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  • af O. Henry
    66,99 kr.

    "e;New Yorker Stories"e; offers a colourful description of O.Henry's favourite city, together with the emotional states of New Yorkers at the turn of the twentieth century. Some of O.Henry's best stories are gathered here, excelling in the author's preference for witty language, ironic situations, and unexpected, surprise endings.-

  • af George Eliot
    111,99 kr.

    Deze groots opgezette, 19de-eeuwse roman draait rond Tom en Maggie, twee kinderen van het gezin Tulliver. De Tullivers groeien op in de molen van Dorlcote. Een slepende rechtszaak brengt het gezin aan de rand van de afgrond. De koppige Tom zoekt een baantje om de schulden van zijn vader af te lossen. De intelligente, maar impulsieve Maggie wordt verliefd op Philip, zoon van de man die vader Tulliver voor het gerecht daagde. Broer en zus, die een sterke band hebben, komen tegenover elkaar te staan. George Eliot volgt de twee Tullivers over een turbulente periode van 15 jaar.-

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    In the early 15th century, young King Henry V ascends to the throne of England after the death of his father, King Henry IV. As his restless subjects deal with the aftermath of bitter civil wars, the young king must face his wild youth and prove himself to gain the respect of his people. Using his family's distant roots to French royalty and the interpretation of ancient land laws, Henry lays claim to parts of France. Unsurprisingly, the Dauphin, the ruling prince of France, ridicules Henry's claim and dismisses it. Left with little choice Henry decides to invade France instead. "e;Henry V"e; is the last of William Shakespeare's historical plays, often referred to as The Henriad. The others are "e;Richard II"e; "e;Henry IV, Part 1."e; and "e;Henry IV, Part 2."e; All plays are loosely based on the Lancaster branch of England's House of Plantagenet. Fans of the Netflix show "e;The King"e; will recognize similar storylines that are also loosely based on true events. -

  • af Antón Chéjov
    Fra 34,99 kr.

    Uno de los más alabados cuentos cortos de Chéjov, La dama del perrito cuenta la historia de cómo un hombre en un matrimonio infeliz y sin propósito en la vida encuentra la razón para vivir en una mujer casada. El amor no correspondido florecerá entre ellos pero sus vidas no permitirán que estén juntos por mucho tiempo. Atrévete a escuchar la perfecta captura de la infelicidad y la silenciosa desesperación de nuestros protagonistas por encontrarse en un mundo que ha puesto un impenetrable obstáculo entre ellos, sus vidas cotidianas.- Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Considerado como uno de los mejores escritores de relatos cortos del mundo, Anton Chéjov era un dramaturgo, escritor y médico ruso. Decía estar casado con la medicina, y la literatura era su amante. Su estilo literario produjo innovaciones en la literatura que ahora lo sitúan como el responsable de la evolución de los cuentos cortos contemporáneos y ha creado el término "el arma de Chéjov", que dice "todos los elementos de un relato deben tener propósito. Si en el primer acto hay un rifle colgado en un muro, en el segundo o tercer acto necesariamente debe ser disparado. No puede haber nada que carezca propósito."

  • af Giovanni Verga
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Giovanni Verga pubblico nel 1880 "e;Vita dei campi"e;, un lavoro davvero rivoluzionario. Descrive le vite della gente comune in Sicilia. Verga narra la vita pericolosa dei pescatori, la solitudine dei giovani pastori, i drammi quotidiani in una miniera e la gelosia omicida di un contadino siciliano.-

  • af Charles Dickens
    67,99 kr.

    There could only ever be three reasons as to why you find yourself reading this text. 1: You finished and liked part 1 and want to continue the story.2: The hummus on your finger brought your here by accident or 3: You're one of those... special readers who, three chapters into part 1, just NEED to know how the story ends - right now!Regardless, you shan't be spoiled today.Pip, now 23, beset by ill fortune and spectres of the past, continues his quest to wrest the fair princess Estella from the evil sorceress Miss Havisham's clutches. Fortunately, Pip uses his first wish to have the Genie turn him into a prince to help his chances. If this sounds like a completely different story, it's basically not - especially if you add a cup of frock coats, a pinch of Victorian stiff upper lip and finally that 4th spice: Cumin of Age. Read it before you watch the Bruce Lee drama "e;An Orphan's Tragedy"e; or one of the eight other film adaptations.-

  • af Jules Verne
    148,99 kr.

