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  • af Alexandre Dumas
    148,99 kr.

    "e;Le Vicomte de Bragelonne"e; est le dernier volet des aventures de d'Artagnan, suivant "e;Les Trois Mousquetaires"e; et de "e;Vingt ans apres"e;. Ecrit dans une veine plus melancolique que les episodes precedents, ce roman se deroule dans une societe francaise changee. Finie est la gloire des mousquetaires et leur quete de l'honneur, c'est l'heure des desillusions.L'intrigue a lieu entre 1660 et 1666 et se base sur le mystere qui existe autour du prisonnier au masque de fer. Qui est-il et que fait-il la ? Dumas nous propose ici une reponse a cette question qui a traverse les siecles.Le cardinal Mazarin est mort et Louis XIV regne en roi absolu. Les trois autres mousquetaires ont pris leur retraite. Seul d'Artagnan, cinquante ans, est encore au service du roi et est maintenant capitaine des mousquetaires. Porthos est baron et le fils d'Athos, Raoul de Bragelonne, d'ou vient le nom de ce roman, meurt en combat apres que sa fiancee, Louise de La Valliere, soit devenue la maitresse du roi. Aramis, devenu eveque, veut toujours servir son pays, au point d'etre pret a lui sacrifier son roi. Sa publication en feuilletons entre 1847 et 1850 fut a plusieurs interrompue, notamment a cause de la revolution francaise de 1848. L'histoire de Raoul a ete peu adapte a l'ecran, mais la partie concernant l'homme au masque de fer, quant a elle, a inspire de nombreuses adaptations, notamment le celebre film de 1998 avec Leonardo di Caprio et Gerard Depardieu.-

  • af John Muir
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    In early March 1867, Muir was injured while working at a wagon wheels factory: a tool he was using slipped and struck him in the eye. This accident changed the course of his life. He was confined to a darkened room for six weeks, worried he’d lost his sight forever. When he did recover, the world looked completely different and life had taken on a new meaning for him. Muir later said, "This affliction has driven me to the sweet fields. God has to nearly kill us sometimes, to teach us lessons." From that point on, he determined to "be true to myself" and follow his dream of exploring and studying plants.A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf recounts Muir's walk of approximately 1,000 miles (1,600 km) from Indiana to Florida. He did not follow a specific route, only going by the "wildest, leafiest, and least trodden way I could find." This journal is the earliest of Muir's writings and autobiographically bridges the period between "The Story of my Boyhood and Youth" and "My First Summer in the Sierra."John Muir (1838-1914) was a Scottish-American author and naturalist, who is traditionally considered to be the "Father of the National Parks". Born in Dunbar (East Lothian), he spent his childhood exploring the area, and that is where his love of nature first bloomed. In 1849, his family emigrated to Portage, Wisconsin for religious reasons. At 22, he joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison, from which he never graduated, as he preferred to take a multitude of different classes in the variety of subjects he was interested him, such as chemistry, botany and geology. In 1866, whilst working at an Indianapolis wagon wheel factory, he got into a serious accident and almost lost his sight. When he recovered, he decided to follow his dreams and explore nature. In September 1867, he walked from Kentucky to Florida, later describing the trip in his "A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf." In 1868, he boarded a ship to Cuba, then later on sailed to New York City, from whence he travelled to California. From there, he decided to visit Yosemite, which he had long read about. He was one of the first to infer that the landscape there must have been formed by glaciers, a widely disputed theory at the time. Muir wrote countless essays, books and letters recounting his adventures out in nature, especially in the Sierra Nevada, which have been read by millions. He played a vital role in the preservation of natural areas, and the creations of Yosemite and Sequoia National Park, amongst many others.

  • af Arthur B. Reeve
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    "The Silent Bullet" contains twelve of Professor Kennedy's adventures. Reeve uses the newest technologies of the early 1900s, which were nothing short of revolutionary for the time. In the title story, for example, everyone is wondering how somebody could have been killed by a bullet without anyone having heard the detonation. In "The Deadly Tube" an evil doctors hurts his patients using x-rays. "The Terror in the Air" follows the development of the gyroscope for aeroplanes. Each story offers a fascinating look at life in the early 20th century, as well as being loaded with adventure, action, and mystery.Arthur Benjamin Reeve (1880-1936) was a Brooklyn born mystery author. He studied at Princeton and then went on to New York Law School. He is sometimes referred to as "The American Sherlock Holmes", having created the enduring characters of Professor Craig Kennedy and reporter Walter Jameson. He wrote numerous detective novels, often based on real cases of the time, such as the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and the William Desmond Taylor murder.

