The Flight of the Royal Family’ tells the story of the downfall of the French Monarchy.Set during the French Revolution, this novel paints Marie Antoinette as the villain of the piece.By comparison, King Louis XIV is depicted as an accommodating monarch with his people’s interests at heart.Historians will know the outcome of this thrilling tale but, even so, will find it fast-paced and brimming with intrigue and conspiracy.The adventure-packed narrative is supported by historical observations and Dumas’ rapier-sharp political knowledge.A superb read for those new to his work and for those who want to read beyond the romantic romps of ‘The Three Musketeers.’Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
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- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. When Leslie comes to meet her father, Caspar Brooke, for the first time, she is keen to learn why her mother left him.While living with him, Leslie sets herself the task of reuniting her estranged parents. In Sergeant’s typically observant style, the circumstances that surround Brooke’s separation from Lady Alice have as much to do with their characters as they have to do with a chain of events.‘Brooke’s Daughter’ is an incisive exploration of human relationships and how a simple misunderstanding can change the course of someone’s life. In Caspar, we have one of the most appealing characters in Sergeant’s canon, despite her trademark criticisms of male Victorian values.A fascinating and rewarding read, ‘Brooke’s Daughter’ is sure to delight any reader familiar with her body of work.Emily Frances Adeline Sergeant (1851 – 1904) was one of the most prolific novelists of the 19th century. Born in Derbyshire, Emily was the daughter of Richard Sergeant, a Methodist missionary, and Jane Hall, a writer of children’s books. Jane published her stories under the name Adeline, which Emily was later to adopt.During her lifetime, Adeline Sergeant wrote over 90 novels, including ‘The Story of a Penitent Soul,’ ‘No Saint,’ and ‘The Idol Maker.’ Many of her works explored the theme of religion, as her views changed from committed faith to agnosticism, and finally, to Catholicism.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Maija on 25-vuotias nuori nainen, joka etsii suuntaa elämälleen. Ranskanopinnot Helsingin yliopistossa sujuvat hyvin, mutta Maija tuntee olonsa jatkuvasti ulkopuoliseksi. Miehiin tutustuminen ja oma seksuaalinen kokemattomuus ovat ujolle tytölle vaikeita asioita. Onko Maija ainoa ikäisensä neitsyt? Tiiviin opiskelun ohella Maija päättää päästä ennakkoluuloistaan ja kehittää itsevarmuuttaan ihmissuhteissa. Vaan onko kenestäkään uudesta tuttavuudesta Maijan poikaystäväksi? Ja pystyykö herkkä Maija pitämään parisuhteessa puoliaan?Kuka tuntee Maijan on Anu Jaantilan 1980-luvun helsinkiläiseen opiskelijamaailmaan sijoittuva ihmissuhdekuvaus.Anu Jaantila (s. 1957) on julkaissut erityisesti nuortenkirjoja. Hän on koulutukseltaan musiikin maisteri ja ammatiltaan toimittaja, kirjailija ja tv-ohjaaja. Jaantilan teos Jenkkivuosi sai Pirkanmaan Plättä -palkinnon vuonna 1980.