    Quand Lord et Lady Glenarvan trouvent un message dans une bouteille dans le ventre d'un requin qu'ils ont peche, ils decident de partir a la recherche des enfants du messager, un capitaine naufrage, Mary et Robert Grant. Ceux-ci les persuadent alors de se lancer dans une expedition de sauvetage, bien que les elements contenus dans la bouteille soient ambigus et lacunaires. Ils fixent leur cap sur l'Amerique du Sud, avec bien des detours pris en cours de route. Comme toujours chez Jules Verne, l'intrigue est pleine de suspense et de rebondissement, tout en nous en permettant d'explorer la faune et la flore de la Patagonie, de l'Amerique du Sud et de l'Australie. Ce classique de 1867 est un classique indispensable pour tous les aventuriers, tant les grands que les petits. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    John, King of England's rule is challenged by an ambassador for King Phillip of France.Claiming that Arthur, the nephew of John should be crowned king instead, John declares war against France. Although John orders his nephew's death and turns the nobles against himself, the questions remain... who is the rightful heir to the throne of England?'King John' is a brilliant historical fiction with its underlying theme of sources of power and authority it is both tragically poetic and satiric in equal measure. Perfect for fans of The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries by Elly Griffiths. -

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    This fascinating tale marks a milestone in world literature as being one of the first examples of the 'mummy's curse' narrative. It follows Paul Forsyth and the older professor Niles as they explore ancient Egyptian ruins, haplessly disturbing the ancient peace of a powerful sorceress' tomb. Upon his return home, Forsyth will present his young fiancee with an ancient souvenir from his travels, which unbeknown to him will have deathly consequences. It is a captivating and haunting tale, furthering Alcott's work with the 'femme fatale' narrative, in a story that is significant in world literature. This story is perfect for anyone who loved Brendan Fraser's 'The Mummy', just with a more serious, but equally enjoyable thrill.-

  • af Emile Zola
    40,99 kr.

    Julien Michon, vingt-cinq ans, vit reclus dans une chambre qu'il loue d'un jardinier, avec deja toutes les manies d'un petit bourgeois retire. Orphelin depuis le plus jeune age, Julien travaille maintenant a la poste et rien ne le rend plus heureux que de rester chez lui. Sa calme plenitude se retrouve cependant un jour bouleversee, quand Therese de Marsanne, la sA ur de lait de son ennemi jure, quitte le couvent et croise le chemin du timide postier. -

  • af Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    66,99 kr.

    A typical love story between Harry, the narrator, who comes to New York to work in the publishing business, and Eva, the daughter of a well-to-do financier on Wall Street. Excelling in narration and nostalgic feelings about the lost, nature-oriented American past, Stowe's novel focuses upon the importance of family, religion, and traditions. A nice and light reading, dealing with less harsh and painful topics than "e;Uncle Tom"e;, but indulging in some serious matters nonetheless. -