  • af Harriet Beecher Stowe
    96,99 kr.

    Quando Arthur Shelby e la sua famiglia sono sul punto di perdere la loro fattoria, Arthur decide di vendere due dei suoi schiavi a un mercante di schiavi per saldare i suoi debiti. Lo zio Tom, un uomo di famiglia di mezza eta e amico intimo del figlio di Arthur, e uno di loro. L'altro schiavo, Harry, fugge con la madre nel cuore della notte per raggiungere il Canada, dove potranno vivere da persone libere insieme al padre di Harry, che era scappato in precedenza. I due fuggiaschi sono inseguiti per il paese da un cacciatore di schiavi instancabile e spietato, mentre lo zio Tom, separato dalla sua famiglia, cerca di sopravvivere nel suo nuovo ambiente. Quando il romanzo di Harriet Beecher Stowe "e;La capanna dello zio Tom"e; fu pubblicato nel 1852, ci fu una protesta da parte degli stati meridionali americani, dove la schiavitu era ancora considerata una misura naturale e necessaria. Molti credono che questo romanzo, ampiamente distribuito, abbia in parte gettato le basi della guerra civile americana, mettendo fine alla schiavitu, una volta per tutte. -

  • af Burton E. Stevenson
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    ‘American Men of Mind’ is a captivating exploration of the lives of the most notable intellectual men and women of American history. A collection of short biographies that spans a variety of disciplines, this collection is unmissable for anyone with an interest in the people who made America the country that it is today.An American author and librarian, Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872-1962) was born in Chillicothe, Ohio. After studying at Princeton, he fought in the First World War, founded a library in Camp Sherman, and worked at Chillicothe city library for an impressive 58 years. He also founded the American Library in Paris, during his posting as the European director of the Library War Service. Alongside this, he was also an author, writing and compiling over 50 books across his lifetime, his children’s books and anthologies being the most well-known among them.

  • af Jules Verne
    73,99 kr.

    Bien que Jules Verne soit surtout connu pour ses romans d'aventure serieux, il a egalement ecrit des romans humoristiques, dans lesquels des voyages fort perilleux sont entrepris. Un de ceux-ci est De la Terre a la Lune, trajet direct en 97 heures 20 minutes dans lequel trois personnes veulent propulser un boulet de canon creux vers la lune, dans lequel le Francais, Michel Ardan, pourrait se tenir, pouvant ainsi faire le tour de la Lune avant de revenir en toute securite sur Terre. Verne a base son intrigue sur de nombreux calculs et le livre presente de nombreuses similitudes avec le programme spatial Apollo, qui pres de cent ans apres le livre de Jules Verne, reussit a envoyer des personnes en orbite autour de la Lune. Le lancement de cette navette eu lieu au meme endroit que dans le livre, et l'atterrissage se fit non loin de l'emplacement que Verne avait calcule. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The fight for the British throne between the Houses of York and Lancaster continues.Richard, Duke of York, in his quest for the crown, cajoles Henry to disinherit his son Edward, which enrages his mother, Queen Margaret. While the deal keeps Henry on the throne the conflict escalates between both sides. As civil war erupts, the Yorkists and the Lancasters face off in what became known as the War of the Roses.Meanwhile Queen Margaret raises her own troops in France to fight for her son's birthright."e;Henry VI, Part 3"e; is the third of four history plays (the others being "e;Henry VI, Part 1,"e; "e;Henry VI, Part 2"e; and "e;Richard III"e;) known collectively as the "e;first tetralogy."e; -

  • af Jane Austen
    92,99 kr.

    Mr Darcy and Miss Bennet may be one of the most cherished love stories in English literature, but did you know, Fanny Price was Austen's favourite? She's also one of literature's biggest controversies, but, more on that drama later. Sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle from her poverty-stricken home of Portsmouth, Fanny Price struggles to find her place in the upper-class world of Mansfield Park. Never allowing her to forget her true status, she is at the mercy of her cruel aunt, only finding solace with her cousin, Edmund. The arrival of Mr and Miss Crawford brings glamour, glitz and mischief to Mansfield and with it, a recklessness and disarray that affects ultimately every character. Austen's favourite heroine gives us a quiet and profound insight into morality, class and social position. If you like a good party, controversy and wickedly good characters, you'll love Mansfield Park. Adapted for the screen with Billie Piper, fans of Jane Eyre and Tess of D'Urbervilles will love another look at the world through Austen's eyes. -

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    36,99 kr.

