Bøger i World Classics serien
96,99 kr. En 1886, un monstre est apercu a plusieurs reprises par des marins dans differentes mers. Croyant qu'il s'agit d'une licorne des mers geantes, un groupe d'homme se forme aux Etats-Unis, preparant une expedition pour aller tuer le monstre, avant qu'il ne cause plus de degats aux navires. Le professeur francais et eminent biologiste Pierre Aronnax joint l'expedition a la derniere minute. Quand l'equipage trouve la bete et se lance a l'attaque, le professeur, son assistant flamand Conseil et l'harponneur Quebecois Ned Land se retrouvent a l'eau et se sauvent de justesse de la noyade en grimpant sur le dos de l'animal, mais il se trouve que ce n'est ni un monstre, ni un narval, mais plutot un sous-marin, dirige par le capitaine Nemo. Ils les invitent a l'interieur ou une aventure sans pareil les attend. Ce fascinant roman d'aventure suit ces heros a travers le monde, a la decouverte de merveilles immergees, avec des inventions qui n'ont alors meme pas encore ete imaginees. C'est une histoire pleine de suspense et de rebondissement, en faisant un roman aussi exceptionnel qu'inoubliable. -
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Pauline Valery is a scorned woman, rejected by her lover Gilbert Redmond for a wealthy heiress, she will stop at nothing to exact revenge. She will don a metaphorical mask, shielding her true emotions to the world only allowing people to see what she allows them to see. Using her understanding of human nature, she manipulates those around her to carry out her will, in this fast paced, chilling thriller. The consequences will be severe, but Pauline is a woman possessed and she will stop at nothing till Gilbert has felt her pain. It is a story perfect for lovers of revenge stories and thrillers, or anyone who loved Cameron Diaz's 'The Other Woman'.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Leo Tolstoy's 'Sevastopol Sketches' is a series of three semi-autobiographical short stories which are based on his own recollections and experiences of the Crimean War. As a young artillery officer, Tolstoy was present at Sevastopol - the city under intense siege during the war, and his experiences of the grim situation are retold here in gruesome detail. The horrors and realities of war are laid bare as Tolstoy contrasts the heroism of soldiers with the futility of war. Undoubtedly an influence for his later epic 'War and Peace', 'Sevastopol Sketches' is an important novel in the timeline of Tolstoy's work. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
38,99 kr. On the shores of Lake Geneva, in the Year Without a Summer, Mary Shelley would first conceive her most famous monster and begin writing "e;Frankenstein"e;. "e;History of a Six Weeks' Tour"e; tells the story of that fateful journey: a travel catalogue by Mary Shelley that recounts her two trips to Europe in 1814 and 1816 alongside Percy Bysshe Shelley and the rakish Lord Byron. From post-Napoleonic France, to the sublime landscapes of Switzerland, Shelley provides a captivating account of the beautiful natural surroundings as well as offering insightful commentary upon the lives and traditions of the countries they visit. A perfect read ahead of the movie adaptation "e;Poor Things"e;, starring a Frankenstein-esque Emma Stone, "e;History"e; gives insight into the lives of the Romantics and the grandeur of the world around them.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
Fra 102,99 kr. First published in 1893, ‘The Odd Women’ by Victorian author George Gissing revolves around the themes of feminism, marriage, and love through the lives of several contrasting women. The ‘odd’ of the title refers to the fact that in Victorian Britain there were more men than women, and many women therefore found themselves surplus. Mary Barfoot is one of these surplus women - a feminist philanthropist, she is training women to have careers of their own. Her close friend Rhoda Nunn is strongly of the opinion that marriage is a disastrous choice for women, but their young protégé Monica Madden goes against them both when she decides to marry a seemingly kind older man. A riveting story, and highly provocative for the time in which it was published, ‘The Odd Women’ is a sympathetic novel which was ahead of its time. George Gissing (1857-1903) was a British author from Wakefield, Yorkshire. A studious child, his love of fiction was sparked when he first read Charles Dickens, who would prove to be a lifelong inspiration for Gissing. He would go on to write ‘Charles Dickens: A Critical study’ in 1898. At the age of just fifteen Gissing was awarded a scholarship to Owen’s College University, where he won a number of prizes for his writing. His university education was cut short however when Gissing was found guilty of stealing from fellow students. Following his expulsion and punishment of a month’s hard labour, Gissing travelled to America where he worked as a writer, teacher, and travelling salesman before returning to Britain. His first novels, ‘Workers in the Dawn’ and ‘Mrs Grundy’s Enemies’ were self-published, and Gissing had to supplement his income through teaching. He wrote over twenty novels during the course of his literary career, which all drew on his own experiences of near-poverty, hardship, and his deeply unhappy personal life. His most famous works include, ‘The Nether World’, ‘New Grub Street’ and ‘The Odd Women’. He died in France in 1903.