  • af Camillo Boito
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    La contessa Livia decide di raccontare in un diario, che ha intenzione di bruciare subito dopo la stesura, le esperienze da lei vissute tra Venezia e Verona qualche anno prima. Le prime pagine del memoir sono dedicate alla nascita della storia d’amore con Remigio Ruz, conosciuto durante il suo viaggio di nozze. Sullo sfondo delle Guerre d’Indipendenza, le complicate vicende dei due amanti prendono vita, rivelando feroci gelosie e disarmanti tradimenti, fino alla macabra vendetta da parte di Livia...Questa novella è contenuta nella raccolta "Storielle vane".Camillo Boito (1836 – 1914) è stato uno scrittore, architetto e teorico del restauro italiano. Noto principalmente per la sua dedizione alla ricerca di uno "stile nazionale" in seguito all'unificazione dell'Italia, Camillo Boito si contraddistingue per le sue opere di restauro e progettazione, tra cui quella del Palazzo delle Debite di Padova. L'architetto si avvicina inoltre alla Scapigliatura milanese: nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento si dedica alla stesura di opere fortemente influenzate dalle tematiche macabre portate in auge da E.T.A. Hoffmann ed Edgar Allan Poe. Tra i suoi scritti ricordiamo "Senso. Nuove storielle vane", dal quale racconto principale è stato tratto l'omonimo film di Luchino Visconti, oltre a "Il Maestro di setticlavio" e "Gite di un artista".

  • af Emile Zola
    148,99 kr.

    "e;Germinal"e;, publie en 1885, est le treizieme roman dans le cycle "e;Les Rougon-Macquart"e; de Zola. Le roman se centre sur Etienne Lantier, fils de Gervaise Macquart et Auguste Lantier, qui se fait renvoyer de son poste et part travailler dans une mine dans le Nord de la France. Etienne loge chez une famille de mineurs, les Maheu, et tombe amoureux de l'une des filles, Catherine, qui cependant lui resiste. Soudain, la greve eclate et la situation va de mal en pis. C'est l'occasion pour Zola de decrire les conditions de travails execrable des mineurs francais en pleine periode de crise economique, empreinte de pauvrete et de famine. Zola a mene des recherches approfondies sur la commute miniere, et la depeint comme demoralisee, analphabete et prone a l'alcoolisme et a la promiscuite. Le roman ouvrier, cree a la fin du 19e, montre le lien determinant entre l'Homme et la classe dont il est issu, et les inegalites sociales qui s'en suivent.Les evenement s'inspirent de faits reels, que Zola a pu observer durant son sejour dans la ville miniere d'Anzin. La greve qui eut lieux la, ainsi que d'autres revoltes ouvrieres, ont fortement influence l'ecriture de son "e;Germinal"e;.Ce roman a ete traduit dans plus de cent langues et a fait l'objet de plusieurs adaptations, tant au cinema qu'au theatre, notamment le film de Claude Berri de 1993, avec Gerard Depardieu, Renaud, Miou-Miou et Jean Carmet.-

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    Gene Stratton-Porter was a naturalist and fierce conservationist as well as an author, and one of the areas she held dearest was the Limberlost swamp. Indeed, she spent her income and life endeavouring to protect it. In "Moths of the Limberlost," she shares her lifelong love of its moths, and describes through a series of charming personal anecdotes and with vivid detail each stage of their life cycles. This texts offers an incomparable window into the mind of the author, with glimpses from her own life, as well as offering a beautiful description of the natural area she so loved. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Leo Tolstoy
    42,99 kr.

    "e;Family Happiness"e; is a relationship novel which tells the story of the seventeen-year-old Mashechka and the thirty-six-year-old Sergey. Their passionate love leads to marriage but only after it, do they find out what the other one really desires in life. Sergey seeks the seclusion in the country while his wife is dreaming of excitement and movement in the pretentious upper class society. Is the intense love between them going to stand the test of time or it is going to turn into alienation and courteous friendship? The author of "e;Family Happiness"e; Leo Tolstoy paints a realistic psychological portrait of the emotional evolution in a relationship between two people with different visions of life. The novel is first published in 1859 and is also adapted to stage in Moscow. -

  • af Ambrose Bierce
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    "The Parenticide Club" features four short-stories about a family murder, as seen from the eye of its most innocent member, who just might be the murderer himself. Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) was an American writer, journalist, critic, poet, and Civil War veteran, best known for The Devil's Dictionary (1911). He dominated the horror genre as the preeminent innovator of supernatural storytelling in the period between the death of Edgar Allan Poe and the rise of H.P. Lovecraft. Bierce’s death was as mysterious as his strange stories; sometime around 1914 he left for Mexico, wanting to experience the Mexican Revolution firsthand, and was never to be seen again.

