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  • af Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Setä Tuomon tupa on tarina keski-ikäisestä orjasta Tuomosta, jonka tämän isäntä, kentuckylainen maanviljelijä, aikoo myydä maksaakseen velkansa. Näin Tuomo joutuu eroon vaimostaan ja lapsestaan, kun hänet myydään orjamarkkinoilla ja lähetetään pois. Tuomo matkaa jokilautalla pitkin suurta Mississippi-jokea ja päätyy dramaattisen matkansa päätteeksi pahantahtoisen maanomistajan Simon Legreen palvelukseen. Tuomolle matkasta muodostuu sisäinen, hengellinen matka. Lukukokemuksena tarina on väistämättömän sydäntäsärkevä. Orjuuden epäinhimilliset julmuudet sekä mustien amerikkalaisten kauhistuttavat olot saivat Harriet Beecher Stowen kirjoittamaan ensimmäisen romaaninsa orjien elämästä 1800-luvun puolivälin Yhdysvalloissa. Kirjasta tuli suurmenestys erityisesti sen vahvan vapauden ja humaaniuden viestin vuoksi. Ilmestymisvuonnaan tarina julkaistiin jatkokertomuksena eräässä sanomalehdessä, minkä jälkeen teosta on painettu yli 300 000 kappaletta. Tultuaan tunnetuksi Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Iso-Britanniassa tarina on myöhemmin tavoittanut miljoonia ihmisiä ympäri maailman. Teoksen on nähty olleen merkittävä tekijä myös taistelussa orjuuden poistamiseksi.Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896) oli kirjailija ja orjuuden vastustaja. Stowe oli lähtöisin tunnetusta, uskonnollisesta perheestä Connecticutista. Hän kirjoitti urallaan yli 30 teosta, joista tunnetuimmaksi nousi Setä Tuomon tupa. Jopa Yhdysvaltain silloinen presidentti Lincoln tokaisi tavattuaan Stowen: "Te siis olette se pieni nainen, joka kirjoitti tämän suuren sodan aiheuttaneen kirjan." Stowe kuoli sairastuttuaan dementiaan 85-vuotiaana Hartfordissa, Connecticutissa.

  • af Bram Stoker
    55,99 kr.

    "—Dispénseme el señor por haberle molestado, pero tenía órdenes muyestrictas. Además, me dijeron que no perdiese un momento y que no dejarade llamar hasta que acudiese alguien. ¿Vive aquí el señor Malcolm Ross?—Yo soy el señor Malcolm Ross.—En tal caso, señor, la carta y el automóvil son para usted.Con extraña curiosidad tomé la carta que me entregaban. En mi calidad deabogado tuve desde luego extraños casos, pero nunca me ocurrió ningunocomo aquél. Retrocedí al recibidor entornando la puerta y encendí la luzeléctrica. La carta era de letra femenina y, sin dirección alguna, empezaba así:"Podría ser una carta de amor lo que contiene el sobre que le entregan aljoven Malcom. Pero esta carta lo que trae es la propuesta de una nuevaaventura que está a punto de irrumpir en su vida. ¿Aceptará él la misión que contiene el sobre?El relato comienza como una intriga policial, es una misión en la que elaristócrata y especialista en Egipto Abel Trelawny trata de involucrar a su hija y su buen amigo, el abogado Malcolm.De la atmósfera lúgubre y asfixiante de su mansión londinense el autor nosva trasladando a la atmósfera de terror, a la fantasía y el misterio de casasolitaria de Cornualles en la que este curioso trío tendrá que resucitar a Tera, una antigua reina egipcia.Ciertamente la misión no se presenta fácil, el señor Trelawny ha entrado entrance tras ser atacado por una fuerza misteriosa y para resolver el misterioél, su hija y Malcom necesitarán la ayuda de la magia de la Joya de las siete estrellas.Abraham "Bram" Stoker (1847-1912) fue un escritor irlandés. Su obra principal Drácula se considera una de las obras más significativas del género de terror.