48,99 kr. Przed dziewietnastoletnim Edmundem Dantesem swiat stoi otworem. Mlody marynarz u progu awansu zawodowego planuje poslubic ukochana Mercedes i zdawac by sie moglo, ze nic nie moze stanac mu na przeszkodzie. Jednak wskutek falszywych oskarzen niespodziewanie laduje w wiezieniu, gdzie spedza czternascie lat. Lata niewoli spedza w towarzystwie ksiedza Farii, ktory przekazuje mu rozlegla wiedze. Po smierci kaplana nadarza sie okazja do ucieczki. Lecz swiat na wolnosci znacznie sie zmienil... Jak odnajdzie sie w nim Dantes? Czy odnajdzie ukochana i zemsci sie na swoich wrogach?Hrabia Monte Christo to jedna z najbardziej znanych powiesci awanturniczych na swiecie i zarazem najslynniejsze dzielo Aleksandra Dumasa. Wedlug wspomnien samego autora, w 1842 roku Dumas udal sie wraz z bratankiem Napoleona Bonaparte na Elbe i Pianose w celu zwiedzenia miejsc zwiazanych z jego slawnym stryjem. Ze statku dostrzegli wyspe Monte Christo. Podobno Dumas po uslyszeniu jej nazwy obiecal, ze zawrze ja w tytule przyszlej powiesci.-
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.
Fra 44,99 kr. Hringurinn konungsnautur er fyrsti kaflinn í hinum stóra sagnabálki sögulegra skáldsagna eftir hinn sænskumælandi Finna, Zacharias Topelius.Ævintýraleg fjölskyldu- og örlagasaga sem spannar tvær aldir. Hringamiðja sagana er hringur einn sem býr yfir ákveðnum töframætti og minnir því óneitanlega á Hringadróttinssögu, en Sögur herlæknisins eru tæpum 90 árum eldri en hið fræga meistaraverk Tolkiens.Sagan birtist fyrst í dagblaðsútgáfu árið 1851 en íslensk þýðing er í höndum sjálfs Matthíasar Jochumssonar.Rithöfundurinn, ljóðskáldið og blaðamaðurinn Zacharias Topelius (1818-1898) var nokkuð víðförull á sínum ferli; var doktor í sagnfræði, áhrifamaður í frelsisbaráttu Finna gegn Rússum og gegndi meðal annars stöðu rektors við Háskólann í Helsinki.rnVerk hans báru með sér mikinn keim af fornum leyndardóm, dulspeki og jafnvel alkemískum fræðum. En styttri verk hans könnuðu þau miklu áhrif sem iðnbyltinginn hafði á finnskt samfélag.