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- 73,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Kaksi sukua ja viha, joka kantaa läpi vuosikymmenten.Ranska, 1800-luku. Kun nuori Zinevra kohtaa Luigi Porta -nimisen miehen, hän menettää sydämensä. Zinevra ei kuitenkaan arvaa, että Luigin ja hänen oman sukunsa välillä on tapahtunut dramaattinen verityö. Rakkaus on kuitenkin vahvaa, ja Zinevra nai Luigin vanhempiensa vastustuksesta huolimatta. Isä lähestulkoon katkaisee välit tyttäreensä. Katkeaako sukujen välinen koston ja vihan kierre ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä?Verikosto on traaginen romaani Honoré de Balzacilta.Honoré de Balzac (1799–1850) oli ranskalainen kirjailija. Hän syntyi Toursissa, mutta muutti perheineen teini-ikäisenä Pariisiin. Balzacin tunnetuimpia teoksia ovat Ukko Goriot sekä Bette-serkku. Hänen tyylinsä on realistinen. De Balzac kirjoitti myös näytelmiä. Kirjailijan työn lisäksi hän työskenteli myös toimittajana ja kriitikkona.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Jännittävä romaani ranskalaisesta nerosta.Eletään aikaa ennen toista maailmansotaa. Kun ranskalainen filosofi Simone Weil kohtaa erään englantilaisen opiskelijanuorukaisen, odottamaton ystävyys saa alkunsa. Tuoreet ystävykset katoavat keskusteluihin filosofiasta ja kaunokirjallisuudesta. Vaan mitä heidän välillään todella on? Miksi juuri tämä nuorukainen onnistuu tekemään vaikutuksen arvostettuun ajattelijaan? Ja miksi Weil nimeää nuorukaisen paholaispojaksi?Paholaispoika on Kirsti Simonsuuren kaunis ja filosofinen romaani Simone Weilistä.Kirsti Simonsuuri (1945–2019) oli arvostettu kirjallisuudentutkija, joka työskenteli muun muassa Cambridgessa. Simonsuuri oli myös ahkera kirjailija, ja hän julkaisi niin proosaa, runoutta kuin myös tietokirjallisuutta.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Het boek 'Jeanne d'Arc. De maagd van Orleans' is een eerbetoon aan Jeanne d'Arc, een nationale heldin van Frankrijk die als jonge negentienjarige vrouw een belangrijke rol speelde in de Honderdjarige Oorlog tussen Frankrijk en Engeland. Bijna een eeuw staan het Franse en het Engelse koningshuis al tegenover elkaar, totdat in 1429 een ongeletterde vrouw zich aan het Franse hof in Orléans meldt en verkondigt dat ze door God is gezonden om het beleg van de Engelsen te beëindigen...Nicolina Maria Sloot (1853-1927) werd op 13 januari 1853 geboren in Semarang (Java, Indonesië). In 1871 verhuisde haar familie naar Nederland, waar Nicolina's vader werk vond als onderwijzer. In Nederland begon Nicolina haar literaire carrière onder verschillende pseudoniemen: Mathilde, Melattie van Java en het iets subtielere Melati van Java. Het was in die tijd uitzonderlijk om als jong katholiek meisje te publiceren waardoor zij ervoor koos om schuilnamen te gebruiken. Door de jaren heen ontwikkelde Nicolina zich tot een zeer succesvol auteur. Haar boeken waren populair: zo was in 1921 haar boek 'Hermelijn' het vaakst uitgeleende bibliotheekboek en kreeg ze als een van de eerste vrouwen het lidmaatschap tot de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde aangeboden (1893).
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- 73,99 kr.
125,99 kr. Lorsque Lulu se fait larguer par son mari pour une jeunette du jour au lendemain, son monde s’écroule. Elle qui avait toujours vécu sans trop s’interroger sur sa vie, se retrouve seule avec deux ados. Par chance, cette quadra se découvre optimiste et se lance dans la quête effrénée d’un nouveau bonheur. Mais entre sites de rencontres, rencards décevants et amants pour l’hygiène, elle constate que tout n’est pas si simple. Et si on ajoute à l'équation une collaboratrice trop sexy pour être honnête et Vincent, le très mignon collègue de travail, il y a de quoi y perdre son latin... et sa confiance en soi ! Fort heureusement, elle peut compter sur sa bande de copines, toutes cinéphiles comme elle. Car Lulu est dingue de cinéma et compare sans cesse la vie à ses films fétiches. Et si un voyage imprévu à New-York et une rencontre improbable lui permettaient enfin de comprendre ce que c’est que d’être heureuse ?3.tMarjorie MARIANI a 47 ans et vit à Marseille depuis toujours. Elle vit une vie simple entourée de son mari et de son fils. Une douceur de vivre qui a fait émerger chez elle une grande passion : observer les gens ordinaires et leur inventer des réalités augmentées. On ajoute une imagination débordante et une pincée de cinéphilie, et le tour est joué ! La grâce du ridicule est son premier roman.
- Lydbog
- 125,99 kr.