  • af Bram Stoker
    37,99 kr.

    "Imagínese un monstruo semejante en esta región y en seguida podráhacerse una idea de los «gusanos» de las leyendas, que posiblementefrecuenten las grandes marismas que se extienden en las desembocadurasde muchos ríos europeos.—No tengo la menor duda, señor, de que es posible que tales monstruos,como usted dice, todavía existan en una época tan tardía con respecto a lageneralmente aceptada para su supervivencia —respondió Adam—.También creo que, si tales seres existen, este sería el lugar idóneo para ellos.He intentado recordar todas las cosas que usted me ha señalado acerca dela configuración particular de esta región. Pero me parece que, en algunaparte del razonamiento, hay una laguna. ¿No existen dificultadesmecánicas?"El creador del vampiro más famoso de todos los tiempos, el conde Drácula,nos trae aquí una novela escrita poco antes de su muerte, repleta de misterio y que ha despertado la curiosidad de críticos y lectores. De ella se dice que fue escrita cuando la presión de la necesidad económica y la enfermedad terminal estaban a punto de acabar con la vida de su autor; también que quizás fue escrita bajo el influjo de las drogas; o que su autor se inspiró en la leyenda celta que replica el personaje central y magnético, casi omnipresente, de Lady Arabella...Lo que es seguro es que la trama, que va enlazando las distintas historias casi por completo independientes entre sí, rezuma surrealismo gótico, cargado de simbolismo sexual y criaturas fantásticas a través de las que se plasma la lucha y el conflicto entre el bien y el mal.La historia ha sido llevada a la gran pantalla en 1998 cuando el cineasta británico Ken Rusell hizo una libre adaptación del texto original de Brian Stoke .Abraham "Bram" Stoker (1847-1912) fue un escritor irlandés. Su obra principal Drácula se considera una de las obras más significativas del género de terror.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    40,99 kr.

    El marinero Charlie Marlow narra una travesía que realizó años atrás por un río tropical, en busca de una persona llamada Kurtz, jefe de una explotación de marfil. Situada en el corazón del continente africano, Marlow es testigo de la situación extrema en que viven los colonos europeos, su brutalidad hacia las comunidades nativas, superando una serie de obstáculos tales como retrasos, enfermedades y ataques de indígenas, hasta alcanzar su destino.Cuando finalmente encuentra a Kurtz, descubre que se trata de un personaje misterioso, el cual es idolatrado por los nativos y además de estar gravemente enfermo, parece haber caído en una locura bestial. Desafortunadamente Kurtz muere en el trayecto hacia el barco con el que lo iban a sacar de la selva y ante sus últimas palabras: «¡El horror! ¡El horror!», el viaje de Marlow se transforma en un descenso a los infiernos...Joseph Conrad escribió esta novela basada en su experiencia en el Congo y por boca de Marlow, siendo una clara crítica al imperialismo occidental y una profunda indagación sobre la locura que cuenta un relato estremecedor con perfección estilística- Así, logra que el lector oiga, sienta, y vea a través de lo escrito. El corazón de las tinieblas es una de las historias más conocidas de Conrad, y en ella se basó Francis Ford Coppola para filmar Apocalypse Now.Joseph Conrad (1857 – 1924) fue un novelista británico de origen polaco, considerado uno de los grandes escritores modernos en lengua inglesa. En sus relatos explora la vulnerabilidad y la inestabilidad moral del ser humano.Sus experiencias personales, tales como su vida en el mar y en puertos extranjeros, fueron el telón de fondo de casi todos sus relatos, sin embargo su obsesión fundamental fue la condición humana y la lucha del individuo entre el bien y el mal.

  • af Jack London
    73,99 kr.