96,99 kr. Dans Keraban-le-tetu le heros se retrouve dans une aventure perilleuse. Le marchant de tabac turc Keraban veut se rendre d'Istanbul a la Mer Noire, mais refuse de passer par le nouveau peage du detroit du Bosphore et decide donc de faire un large detour par la terre. Il a pour compagnons de voyage deux Rotterdamois, qui se rendent par hasard chez Keraban pour faire des affaires et se retrouvent forces de voyager avec lui. Cela est typique de Keraban, qui est extremement tetu. Tellement tetu qu'il est pret a faire un detour de presque 4000 kilometres pour ne pas payer le petit montant demande au peage. Fidele au style de Jules Verne, Keraban est aussi limite par le temps. S'il ne revient pas assez vite de son voyage, la niece de sa fiancee risque de perdre son considerable heritage.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Dans ces histoires adressees a Ninon, Zola nous montre toute l'envergure de son talent, alors qu'il n'avait que vingt ans et travaillait dans la libraire de Louis Hachette, ayant rate son baccalaureat. Il passe ses heures creuses a ecrire des histoires, que voici. Elles sont toutes centrees autour du personnage de Ninon, et les personnages ont tous environs le meme age que Zola lui-meme. De ce fait, ces nouvelles sont un testament a ce que c'etait que d'etre jeune dans la France du 19e. -
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Does Romeo and Juliet really need an introduction? Of all William Shakespeare's plays, this might be the best known to date. Lamentable tragedies, star-crossed lovers and feuding families: if you somehow haven't managed to read the all-time romantic tragedy classic, this is your sign to do so.In the midst of a violence and disputes, two young lovers find each other in a world that continuously contradict their attempt to attain eternal love and happiness. The age-old vendetta between the Montagues and the Capulets erupts into bloodshed. Romeo is a Montague, Juliet a Capulet, will their love be strong enough to stand their families quarrel?For fans of Andre Aciman, John Green and Nicholas Sparks. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
Fra 67,99 kr. First published in 1922, ‘The Blue Envelope’ is a mysterious adventure from popular children’s author Roy J. Snell. Set in Alaska, young cousins Lucille and Marian are spending the winter here working as a schoolteacher and an artist respectively. However, when a mysterious and important letter arrives, the girls have an adventure ahead of them as they must ensure it gets to the right person and doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Full of danger and adventure, this is a thrilling tale which will charm all age groups.Roy J. Snell (1878-1959) was a popular American author best known for his children’s fiction. Born in Missouri, Snell was raised on a farm in Illinois. At the age of 19 he attended Wheaton College, graduating in 1906. He became a Minister, before continuing his studies at Harvard University. Snell then moved to Alaska before joining the war effort serving with the Red Cross. WWI had interrupted his blossoming writing career, and upon his return from France Snell began writing in earnest. Many of his books drew on his own adventurous spirit and love of travel, and Snell went on to write over 70 young adult novels, many of which were also published under his pseudonyms, David O’Hara, James Craig and Joseph Marino. He died in 1959 at the age of 80.
148,99 kr. Durante una revuleta tártara, Miguel Strogoff se embarcó como mensajero del zar Alejandro II en un viaje fascinante que lo llevó de Moscú a Irkutsk, en el este de Siberia, con la misión de preservar la unidad de la patria. A pesar de la oposición y las asechanzas de los malvados tártaros, y del traidor Ogareff, Strogoff cumple su misión y su aventura deviene en un magnífico viaje iniciático.Esta historia inolvidable lleva al lector a través de las inabarcables tierras altas y las vastas llanuras áridas y peligrosas de la Rusia del siglo XIX, y es considerada por muchos como la obra maestra de Julio Verne. Fue adaptada múltiples veces al teatro y al cine, e incluso se convirtió en un juego de mesa basado en el viaje de Strogoff.Jules Verne (1828 – 1905) fue un escritor, poeta y dramaturgo francés y es considerado el fundador de la moderna literatura de ciencia ficción. Es uno de los escritores mas importantes de Francia y de toda Europa, y un gran influyente en la literatura vanguardista y surrealista. En sus relatos fantásticos predijo con gran precisión la aparición de algunos inventos generados por los avances tecnológicos del siglo XX, tales como la televisión, los helicópteros, los submarinos y las naves espaciales.