    Toine aime rire et s'amuser, mais suite a une attaque, il se retrouve un jour paralyse. Sa femme decide alors que "e;Toine-ma-fine"e;, comme on le surnomme, peut tout aussi bien couver des A ufs pendant qu'il est immobilise. Et il se produit alors quelque chose d'extraordinaire...Cette nouvelle pleine d'humour parue en 1885 denonce l'etroitesse de la mentalite paysanne et a donne lieu a plusieurs court-metrages, faisant notamment partie de la serie televisee "e;Chez Maupassant"e; de France 2 de 2007.-

  • af Charles Dickens
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Kohtalokas Mugbyn risteys on seitsemän eri junaradan kohtaamispaikka. Risteyksessä tapahtuu outoja asioita – ihan kuin siellä kulkevia ihmisiä tarkkailtaisiin. Risteykseen ilmestyy aaveita ja henkiolentoja merkkinä lähestyvästä onnettomuudesta. Ja jokainen onnettomuus on edellistä pahempi... Junaonnettomuus, nuoren naisen kuolema ja aavistus päähenkilön omasta kuolemasta varjostavat elämää Mugbyn risteyksessä.Mugbyn risteys on novellikokoelma, jonka Charles Dickens kirjoitti yhteistyössä neljän aikalaiskollegansa – Charles Collinsin, Amelia B. Edwardsin, Andres Hallidayn ja Hesba Strettonin – kanssa. Dickensin käsialaa ovat muun muassa teoksen kehyskertomus sekä useita kertoja filmatisoitu kummitustarina "Signaalimies".Charles Dickens (1812–1870) on yksi viktoriaanisen ajan suurista englantilaisista kirjailijoista. Hänen teostensa taitavat juonikuviot, monipuoliset henkilöhahmot ja lämmin huumori ihastuttavat lukijoita yhä tänä päivänä. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan ovat Oliver Twist ja Saiturin joulu.

  • af Walter Scott
    92,99 kr.

    In Restoration England, two young lovers must battle against a wild conspiracy. Julian and Alice's love has survived a lot. For one thing, their families supported different sides in the English Civil War. But now the monarchy has been restored, bringing with it a terrifying new danger-the Popish Plot, which alleges the country's Catholics are planning a coup. And Julian is one of the accused. Walter Scott's "e;Peveril of the Peak"e; shows an England riven with intrigues, religious hatred, and senseless violence. And at its center, a heart-wrenching 'wrong side of the tracks' romance that echoes "e;Romeo and Juliet"e;. A compelling drama for historical fiction fans. -

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    36,99 kr.

    Le Pere Taille, veuf et employe exemplaire dans une fabrique de bouton, vit avec ses trois filles dans Le Havre. Il avait toujours eu une bonne relation avec ses filles, jusqu'au jour ou son ainee, Anna, quitta le nid pour un juge vieillissant. Il coupa alors les ponts avec cette derniere. Et maintenant sa cadette, Rose, veut se marier avec le fils d'un tonnelier. Anna, qui est entretemps devenue une femme aisee, veut que le mariage de sa petite sA ur se fasse chez elle et les deux familles acceptent. Le jour venu, tout le monde se retrouve dans le magnifique appartement d'Anna, mais se sentent mal a l'aise dans cet environnement ostentatoire. Pour mettre de l'ambiance, le marie decide de chanter Le Pain maudit et c'est d'abord succes, mais rapidement, l'humeur sombre a nouveau. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Helena is an orphaned daughter who has fallen madly in love with the arrogant Bertram. Helena is allowed to go to court and try her hand at curing the King's illness. Although others have failed, she succeeds and is granted permission to marry Bertram. To her sorrows however, he rejects her, turning out to be the beginning of a series of trials and tribulations Will Helena's efforts to corral her unwilling lover provide her with joyful fulfilment? This is the romantic comedy play of all time, providing an incredible dance across gender, sex, morality, duty and honour, without taking a stance, but as everything is ultimately alright, all's well that ends well after all! Perfect for fans of 'Notting Hill' and Bridget Jones's Diary'.-

  • af Hugh Lofting
    96,99 kr.