    Derek en Paula Forrest hebben een kinderloos maar gelukkig huwelijk en wonen op een boerderij. Paula houdt nog altijd van haar man, maar wordt ook verliefd op Evan Graham, een van diens beste vrienden. Met een sterk gevoel voor psychologie maakt Jack London inzichtelijk hoe dit dilemma zijn tol begint te eisen; de sterke, levenslustige Paula begint aan slapeloosheid te lijden. En dan is nog maar het begin.In tweestrijd is het laatste boek dat Jack London bij leven publiceerde. Het verhaal wordt verteld tegen de achtergrond van de overweldigende Noord-Amerikaanse natuur zoals die altijd aanwezig is in zijn verhalen.Jack London (1876-1916) was een pionier van het science-fictiongenre en een van de eerste schrijvers die rijk en wereldberoemd werd door zijn werk. Hij schreef tientallen romans en korte verhalen, naast essays, gedichten en toneelstukken. Behalve schrijver was hij ook actief als journalist.

  • af H. Rider. Haggard
    73,99 kr.

    Thomas Wingfield is een avonturier die al veel heeft meegemaakt. Hij is onder andere ontsnapt aan de Inquisitie, zijn moeder is vermoord en hij heeft schipbreuk geleden. In Otomie sluit hij zich aan bij een expeditie naar Zuid-Amerika. Daar raken zijn Spaanse reisgenoten al snel in conflict met de lokale bevolking, een conflict dat al snel ontaardt in een regelrechte oorlog. Thomas daarentegen wordt verliefd op de dochter van een inheemse vorst, en trouwt met haar.H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was een Britse schrijver van vooral avonturenboeken. Zijn bekendste werk is King Solomon’s Mines, met als hoofdpersoon de avonturier Allan Quatermain. Hij vormde de inspiratiebron voor het populaire filmpersonage Indiana Jones. Haggards roman She geldt nog altijd als een van de grootste bestsellers aller tijden.Zoals in veel avonturenromans komen ook in die van Haggard vaak de negatieve gevolgen van het kolonialisme om de hoek kijken. Wat Haggard echter uitzonderlijk maakt is dat hij met een voor die tijd opvallende sympathie schrijft over de oorspronkelijk bewoners van de streken die zijn personages bezoeken.

  • af Jack London
    73,99 kr.

    Een dochter van de sneeuwvelden is de debuutroman van de vooroorlogse succesauteur Jack London. Het boek speelt zich af in de onherbergzame Yukon, een ijzig gebied in Canada. De vrouwelijke hoofdpersoon, Frona Welse, was opvallend zelfstandig, in een tijd waarin vrouwen in boeken meestal als zwak en afhankelijk werden neergezet.Er is echter ook kritiek op het boek, want Frona mag dan modern zijn in haar zelfstandigheid, maar het boek staat ook uitgebreid op een positieve manier stil bij haar opvatting dat witte mensen een superieur ras vormen.Jack London (1876-1916) was een pionier van het science-fictiongenre en een van de eerste schrijvers die rijk en wereldberoemd werd door zijn werk. Hij schreef tientallen romans en korte verhalen, naast essays, gedichten en toneelstukken. Behalve schrijver was hij ook actief als journalist.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen
    40,99 kr.

    In de bundel Uit hart en wereld is een diverse verzameling prozastukken van de Deense dichter, romanschrijver en sprookjesschrijver Hans Christiaan Andersen bijeengebracht. De verzameling verscheen aanvankelijk in het Duits, onder de titel Aus Herz und Welt. Opvallend is dat de verhalen uit deze verzameling pas daarna in het oorspronkelijke Deens gepubliceerd werden.Hans Christiaan Andersen (1805-1875) was een Deense schrijver, die vooral beroemd werd met de vele sprookjes die hij heeft geschreven. Verhalen als De kleine zeemeermin, Het lelijke eendje en Het meisje met de zwavelstokjes werden wereldberoemd, en zijn talloze malen tot films en toneelstukken bewerkt. Naast sprookjes schreef Andersen ook gedichten en romans, zowel voor kinderen als voor volwassenen.