47,99 kr. Basil fursti og hans trausti aðstoðarmaður, Sam Foxtrot, eru á leið til Berlínar til að svara kalli þýska ríkisbankans en þar leikur grunur um fyrirhugað bankarán. Í fluginu yfir Ermasundið lenda þeir á tali við tortryggilegan kvenmann sem þá grunar að sé mikilvægur hlekkur í ráðgátunni. Úr því skilja leiðir þeirra í París og fyrr en varir skerast alræmdir glæpamenn í leikinn og illvíg áflog hefjast.Ævintýrin um Basil fursta komu fyrst út á Íslandi árið 1939. Bækurnar vöktu ánægju hér á landi enda auðlesin og skemmtileg ævintýri. Basil fursti er víðkunnur sem konungur leynilögreglumanna. Honum er falið að leysa hin erfiðustu glæpamál víðsvegar um heiminn, enda þykir hann manna færastur til þeirra verka. Höfundur bókanna er óþekktur.
Fra 98,99 kr. Den blonde skønhed Vie og den sensuelle brunette Marty Jolay er døtre af en legendarisk fransk parfumeur. Selvom de er bundet sammen af blodets bånd, er de splittet af hver deres ærgerrighed. Vie er styret af sine ambitioner og Marty af sin jagt på anerkendelse. De er hinandens bitre rivaler, og hvor Vie forsøger at bruge sin skønhed på at bygge sin fars parfumeri op til et strålende imperium, er Martys største ønske at knuse sin halvsøsters drømme.”Parfumekongens døtre” er en spændende roman fyldt med intriger, stærke personer og endnu stærkere begær. Bogen udkom første gang i 1986.Johanna Kingsley er et pseudonym for den amerikanske forfatter Robert J. Rosenblum (1938 - 2015). Under et ophold i England i 1960’erne begyndte Rosenblum at skrive på en spionroman. Det førte til et liv som forfatter til en lang række romaner i forskellige genrer, herunder spionromaner, thrillers, science fiction og romance. Han har udgivet otte romaner i eget navn og flere end femten romaner under forskellige pseudonymer, herunder Johanna Kingsley. Rosenblums roman “The Religion” fra 1982 blev filmatiseret under titlen “The Believers” med blandt andre skuespilleren Martin Sheen i en af hovedrollerne.
149,99 kr. Louane est maître chien et capitaine dans l'armée de terre française, spécialisée dans le déminage et la recherche. Du haut de ses trente ans, elle a gravit les échelons de ce monde où la testostérone fait rage et règne en maître. Mais avec son caractère trempé et son entêtement, elle n'a jamais pliée devant l'un d'eux et le soutien de son unité, l'aide tout autant.Seulement voilà, ce métier, cette vocation comme elle l'appelle va donner à sa vie un tournant qu'elle espérait ne jamais vivre... Une bombe, des ennemis, du sang et des cris... Voilà ce qui va rythmer la vie de notre capitaine, surtout ses nuits... Elle va devoir rentrer au pays mais sans lui, son plus fidèle compagnon et cette décision sera celle de trop pour la militaire...Cet homme si mystérieux, mais aussi si dangereux sera-t-il celui qui l'aidera ? Seulement acceptera-t-elle ce qu'il est ? Après tout Cayden n'est nul autre que le Sergent d'Armes des Red Eagles.Qu'adviendra-t-il de la jeune femme ? Parviendra-t-elle à remonter la pente ? Mais surtout retrouvera-t-elle son poilu qui l'a accompagné pendant presque six ans ?Retrouvez ce livre chez les éditions Art en Mots.Jeune femme de 42 ans, maman et passionnée d’écriture depuis de nombreuses années maintenant. Elle vit en Picardie depuis huit ans, originaire de Seine et Marne. Sa passion pour l’écriture l’a amené à écrire différent style, tout en gardant une préférence pour la romance de type bikers.
- Lydbog
- 149,99 kr.