67,99 kr. "e;Whirligigs"e; is twenty-four tale powerhouse collection of short stories created by acclaimed author O.Henry. This collection focuses on the daring, the darling and the strangest amongst us, written with O.Henry's signature sharp wit and flair for satire, this is not a book that will have you bored. O.Henry's impressive ability for creating layered and intricate plots is on full display here, creating an offering that will have you marvelling at the wit and ingenuity of his plot creation. Typical of his work there is a wide array of tales to dive in to, cipher cracking journalists, reformed burglars and men intent on creating their own language. "e;Whirligigs"e; is a timeless collection with something for everyone - perfect for people who are fans of fast, punchy stories without the time for a whole novel.-
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Alors qu'il est a la recherche d'un nouveau livre, un libraire decouvre "e;Histoire veritable"e;, qui est un ouvrage se disant etre les memoires d'un homme qui vit depuis quatre mille ans. Le narrateur pretend avoir un don de memoire et se souvenir de nombreuses vies anterieures et d'avoir vecu de nombreuses renaissances. "e;Histoire veritable"e; est un conte philosophique, s'inspirant de l'A uvre eponyme de Lucien de Samosate (c.120 - 180), et qui raconte les maintes petites et grandes histoires de la vie des Hommes, passant du plus petit animal, au betail, d'un homme sur un continent etranger a une femme dans une contree lointaine. -
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
Fra 36,99 kr. Una moglie morta da tempo sembra resuscitare in questo classico racconto di Edgar Allan Poe. Una storia coinvolgente e piena di atmosfera, "Ligeia" combina magistralmente realismo, fantasia e horror nel più classico stile di Poe. "Ligeia" ha intrigato intere generazioni di scrittori e studiosi che a tutt’oggi dibattono il significato simbolico di questa storia cupa e affascinante.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato un poeta, scrittore e critico letterario americano. Noto soprattutto per le sue poesie, i racconti e gli argomenti soprannaturali, misteriosi e macabri, gli viene anche attribuito il merito di aver inventato il genere poliziesco e contribuito ampiamente all’emergere della fantascienza, del romanticismo cupo e della weird fiction. Tra le sue opere più note si citano "Il corvo" (1845), "Il gatto nero" (1843) e "Lo scarabeo d’oro" (1843).
36,99 kr. C'est l'histoire du petit Simon, qui a un probleme : les autres ecoliers se moquent de lui parce qu'il n'a pas de papa. Fatigue de ces moqueries, Simon decide de se noyer dans la riviere, mais est arrete par le forgeron Philippe. C'est une opportunite parfaite pour le petit garcon, qui lui fait aussitot un marche : si Philippe accepte de jouer le role de son pere, il ne se noiera pas. S'il refuse, il retournera a la riviere. -
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Nantas, jeune marseillais fils de macon, quitte sa ville natale pour Paris. Sa mere aurait voulu qu'il passe son baccalaureat, revant qu'il puisse ainsi s'elever dans la societe. Ses parents avaient travaille dur pour lui payer ses etudes, mais sa mere mourut et son pere chuta, obligeant d'abord Nantas a travailler chez un negociant, puis a remplacer son pere. Quand il trouve ce dernier mort, Nantas vend tout, et avec deux cent francs en poche, il quitte Marseille pour la capitale, sure que sa fortune l'y attend. Cependant, celle-ci se fait attendre et Nantas vit dans une etroite chambre mansardee, perdant progressivement patience. Quand finalement la chance frappe a sa porte, c'est avec une offre des moins conventionnelles...-
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
92,99 kr. From the king of short stories comes another wonderful collection of twenty two tales. "e;Roads of Destiny"e; takes us on a globe-trotting adventure, visiting exotic locations and places dear to O. Henry's heart. His passion for life is imbued in these tales, lending it a wonderful air of authenticity and creativity. The humorous, often satirical nature, typical of O.Henry's work is combined with a level of thoughtfulness and consideration that creates a truly special read. Some of the best-known tales among them include "e;The Discounters of Money"e;, "e;A Retrieved Reformation"e;, and "e;Friends in San Rosario"e;. These tales will leave you very happy you picked this book up, but also with something to think on. A collection perfect for any fans with an adventurous streak, who loved 'Around the World in Eighty Days' or 'Jumanji'.-
- E-bog
- 92,99 kr.