    Dokter Dolittle richt samen met een stel dieren een postkantoor op in Afrika. Omdat Dolittle zo hulpvaardig is komt hij geregeld in de problemen, maar hij wordt altijd trouw bijgestaan door zijn dierenvrienden. De mensen in de verhalen van Lofting zijn vaak stereotypes die niet zonder vooroordeel worden benaderd. Toch is het een fantasierijk boek dat, op dikwijls humoristische wijze de relatie tussen mens en dier schildert. Het boek biedt ook tamelijk veel achtergrondinformatie over dieren, ondanks het feit dat deze spreken. -

  • af Dante Alighieri
    Fra 41,99 kr.

    Dante Alighieri’s journey continues in the third part of "The Divine Comedy". Opposite to the main subject in the previous two parts, "Paradiso" depicts virtues and not sins as it represents the soul’s ascent to God. Dante’s journey goes through the nine spheres of Heaven, associated with nine different virtues such as Justice, Faith, Love. Which is the last stage of Dante’s journey and what will it bring to his soul? Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. "The Divine Comedy" and "The New life" were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called "The father of Italian language". Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.

  • af Christopher Morley & Bart Haley
    Fra 42,99 kr.

    Written just before Prohibition, "In the Sweet and Dry" tries to entail the possible troubles that might happen in the future. It takes both sides of the argument, and sketches out the various methods that could be used, some of them being rather over-the-top, like legislating most fruits and vegetables as unsafe, or intoxicating large groups with breathable alcohol. Christopher Morley (1890–1957) was an American author, poet and journalist from Pennsylvania. His father was a mathematics professor and his mother a violinist. The family moved to Baltimore, Maryland, in 1900 and he later studied modern history at Oxford. After getting his degree, he moved back to America and married Helen Booth Fairchild, with whom he had four children. Morley was a prolific writer and is remembered for novels such as "Parnassus on Wheels" (1917), "The Haunted Bookshop" (1918), "Thunder on the Left" (1925), and "Kitty Foyle" (1939).

  • af Charles Dickens
    66,99 kr.

    Everybody hates the refreshment room at the junction, it's terrible. But the staff is convinced that they're running a great operation. When their boss returns from abroad to report that in French refreshment rooms they actually accommodate the guests as best they can, serve them edible food and are nice in general, the staff is shocked.And so unfolds The Boy at Mugby, one of eight short stories in Mugby Junction written by Charles Dickens and a handful of other authors. The collection also includes the famous ghost story The Signal-Man, which the ninth Doctor Who, played by Christopher Eccleston, called "e;The best short story ever written."e;-

  • af Charles Dickens
    120,99 kr.

    'David Copperfield' features Dickens' most popular protagonist and is often described as the author's masterpiece. The novel follows the life of the titular hero, who battles hardship and villainous characters as he attempts to achieve his dreams of becoming an author and finding true love. It is a panoramic novel, as Copperfield embarks on a marvellous journey across England and Europe, encountering many memorable characters and humorous situations along the way. Dickens drew from his own life experiences to create a deeply personal and poignant novel that has been embraced and adored by readers around the globe for generations. 'David Copperfield' expertly blends comedy and tragedy, creating an entertaining and compelling story that is suitable for readers of all ages and preferences. This classic novel was adapted by the creator of 'Veep' into the critically acclaimed movie 'The Personal History of David Copperfield' starring Academy Award-nominated actor Dev Patel in 2019.-

  • af Elizabeth von Arnim
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    Four very different women, all wanting to escape cold and dreary London for different reasons, come together to share a month's holiday in an Italian medieval castle. There’s timid Lotty Wilkins, terrified of her domineering husband; sober and religious Rose Arbuthnot; rigid and judgemental Mrs Fisher; and the breathtakingly beautiful but disillusioned and unhappy Lady Caroline Dester. They are lured to the castle by the advertised 'wisteria and sunshine', but they end up finding there so much more than they had bargained for. The place transforms them and their lives are unexpectedly changed. Von Arnim's story of their metamorphosis under the Italian sun is warm, witty, intelligent, and as enchanting as the title suggests.Elizabeth von Arnim (1866–1941), née Mary Annette Beauchamp, was a British novelist. Born in Australia, her family returned to England when she was three years old; and she was Katherine Mansfield’s cousin. She was first married to a Prussian aristocrat, the Graf von Arnim-Schlagenthin, and later to the philosopher Bertrand Russel’s older brother, Frank, whom she left a year later. She then had an affair with the publisher Alexander Reeves, a man thirty years her junior, and with H.G. Wells. Von Arnim moved a lot, living alternatively in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, before dying of influenza in South Carolina during the Second War. Elizabeth von Arnim was an active member of the European literary scene, and entertained many of her contemporaries in her Chalet Soleil in Switzerland. She even hired E. M. Forster and Hugh Walpole as tutors for her five children. She is famous for her half-autobiographical, satirical novel "Elizabeth and her German Garden" (1898), as well as for "Vera" (1921), and "The Enchanted April" (1922).