125,99 kr. Des barricades en centre-ville... En revenant à Beaulieu-sur-Monts, petite ville de province en apparence sans histoire, Mélina, jeune militante Greenpeace ne s’attendait certainement pas à retrouver sa ville natale en plein chaos !Comment les Belliquoises en sont arriver à détester les hommes au point de vouloir les exclure définitivement de leurs vies en déclenchant une mini-révolution ?Serait-ce le pouvoir de ce parfum aux ingrédients mystérieux que Mélina elle-même à contribuer à diffuser, le proposant à la gérante de « Princesses et Ladies », l’institut de beauté ?Ce parfum, nommé Estime, va être pour certaines Belliquoises un véritable révélateur.Laissez-vous emporter par cette histoire originale qui sous une apparente légèreté aborde des sujets profonds.Un parfum nommé Estime est le deuxième roman de Marie Milord. Auteure aux multiples facettes, Marie Milord aime par-dessus tout emporter lectrices et lecteurs dans des histoires à suspens aux intrigues originales et bien ficelées. Après avoir vécu dix ans en Afrique et au Liban, elle réside désormais en France, près de Bordeaux où elle continue d’enseigner en tant que professeur d’anglais.
- Lydbog
- 125,99 kr.
79,00 kr. Den franske og engelske poesi hører til blandt den ypperste i verden. Den har taget det ene tigerspring efter det andet, som har givet genlyd i poesien hos digtere rundt om i Europa såvel som i USA. Christian Rimestad fortæller i bogen her om de største engelske og franske digtere fra 1450 og frem til 1900 og præsenterer os for blandt andre Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, Lord Byron og Percy Bysshe Shelley.Bogen udkom første gang i 1930.Christian Rimestad (1878-1943) var en dansk forfatter, digter, oversætter og litteraturkritikker. Han debuterede som digter i 1905 med digtsamlingen "Aftnerne" og skrev foruden flere digtsamlinger en lang række bøger om litteraturhistorie. Christian Rimestad modtog både Otto Benzons Forfatterlegat og Drachmannlegatet.
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- 79,00 kr.
96,99 kr. La caja de los miedos es una extraordinaria novela de espías ambientada durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.El pequeño Aleksei, huérfano en la estepa siberiana, emprende un viaje a Moscú junto al sacerdote Vasiliy Lebedev y, de allí, al París de finales del siglo XIX. En la Ciudad de la Luz disfrutará de una nueva vida junto a la tía Vania y el resto de su peculiar familia.Mata Hari triunfa en los cabarés de Berlín cuando los alemanes contactan con ella: quieren que espíe a los franceses antes de que estalle la guerra. Margot, la mujer que se esconde tras la diva, inicia un periplo que la llevará desde Alemania a su adorado Madrid, al París eterno del Moulin Rouge y al neblinoso Londres inmerso en la Gran Guerra. Su peregrinaje le revelará que solo es un peón en manos de los poderosos que eligen las reglas del juego.El Pomone, un carguero de pabellón francés, es torpedeado en la costa del Cantábrico por un submarino alemán. Alexandre y el resto de supervivientes son rescatados por los habitantes del pueblo marinero de Tazones. Gracias a ellos, Alex consigue viajar hasta Gijón, donde buscará a la persona que esconde los documentos que la mítica Mata Hari dejó en la ciudad.¿De qué manera se entretejen las casualidades, las circunstancias y las decisiones para formar la urdimbre que determinará su destino?Este libro está narrado en castellano.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
125,99 kr. Vie réelle ou fantasmagorie, le « je » narrateur se transporte sur la Terre, qui est pour lui une mer à la recherche du bonheur passé, de l'Amour défunt : Le ciel sans toi ne m'éclaire plus, je nage dans une drôle d'atmosphère, fidèle à mes convictions : celles de croire que nos chemins se croiseront à nouveau. Espoir... Tout au long de ce récit, le lecteur navigue entre deux eaux : le réel, l'Histoire, le conte onirique de la petite histoire ordinaire d'un coup de foudre, instant passion, qui dégringole et rend suicidaire de « l'Amour » l'être abandonné. Puis vivre sa quête de l'absolu, avant de venir voir sa dernière demeure, deux mondes aussi : les cieux et leur royaume qui fait si peur, et la navigation d'île sous le couvert des ailes des oiseaux, décrite ainsi par l'auteur : Jour « J». Quelques mouettes moqueuses volaient insouciantes, tourbillonnant au-dessus du cercueil, formation en V, tel un quatorze juillet, ou criant de joie leurs sensibilités de flirter en compagnie des courants ascendants et aspirants au silence de la ville, le soliloque de la campagne, une mosaïque de l'amour de la mer d'Iroise leur terroir. Au passage, elles rejetaient leurs déchets intestinaux sur de vieilles pierres qui ne demandaient, elles, rien à personne et surtout pas d'ailes car elles formaient une île, homard, nommée Ouessant.Né en été, il passait ses étés chez sa grand-mère maternelle à se baigner, comme une évidence. Lorsque plus tard, il arriva à l’Aber-Ildut, huit ans, il ne savait pas pour l’occupation du village, jouait dans un blockhaus, trouvait moche le vert vieux du