  • af Jack London
    66,99 kr.

    'John Barleycorn' is a deeply personal novel by Jack London. The book tells about London's own struggles and problems with alcohol and alcoholism. It is a touching story of a young, sensitive man, who loses his battle against spirits. London had the feeling that alcohol made him able to write the way he did, but at the same time it was one of the reasons why the extremely talented writer died at the age of only 40. The book is an honest overview of an alcoholic mind, in which London confesses that he is against spirits - even though he himself was not strong enough to resist the King alcohol. -

  • af Walter Scott
    66,99 kr.

    Darsie is heavily injured after being attacked, but this is not the only obstacle he has to go through. The mysteries about his life are slowly beginning to unravel, when he meets people who turn out to be his relatives. Who is Redgauntlet and what is his role in Darsie's life? Will Darsie overcome all the obstacles and return to his homeland? How will this story of action, mystery and adventure end?"e;Redgauntlet II"e; is the second volume of Sir Walter Scott's historical novel "e;Redgauntlet"e;. The story from volume one continues with lots of surprises, incidents and action.-

  • af O. Henry
    67,99 kr.

    This collection of nineteen short stories from O.Henry beautifully captures the spirit of the American West, crystallising the era of gunslingers and cowboys in a extremely poignant manner. There are captivating moments of happiness, joy, love and sorrow throughout this tumultuous tour of brilliant characters. Nothing in the West is easy, and it becomes apparent that love is above all else the most important thing we can possess. This importance of love is the overarching theme present in this collection and its prevalence in even the most dire of places. These tales possess O. Henry's signature unexpected twists, and, in all, turn this collection into a compelling, and humorous read. Some of the stories included are "e;Hearts and Crosses"e;, "e;The Caballero's Way"e;, and "e;Christmas by Injunction"e;. For those with the Wild West spirit, from lovers of the 'Magnificent Seven' to 'Red Dead Redemption' this book is for you.-

  • af Anthony Trollope
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    "An Editor's Tales" describes a series of encounters between various magazine editors and those who wish to have their works published. While containing some amusing bits, the tales are relatively grim compared to most Trollope stories. In "The Turkish Bath", an editor, upon visiting a Turkish bath, is accosted by an Irish stranger, who, after some conversation, requests to submit a manuscript to the magazine. The editor's reactions to the solicitation and subsequent familiarity with the writer's circumstances forms the frame of the story. Humor arises about the Turkish bath situation and the reluctance of editors to make themselves available to amateur writers."Mary Gresley" is the rather sad tale of a young girl's giving up her writing career to satisfy the deathbed wish of the curate she was engaged to. The editor in this tale (and also in the next) becomes rather involved emotionally with the girl and wishes her to continue writing."Josephine de Montmorenci" is actually the proposed pen name of a disabled young lady, who only becomes acquainted with the editor because her attractive sister-in law-initially pretends to be that author."The Panjandrum" (meaning "appearing to be important") is a magazine proposed by a group of literate but incompatible, inexperienced, would-be writers. The clash of personalities brings about the demise of the venture."The Spotted Dog" is the story of a writer down on his luck. He and his wife drink excessively. He's well educated and the editor offers him the task of indexing the work of a third person, but his drunken wife destroys the manuscript."Mrs. Brumby" is the most amusing of the tales. In this one the editor encounters a poor writer who is, unfortunately for him, also a remarkably aggressive and ambitious woman.Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was one of most succesful British authors of the Victorian era. He has written more than forty novels, as well as many short stories and travelogues. Trollope was also an editor and an active member of the London literary scene. Among his most notable works is the series "The Chronicles of Barsetshire", a series of six novels set in fictional Barsetshire.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    "e;Salammbo"e; is a historical novel by Gustave Flaubert in which he skillfully interweaved historical and fictional characters. Set in Carthage in the 3rd century BC, it describes the revolt of the mercenaries who had fought for Carthage during the First Punic War (261-241 BC) but hadn't received their money for it. Along with describing the bloody Carthaginian conflict, it also tells of the fictional love story between the beautiful Salammbo - the grand priestess of Tanith and daughter of Hamilcar - and Matho - the leader of the Libyan mercenaries.The indiscriminate violence and sensuality of the novel gave rise to a startling number of plays, operas, and film adaptations, including an unfinished opera by Modest Mussorgsky, a silent film by Pierre Marodon, and a play by Charles Ludlam.-