  • af Virginia Woolf
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    "...she always had the feeling that it was very, very dangerous to live even one day." Mrs. Dalloway is busy taking care of the final preparations for her evening party when an old friend and suitor comes by. He leaves her with an unexpected question, but what he doesn't know is that thoughts about her past and her life are already swirlling around in her head. Moving seamlessles in and out of the minds of all her characters, you get the impression that Virginia Woolf understood people better than anyone else. With its incredibly beautiful prose it is no wonderthat 'Mrs. Dalloway' is considered one of the best books ever written.Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English writer who, despite growing up in a progressive household, was not allowed an education. When she and her sister moved in with their brothers in a rough London neighborhood, they joined the infamous The Bloomsbury Group, which debated philosophy, art and politics. Woolf's most famous novels include 'Mrs Dalloway' (1925) and 'To the Lighthouse' (1927).

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Following the death of Julius Caesar, the Roman Empire is ruled by Antony, Octavius Caesar and Lepidus. Antony resides in Egypt and it completely captivated by its Queen, Cleopatra. But circumstances beyond his control force him to return to Rome and marry Caesar's sister, Octavia. When Antony abandons his new wife and travels back Egypt, Caesar declares war on the star-crossed lovers.Anthony and Cleopatra is Shakespeare at his best. With a mix of politics and romance, this play is wonderfully complex and intellectually stimulating. The Royal Shakespeare Company has seen many productions of the play, starring Michael Gambon and Helen Mirren in 1982 and Patrick Stewart and Harriet Walter in 2006.-

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    66,99 kr.

    H.P. Lovecraft is a master of horror - and in this compilation of stories the reader gets a chance to meet some of Lovecraft's most memorable characters. In 'The Alchemist' we meet Count Antoine de C who tells about the curse of his family - due to the curse everyone is expected to die before the age of 32. In 'Dagon' the protagonist is addicted to morphine because of the terrible things that happened to him on a ghost island. In 'Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family' Arthur Jermyn tells about his strange family - and the madness that was in all Jermyns.The collection includes 100 horrific short stories. -

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    'On Picket Duty, and other tales' is a collection of four short stories that focus on a range of social issues that were raging in America in the nineteenth century. The tales tackle issues near and dear to Alcott's heart, mainly that of women's rights and Abolition. They are profound reading, representing a much more serious artistic creation from Alcott which is reflective and uplifting, and at times dark and gloomy with the tale of 'The Death of John'. Ultimately it a profound piece of work that charts Alcott's continuing fight to represent social issues in industrial America. Have the tissues ready for this one. Don't say we didn't warn you.-

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    Fra 104,99 kr.

    Han pasado más de dos décadas desde que los tres mosqueteros cruzaran sus caminos con D'Artagnan y vivieran la aventura de sus vidas. Ahora, cada uno de ellos sirve a un señor diferente y se ha acomodado en su madurez. Sin embargo, algo está a punto de cambiar la aparente placidez de sus vidas. Ha llegado el momento de volver a echar mano a las armas y entonar el Todos para uno y uno para todos. La secuela del indiscutible clásico universal de la literatura de aventuras proporciona tantas emociones y sorpresas como su predecesora.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870), conocido en los países hispanohablantes como Alejandro Dumas, es uno de los novelistas franceses más celebrado y popular de todos los tiempos. En 2002, el entonces presidente francés, Jacques Chirac, dirigió una ceremonia en la que miembros de la Guardia Republicana, vestidos como mosqueteros, trasladaron los restos terrenales de Alexandre Dumas al eterno descanso en el Panteón de París.

  • af Jane Austen
    Fra 60,99 kr.