café/épicerie, et dehors ! Dehors ? Un couple de cygnes majestueux, une plate et les alignements d’un trou de reproduction de lieu jaune, il y jetait son ancre, heureux, de juste contempler, ce fjord breton, sans se soucier de l’avenir. Puis, en échec scolaire, il part vers Nantes, ne retrouve pas ses repères et part en Amazonie, le plus grand village de France, Maripasoula, sous la canopée, il y vivra, aimant marcher sur les troncs ponts, les fourmis géantes, ayant peur de se perdre, puis vint le voilier, après avoir découvert la planche à voile, véliplanchiste dans l’âme. Lire, oui-oui à Romain Gary, pas pour les « Goncourt », mais pour son livre "Adieu, Gary Cooper" et la folie créatrice de Boris Vian sont ses livres de chevets. Malade, quand il a revu, son cerveau bug et il part en clinique, puis les hôpitaux, le temps ne passe pas, alors, il trouve son bonheur dans l’écriture. Il parle de sa cervelle "ballade" une chanson pour sa muse, Rose.
- Lydbog
- 125,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Set during the ‘Seven Years War’ between England and France, ‘A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy’ was one of Sterne’s last works.Seen as the epilogue to his ‘Tristram Shandy’ books (later adapted for film, as ‘A Cock and Bull Story´, starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon), it tells the tale of Yorick, as he travels between the two countries.While visiting Paris, Yorick is discovered to be without a passport. When he flees to Versailles in order to get one, he is mistaken for the jester in Shakespeare's ‘Hamlet’. Will he be able to escape imprisonment, or is the game up for our hero?A superb satire on another author’s less-than-sentimental travelogue through the same countries.Born in Ireland, Laurence Sterne (1713 – 1768) was the son of a commissioned officer in the British army. As a result, the first 10 years of his life were spent travelling from place to place. However, at the age of 11, he was sent to boarding school in England, under the care of his brother. After leaving Jesus College with a Bachelor of Arts, he was ordained both a priest and a deacon.While he had previously written for the ‘York Gazetteer’, Sterne's uncle encouraged him to write for political journals, much to the consternation of the rest of the family. This was followed by his first novel, ´A Political Romance,’ which also put religion under the spotlight.After failing in the role of a farmer, he wrote his most famous book, ‘The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.’ Six years later, he was to become part of the abolitionist movement, after publicly replying to a letter from former slave, writer, and composer, Ignatius Sancho.Sterne died in London, aged 54.
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- 77,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "Now that I am free, perfectly free, I intend to remain so."Today, this would be a clear message to look for another online date.In 19th-century Paris, Leon de Preval, a captain in the Sixth Horse, does not take the hint. The focus of his intrigue is a mysterious young widow in a mask, who is enjoying the freedom that the death of her controlling husband has allowed her.The woman's identity remains a secret, but they meet a few weeks later at another masquerade ball. When Preval asks for a third meeting, she agrees - but with a set of challenging conditions.'Love in a Mask' is a romantic story with a sharp edge of commentary about women's role in society and their treatment by their husbands.If you like this, try Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Sense and Sensibility' or 'Madame Bovary' by Gustave Flaubert.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. It begins with the undignified scene of two young men on a Parisian stagecoach, boasting about their love affairs with older, married women.Hubris turns to tragedy when the coach overturns, leaving one of the men with fatal injuries. However, drama dictates that there is always time for some final words before death.The dying man gives his travelling companion a mission - collect love letters from his house and deliver them to his lover, a countess.How will the countess react to the news of her lover's death? And how will the count take the news that she was betraying him?If you like this classic short story by Honoré de Balzac about betrayal, try 'Anna Karenina' by Leo Tolstoy or 'Rebecca' by Daphne du Maurier.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "Vive la counter-revolution!"In 'Sons of the Soil', Balzac tells an extraordinary story of gentry and peasants, complacency and corruption, jealousy and revenge. And it has a contentious central message: the Revolution upset the balance and sowed new divisions between the classes.Centred around General Moncornet's chateau and estate in Burgundy, there is a large, fascinating cast of listless ladies and gentlemen indoors who "get what amusement they can out of carefully dressing themselves". Meanwhile, the staff are scheming and the locals con and poach their way through life.With the skill of Charles Dickens, Balzac draws together the main characters and enmeshes them in a murderous and treacherous plot with numerous serpentine twists.Fans of 'Downton Abbey' and Dickens' classics, including 'Bleak House' and 'A Tale of Two Cities' will love this.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