Fra 67,99 kr. "Queen Lucia" (1920) is the first volume of E. F. Benson’s "Mapp and Lucia" 6-novel series. It is a comedy of manners, set in provincial Riseholme (Lincolnshire). Emmeline Lucas rules local society with the help of her friend Georgie Pillson, a position she fiercely protects from her rival Daisy Quantock. But this very situation is at risk, as a scandal breaks out and a famous Prima Donna arrives in the sleepy old hamlet. Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940) was a British archeologist and author, who wrote under the pen name E. F. Benson. Originally from Berkshire, he studied at Cambridge University and published his first novel "Dodo" in 1893. It was an instant success. He was a prolific novelist, and wrote in a blend of satire, science-fiction, supernatural and romantic melodramas, and has been admired by later authors such as H. P. Lovecraft. He was also a reputed memoirist, and wrote amongst others a biography of Charlotte Brontë. Benson was a very discreet character but it is widely assumed that he was homosexual, of which traces can be found in the circles he kept as well as in his fiction. He never married and passed away in 1940 at age 72.
67,99 kr. 'Cabbages and Kings' is one of renowned author William Sidney Porter's most famous collections of short stories. Better known by his literary pseudonym 'O. Henry', the collection was inspired by the time he spent hiding out from the US authorities in Honduras. The narrative focuses on the fictional Republic of Anchuria and is a collective tale of corruption and political intrigue. 'Cabbages and Kings' is also the source of the now famous and much-used term 'banana republic'. The title is in reference to the poem 'The Walrus and the Carpenter' from 'Through the Looking Glass' by well-known children's author Lewis Carroll. One of O. Henry's earliest short story collections, 'Cabbages and Kings' offers a fascinating introduction to this much-loved 20th century author. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
73,99 kr. "e;Le Reve"e; (1888) est le seizieme roman dans le cycle "e;Les Rougon-Macquart"e;. Il raconte l'histoire d'une orpheline, Angelique, et se deroule dans le Val-d'Oise. Angelique, fille de Sidonie Rougon et de mere inconnue, passe de famille en famille, et atterrit finalement chez les pieux Hubert, un couple de brodeurs. Le couple est sterile et pense que cela est du a une malediction jetee sur eux par Mme Hubert sur son lit de mort. La pauvre petite Angelique reve qu'un prince vienne la sauver de cette situation miserable, tout comme dans les vies de saints qu'elle lit, ou les jeunes vierges sont sauvees et epousent Jesus. C'est ainsi qu'elle rencontre Felicien, peintre verrier, qui a ses yeux ressemble a Saint Georges. -
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 41,99 kr. "Inferno" tells the story "of those who have rejected spiritual values", of those who are lost and are unable to find the right way to salvation. It describes each sin and the corresponding punishment. It differentiates between Purgatory and Hell by presenting people begging for forgiveness and others willing to justify their sins. "Inferno" represents the Christian soul who gets to see what it really is to commit a sin and what is to be expected in the afterlife. "Inferno" is the first part of Dante Alighieri’s medieval poem "The Divine Comedy" which was written in the period 1308-1320. It depicts the nine circles of Hell and Dante’s journey through them. Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. "The Divine Comedy" and "The New life" were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called "The father of Italian language". Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
67,99 kr. After the death of King Henry V, his young son ascends to the throne. As he's too young to rule, the English nobles rise to the challenge and take charge. Meanwhile, in France, Joan la Pucelle (Joan of Arc) persuades the newly crowned French king, Charles VII, to reclaim French lands held by the English. Lord Talbot, the national hero, leads the English to battle France. As the war rages on the continent, the feuding dukes of York and Somerset quarrel over who is responsible for sending reinforcements. The power struggles at court create unrest and set up future conflicts. "e;Henry VI, Part 1"e; looks at the early English history and the country's tumultuous relationship with the French. The play is the first of four history plays (the others being "e;Henry VI, Part 2,"e; "e;Henry VI, Part 3"e; and "e;Richard III"e;) known collectively as the "e;first tetralogy."e;-
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
92,99 kr. Jane Austen famously wrote: "e;I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like."e;Emma Woodhouse is perhaps Jane Austen's most seductive and complicated character, filled with intrigue and uniqueness. Despite having decided to never marry, precocious Emma Woodhouse is a self proclaimed cupid that has taken it upon herself to help her friends find eligible matches. As it becomes evident that the judgement of her matchmaking abilities is misplaced, Emma finds herself at the heart of several romantic misadventures. 'Emma' is a novel about adolescent arrogance and the complicated nature of romantic relations. Commenting on 19th-century English society, 'Emma' is filled with Austen's literary wit and rich and memorable characters, making it the forerunner for contemporary romances. 'Emma' has been adapted for a modern audience several times, most recently in the 2020 Hollywood comedy-drama, starring Anya Taylor-Joy and Johnny Flynn. -
- E-bog
- 92,99 kr.