    Do you enjoy reading the original; using your own imagination to paint a picture of the world in your head; and forming your own opinions BEFORE you see the screen adaptation? Us too. In which case, now is the perfect time to read Jane Austen's 'Persuasion', before the 'Netflix' film adaptation staring Dakota Johnson, Cosmo Jarvis and Henry Golding hits screens in 2022.We often engage in the art of persuading others, but what is the role of persuasion in our own self deception? Twenty-seven year old Anne Elliot is well past the bloom of her youth and one of Jane Austen's eldest and quietest heroines. Having been persuaded by her friends to break off her happy engagement with the young naval officer Wentworth, whose station lies beneath her own, Anne is seemingly destined for spinsterhood. However, when Wentworth later reappears in Anne's life, tension and regret fill each page as we wonder whether the two former lovers will be able to move past their history and become reunited, or whether some decisions can never be undone. Set in the time of the Napoleonic wars, Anne is a woman who's insignificance restricts her life, yet her will and strong-minded character allows her to maneuver within her restrained circumstances to fight for her own triumph. Superbly witty, sarcastic and subtle, 'Persuasion' is Jane Austen's last novel. 'Netflix' aren't the first to make an adaptation - 'Persuasion' has previously inspired numerous movie and theatrical adaptations, including ITV's 2007 film directed by Simon Burke. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Beginning in the streets of Venice, Roderigo and Iago are introduced in the heart of an argument.Iago is frantic as he has been disregarded for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General, Othello. Thus, the manipulation commends as Iago makes Othello believe his wife, Desdemona is disloyal.Othello is a courageous fighter, but he is presented as an idealist when it comes to both his love of Desdemona and his friendship with Iago. This ultimately blinds him to Iago's betrayal, stirring the themes of jealousy, justice and appearances vs reality.From this excellent play, there have been many differing views on the character of Othello over the years but this is your chance to pick up the book and decide for yourself, is Othello the greatest hero or the most egotistical?Othello is still widely performed and has inspired numerous adaptations. It has been reimagined in the film 'O' and the book 'New Boy' by Tracy Chevalier amongst others. -

  • af Oscar Wilde
    38,99 kr.

    "e;And holding wave and wind in boy's despitePeered from his dripping seat across the wet and stormy night."e;Charmides is a beautiful and epic poem rooted in Greek mythology. Whether prose or poetry, drama or tragedy, Oscar Wilde's writing never fails to fascinate and capture one's attention. Displaying a different side to the famous Irish writer, this book of poems is no exception. A short but great read for any Wilde fan.-

  • af Eddie Rickenbacker
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    "Fighting the Flying Circus" is fighter ace Eddie Rickenbacker WWI memoir. He fought in and eventually became commander of the 94th "Hat-in-the-Ring" Squadron, which ended the war with the highest number of air victories of any American squadron. The circus mentioned in the title refers to the German squadron commanded by the famous Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen.Eddie Rickenbacker (1890-1973) was an American World War I pilot. He was the most successful fighter ace in that war and received the Medal of Honor. After the war, he was as a car designer, driver, and worked as a military consultant for the government. He was also an air transportation pioneer, as worked as a head of the Eastern Air Lines company for many years.

  • af Anthony Trollope
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    Lucy and Ayala Dormer are left penniless by the death of their parents. Ayala is taken in by their rich aunt Lady Tringle and Lucy by their poor uncle Mr Dosett. The girls find it hard to get used to their new surroundings. Lucy becomes engaged to one of her father's artist friends but they are too poor to marry. Three different men fall in love with Ayala but none live up to her ideal of the perfect man. Will Lucy be able to marry her sweetheart? And will Ayala find the 'Angel of Light' she has been looking for? Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was one of most succesful British authors of the Victorian era. He has written more than forty novels, as well as many short stories and travelogues. Trollope was also an editor and an active member of the London literary scene. Among his most notable works is the series "The Chronicles of Barsetshire", a series of six novels set in fictional Barsetshire.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    67,99 kr.

    A missing cake-that's how it all starts. It's stolen from Bab and Betty's tea party, and they soon discover the culprit: a lovable poodle named Sancho. His owner is a boy called Ben, who's run away from the circus. The girls' mother takes them in, and gives Ben a job helping get an old house ready for its grand re-opening."e;Under the Lilacs"e; follows Betty, Bab, and Ben's innocent adventures around the house and the surrounding idyllic countryside. Just like Alcott's classic "e;Little Women"e;, it's a coming-of-age tale where kindness and generosity are key. -