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- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Although written after ‘The Companions of Jehu,’ ‘The Whites and the Blues’ details events leading up to the first book.It follows the fortunes of young Charles Nodier, who arrives in Strasbourg to study Greek under the tutelage of Euloge Schneider.However, when he gets there, he discovers that Schneider has become the town’s Public Prosecutor and is feared for his indiscriminate use of Madame Guillotine.All the while, the shadow of Napoleon lies heavy on the narrative.A page-turning read, full of political intrigue, betrayal, and romance, this is a must for fans of the ‘Sainte-Hermine’ trilogy.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The old, abandoned manor of La Grande Bretèche stands between the trees like a secret. Uncovered one day by Dr. Horace Bianchon whilst visiting the nearby town of Vendôme, the ruins will beckon any wandering visitor in.Full of intrigue, the doctor simply can’t resist entering the house. But night after night, he fails. Why can’t La Grande Bretèche be accessed? And what do the locals know of this mysterious shelter?Adapted into 3 films, 2 episodes, an opera, and a BBC Radio 4 play, Balzac’s gripping ‘The Human Comedy’ short story, ‘The Grand Bretèche´, is ideal for fans of Xavier Giannolli’s 2021 ‘Lost Illusions’ film.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. "She was patient, elegant in form, the colour of an ideal mouse, and inimitably small."That’s Robert Louis Stevenson’s loving description of Modestine the Donkey. In 1879, the pair became traveling companions on a hike through France. Along the way, Stevenson describes the beauty of the countryside and the people they encounter, while also reflecting on his own personal history.Lyrical and surprising, this travelogue makes for a hugely enjoyable ramble through Stevenson’s mind. And in Modestine, he creates a character you won’t forget.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. Born in Edinburgh, he suffered from severe health issues for most of his life. Despite this, he still managed to produce some of the century’s most famous stories. These include the classic adventure "Treasure Island" and the horror novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".Stevenson’s last years were spent on the Samoan island of Upolo, where he became an advocate for Samoan rights. He died in his home of a brain haemorrhage and was buried on the island’s Mount Vaea.
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- 77,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Once bitten, twice shy sometimes rings true. Madame de Beauseant must have been bitten very hard, for she became a hermit in her Normandy castle due to humiliation after being cast aside by her aristocratic lover.However, when Baron Gaston de Nueil, a far younger and very persistent man, comes to town, he cannot resist seeking out this mysterious and notorious woman.He falls for her but she, being "twice shy", first rejects his advances and then runs away to Geneva. The lovesick Baron follows her, melts her heart and they live happily....for a few years.The age gap spooks the Baron's fearsome mother, who lines up a younger woman for him to marry. Mme de Beauseant fears a second humiliation, while the Baron contends with the call of his heart and the fear of his mother. What will he decide to do?Fans of Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park' and 'Emma' will love this exquisite story of lost love and social propriety.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Felix was rejected as a child by his mother and those scars never fully heal.In a book with great emotional depth, Honore de Balzac explores Felix' two major adult relationships with women through the form of a single letter.With the beautiful, but married, Madame Mortsauf, maternal love grows into a passion - but never crosses into physical infidelity. As the years pass by, Felix falls for sensuous Englishwoman Lady Arabelle.Torn between "the wife of the spirit" and "the mistress of the flesh", he becomes the laughing stock of the French Court. How will he untie his emotional knot without causing emotional damage to the two women?The insights and descriptions are exquisite - and there is an unexpected twist at the end.'The Lily of the Valley' is perfect reading for fans of other books featuring a love triangle, including Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind' and Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights'.