92,99 kr. First published in 1866, 'Little Foxes' is a form of self-help book by renowned author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Organised into seven different sections including 'Irritability', 'Self-Will' and 'Intolerance', a wealth of advice is given as to how to oppose and avoid negative and self-destructive habits, thereby attaining a happy and peaceful existence within the family home. An intriguing insight into 19th century attitudes towards self-help and personal growth. -
- E-bog
- 92,99 kr.
67,99 kr. "e;Once upon a time, and of course it was in the Golden Age, and I hope you may know when that was, for I am sure I don't, though I have tried hard to find out, there lived in a rich and fertile country, a powerful Prince whose name was Bull."e;Bull is one of the many characters you will meet in this wonderful Charles Dickens collection of sketches and short stories. The anthology includes sad must-reads like A Child's Dream of a Star and amusing satirical pieces like A Monument of French Folly. The stories originally appeared in his journal Household Words.-
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
Fra 67,99 kr. "The Mirror of the Sea" (1906) is a collection of autobiographical essays first published in various magazines between 1904 and 1906.Joseph Conrad lived an exciting and eventful life as a seaman, and as a writer he possessed a unique insight into human psychology, which is clearly reflected in his fictional works as well as in his essays.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in that language after settling in England. His most famous novel is "Heart of Darkness" (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
Fra 77,99 kr. The third in a series of books revolving around cousins Marian and Lucile by author Roy J. Snell, in ‘The Secret Mark’ we are reunited with Lucile, now working part-time at the library at her Chicago University. While at the library one night Lucile witnesses the theft of a valuable book from the library’s collection. Together with her friend and roommate Florence, Lucile vows to track down the thief and solve the mystery, as danger and adventure inevitably ensue. A gripping tale from the popular American author. Roy J. Snell (1878-1959) was a popular American author best known for his children’s fiction. Born in Missouri, Snell was raised on a farm in Illinois. At the age of 19 he attended Wheaton College, graduating in 1906. He became a Minister, before continuing his studies at Harvard University. Snell then moved to Alaska before joining the war effort serving with the Red Cross. WWI had interrupted his blossoming writing career, and upon his return from France Snell began writing in earnest. Many of his books drew on his own adventurous spirit and love of travel, and Snell went on to write over 70 young adult novels, many of which were also published under his pseudonyms, David O’Hara, James Craig and Joseph Marino. He died in 1959 at the age of 80.
36,99 kr. Un Allemand pulmonaire, ancien eleve de Schopenhauer, se meurt doucement en bord de mer a Menton. Il reste assis des heures durant sous les fenetres de son hotel, immobile, lisant. Le narrateur, intrigue, engage la conversation avec lui. L'Allemand lui raconte qu'il lit l'A uvre de son ancien maitre et lui raconte l'histoire du deces du philosophe, et de l'effroyable veille de son corps qui s'ensuivit. -
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
66,99 kr. "e;To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart."e;Master Humphrey is an old, crippled man living in London. To combat his loneliness, he starts a little club, Master Humphrey's Clock, and invites its members to read from their manuscripts. Delightful, supernatural, romantic and sometimes a little creepy, this is the collection of their stories. Readers familiar with Dickens will perhaps come across characters and stories they already know as it serves as an introduction to, among others, Barnaby Rudge and The Old Curiosity Shop.-
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.