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    This is the historical play on King Richard's life and how he died, tracing his fall from power. As a young man, Richard rises to the throne, although quickly proven to make poor decisions. Instead of spending his time being a worthy monarch of England, he spends his time chasing the latest Italian fashion and increases taxes to fund his wars in Ireland and elsewhere. As Henry returns to England to reclaim his land, will Richard descend the throne or keep fighting till his dying breath? For all historical lovers, this play provides a pertinent perspective on the British monarchy and its magnificent history. Amongst William Shakespeare's many must-reads, this is the classic worth reading next! If you watched and loved a series such as 'the Crown' or a film as 'Mary, Queen of Scots' this book should be on your to-be-read list. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    In this magnificent historical adventure, William Shakespeare presents a story on the rise to power and subsequent short reign of King Richard III of England. Malicious, power-hungry, and bitter, Richard aspires to the throne. The trail of cold-blooded murder starts in the midst of deception and political manipulation, but will Richard be able to stay in control in his ruthless strategies for ultimate power? This historical fiction set in England truly display the power of language, as for Richard, it is a vital weapon he uses to manipulate, confuse, and control those around him."e;Richard III"e; stages an important turning point in English history: the end of the Wars of the Roses and the rise to power of the Tudor dynasty in the figure of Henry VII.For fans of 'House of Cards' & 'Designated Survivor'. -

  • af Fyodor Dostoevsky
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    ‘The Eternal Husband’ is a tragicomic novella by Fyodor Dostoevsky about Trusotsky, a widower who discovers that his wife had an affair with an old friend, Velchaninov. The story follows Trusotsky and Velchaninov as they embark on a misadventure to find Trusotsky a new wife while the tension between them grows to a violent climax. ‘The Eternal Husband’ is a critically acclaimed story teeming with romance, betrayal, and death. Dostoevsky examines the role of women in society in this tale, as the female characters are at once both repressed by society but hold power over men due to their charm and apparent virtue. This story portrays corrupt characters exploring an equally corrupt world in which no one is clean, but Dostoevsky’s incredible character work creates sympathy for those perhaps undeserving in a way that only he can. This classic novella is both ironic and melancholy and is recommended for fans of Samuel Beckett or Russian literature in general.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological. He is most famous for the novels ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’, and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. James Joyce described Dostoevsky as the creator of ‘modern prose’ and his literary legacy is influential to this day as Dostoevsky’s work has been adapted for many movies including ‘The Double’ starring Jesse Eisenberg.

  • af Jack London
    67,99 kr.

    Jack London infamously wrote books about fantastic dogs and 'Jerry of the Islands' is no exception. Jerry is an English Terrier who lives a life coloured by the rough and racist views of his owner, Mr. Haggin. One day Mr. Haggin decides to give Jerry to a local sea captain and Jerry starts a new, exciting life on a whale boat. However, as the boat stops at Malaita Island, Jerry is suddenly left all alone amongst the people he once considered his biggest enemies. As Jerry's new life unfolds, it takes an unexpected turn, one that he might not be able to survive. Echoing the colonial sentiments of the era, 'Jerry of the Islands' is a thrilling story of South Sea adventure told through the eyes of man's best friend. From electrifying action, thought-provoking statements and a great canine hero- this novel has it all. -