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Set against the backdrop of the Paris Uprising of 1832, ‘The She-Wolves of Machecoul’ is dripping with political intrigue, sinister plots, and knuckle-cracking villains.However, at its heart, the story is a romantic one, focusing on the fortunes of the eponymous she-wolves, Mary and Bertha.While the plot to establish a new monarch unfolds, Mary and Bertha are both smitten with Baron Michel Logerie.But is the Baron all that he seems, or does he have ulterior motives?Filled with thrills, secrets, and historical detail, ´The She-Wolves of Machecoul´ is a superb adventure story, which will surely delight fans of Dumas' other works.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When Milanese nobleman Count Andrea Marcosini sees Marianna in the crowd at the Palais-Royal in Paris, he immediately decides that she will be his. After all, this wealthy man with a wandering eye is used to getting what he wants.However, she is married to a composer called "Gambara", whose music reaches heights of beauty - but only when he is drunk. The count gives them money, then gives him a drink, and then, finally, steals Marianna from him.It is a tale of lust, greed and arrogance - with one significant twist. 'Gambara' will delight fans of Balzac's body of work.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. There are dilemmas - and then there are dilemmas. Juanito Leganes faces the sort of choice that is beyond our worst nightmares.It comes after his father, Marquis of the Spanish town of Menda, leads an uprising against the French occupiers, allowing the British to take the town. When the French retake it, their general orders the hanging of the Marquis and his entire family, including his wife, three sons and two daughters.However, Marquis asks for beheadings instead and for his eldest son, Juanito, to be spared. The general agrees but on one condition: that Juanito wields the axe.Will he decapitate them all and live, or will he choose to die with them at the end of a rope?If you are a fan of Bernard Cornwell's 'Sharpe' novels and the TV series starring Sean Bean, this short story is for you.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Spoiling a child is not just about letting them have a few extra sweets. In some cases, years of doting really do spoil them.Victurien d'Esgrignon was raised by his doting aunt and adoring father - a family high up in the aristocracy of Restoration France. As a young man, he is both intelligent and shallow: a liar and a cheat who ruins his family, their lawyer, and others drawn into his circle.Then he meets his match - a young man with the same cold heart and eye for an opportunity. Who will triumph in this race to the bottom?Honore de Balzac's 'The Collection of Antiquities' shines a bright light on the social and moral decline of the aristocracy in 1830s France.Fans of 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo and 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens will love this!Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Bouvard and Pécuchet’ (1881) was written by the great French author Gustave Flaubert, famous for his scandalous best-selling novel ‘Madame Bovary’.Although unfinished at the time of his passing, this posthumous novel is now considered one of Flaubert's masterpieces.Two retired Parisian clerks, Bouvard and Pécuchet, set out on a quest for truth and knowledge, but despite constant failure, the pair continue their symbolic adventure with dogged optimism.A humorous, gripping satire that touches on politics, love, and religion, ‘Bouvard and Pécuchet’ is Flaubert at his best.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist, regarded as one of the great Western writers and a leading exponent of literary realism in France. A hugely influential figure, he is best known for his debut novel ‘Madame Bovary’ (1857) which caused a nationwide scandal upon publication with its realistic portrayal of bourgeois life.The historical novel ‘Salammbô’ and the painting-inspired ‘The Temptation of Saint Anthony’ are some of his other well-known works.Many of Flaubert’s stories have since been adapted for TV and film including ‘Madame Bovary’ (2000) starring Hugh Bonneville.
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- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Veronique Graslin is a woman of strength.Despite being scarred by smallpox at 11, and then railroaded into a miserable marriage with a man who resembles an "antique satyr", she builds a life of wealth and good works in the French countryside.But, nibbling away at her conscience like a persistent rat, there is a dark secret that will not let her go.After Veronique encounters two criminals, as well as Monsieur Bonnet, the insightful rector, she feels that her soul is being "ploughed".Balzac's novel mixes the spiritual with the political, exposing rural injustice, and railing against the horrific conditions endured by criminals on the French galleys.All the time, he tiptoes toward the big reveal: what is Veronique's secret?If you like 'Bleak House' by Charles Dickens and 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo, you will enjoy 'The Village Rector'.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.