  • af Emily Brontë
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    If you've ever come across the word "e;Wuthering"e;, chances are that either Kate Bush played over the speakers or you were reading the title of this very book, as nobody has used it in any other contexts since 1847. And while you should take that statement with a grain of salt, let there be no doubt that "e;Wuthering Heights"e; is a big fictional deal. After a supernatural encounter in his landlord's farmhouse - the titular "e;Wuthering Heights"e;, Mr. Lockwood persuades the former housekeeper to relate the story of her old master, Heathcliff. Adopted into the house as a favoured son, Heathcliff draws the ire of his half-brother, who relegates him to servant status after their father's passing. Brotherly tensions continue to rise, an impossible love blooms and Heathcliff ends up fleeing the household in dramatic fashion - only to one day return. A riveting tale of love, obsession, hate and revenge, "e;Wuthering Heights"e; is an absolutely essential read if you have even a passing interest in classic English literature - or simply need proper references for your Kate Bush songs. "e;Adaptations of Wuthering Heights"e; is its own Wikipedia page.-

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    42,99 kr.

    'Moods' follows the life of the strong willed tom-boy Sylvia Yule, who is heavily inspired by Alcott's own experiences, embodying her strong feminist and abolitionist attitudes. On a river camping trip with her brother, two of his friends will fall in love with her and compete for her heart. Sylvia will marry one of the men out of passion but will he be the right one for her? The rest of the novel follows Sylvia as she tries to find her place in the world while not losing her own identity. In many ways this tale is Alcott criticising the hasty decisions made in the throes of passion, and the loss of freedom a woman faces when she does marry. It is a timeless tale of love and loss perfect for anyone who loved 'Jane Eyre' or 'Pride and Prejudice', just with an American kick.-

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    Despite being a pacifist, Wells masterfully explains and gathers all the prerequisites for waging a war... with toy soldiers. 'Little Wars' can be said to be the original instruction manual for how to run a tabletop battle. Satire and pacifist views blend in this narrative that expresses Wells' idea that wars should be waged on the dining room floor rather than among the corpse-ridden trenches of Europe. The book's influence on modern warfare manuals and board games is indisputable, as tabletop conflicts are conducted to this day. Wells portrays the harrowing nature of war, but his humour ensures the book remains an entertaining read. The whimsical writing and stunning sketches create a book that should be read by all fans of tabletop war games.-

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Based on the mythological Leir of Britain, the main character of King Lear decides to retire from the throne and hands over the kingdom his daughters.The premonition of the division of the kingdom will solely be based on the girls' strength of flattery. His two oldest daughters flatter him greatly, but the youngest one, Cordelia, refuses to play this game. King Lear is furious and chooses to banish her despite her love for him.Soon, however, the old king finds himself overruled by his oldest daughters and is driven to madness. Who will now fix the kingdom and resolve the civil wars to come?King Lear is a classic book for adults, one of Shakespeare's most tragic and heart-breaking plays as it searches the depths of human suffering and despair. Great for fans of Gayle Forman and John Green. -

  • af Christopher Morley
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    "The Haunted Bookshop" is a so called "bibliomystery" (a mystery story set in the world of books) from 1919. It is the story of the eccentric owner of the Haunted Bookshop, Roger Mifflin, who some readers might remember from "Parnassus on Wheels". This second-hand, Brooklyn bookstore is "haunted by the ghosts of all great literature." It is set around the time of the end of World War I. A young man, Aubrey Gilbert, stops by the shop, trying to sell Mifflin advertising copy. He fails but is intrigued by the proprietor. Later, a certain volume mysteriously disappeared from Mifflin’s shelves. This is a lively and often humorous tale. It is full of intrigues and is generously sprinkled with liberal doses of Mifflin’s unique philosophy on literature and book selling. Christopher Morley (1890–1957) was an American author, poet and journalist from Pennsylvania. His father was a mathematics professor and his mother a violinist. The family moved to Baltimore, Maryland, in 1900 and he later studied modern history at Oxford. After getting his degree, he moved back to America and married Helen Booth Fairchild, with whom he had four children. Morley was a prolific writer and is remembered for novels such as "Parnassus on Wheels" (1917), "The Haunted Bookshop" (1918), "Thunder on the Left" (1925), and "Kitty Foyle" (1939).