  • af Jack London
    42,99 kr.

    Mammoths have been extinct for thousands of years. So what do you do when an insanely talented hunter and storyteller describes how he just killed one? Thomas Stevens is a skillful hunter, but his storytelling ability is where his real gift lies, are these mammoths real? What is being hunted out there?‘A Relic of the Pliocene’ is one of the intriguing short stories in Jack London’s collection ‘The Faith of Men and Other Stories'. All of the stories are set in Yukon, Canada, and they all boast a fast-paced plot, captivating characters, and London’s signature charmJack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but his unflinching realism eventually earned him the status of one of the highest-paid authors of his time. Many of his novels are considered classics today, his most notable being ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Sea Wolf’, and ‘White Fang’. Fans of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, and Charles Dickens will enjoy his ability to make the mundane captivating.

  • af Nikolai Gogol
    41,99 kr.

    A sorcerer. Nightmares. Secrets. Not the usual components of a love story but Nikolai Gogol’s short horror story follows the love story of Danilo and Katerina as they deal with the presence of an evil sorcerer. When it transpires that the sorcerer is much closer to them than either of them thought, one question remains. Will they be able to defeat the sorcerer and his powers? This gothic tale maps incarnations of evil in everyday life and was one of Gogol’s most successful works, even being adapted into film by Wladyslaw Starewicz in ‘The Terrible Vengeance’ (1913).Considered one of the most prominent figures in Russian literature, Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was born in Ukraine. Both a writer and a dramatist, he is known for the unconventional nature of his works, so much so that they often touch upon folklore and fantasy. He has been associated with a range of different literary styles, including surrealism and Russian realism. Gogol’s most famous works include the novel "Dead Souls", the horror novella "Viy", as well as the short story collections "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and "Mirgorod". They have inspired numerous stage, film, and television adaptations including the movie "Inspector General" (1949), based loosely on his play with the same name.

  • af Maxim Gorky
    92,99 kr.

    Perhaps Gorky’s only openly revolutionary novel, ‘Mother’ follows the toils of Pelageya as she struggles amidst hunger, squalor, and sorrow. This all changes when her sun begins to bring books home, and the true adventure starts. A captivating story of a mother’s love during this tempestuous period of social change, this novel is ideal for fans of classic Russian authors and their realism, such as Leo Tolstoy.As a five-time Nobel Prize nominee, Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) rightfully holds a spot at the table of the most talented Russian writers. He led a turbulent life as an exile, a dissenter, and a Bolshevik associate. His most notable works include "The Lower Depths", "My Childhood,", "Mother", and "Children of the Sun" all of which are characterized by his realism.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    42,99 kr.

    When a bank collapses, retired sailor Henry Whalley is forced to make the difficult decision to return back to sea. His experiences at sea mirror Conrad’s own as a sea merchant, giving the novella a uniquely autobiographical element. Skillfully crafted characters, masterful descriptions, and real-life events make ‘The End of the Tether’ a vividly emotional read for fans of modern and classic adventure alike.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He settled in Great Britain after learning English aboard British ships. Many of his works were inspired by his own experiences as a merchant seaman, including his most notable novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899). His characteristic vivid descriptions appeal to fans of James Joyce, Jack London, and Charles Bukowski.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    Literature loves a strong, protective mother. Whilst Molly Weasley, Catelyn Stark and Miss Honey might have had their own specific worries, none of these were fighting the prejudice facing Mrs Arbuthnot. A single, unwed mother in the Victorian times was not destined to have a good time.In this witty play we peruse the workings of upper class parties in the Victorian era, England. Mrs. Arbuthnot learns that her grown son has been offered a job with Lord Illingworth. Instead of her being thrilled, she does everything she can to stop him. Upon finally finding out why, well, let’s just say, there’s enough drama to fill a play. Mrs. Arbuthnot utters one of the most iconic lines in theatre when asked who’s glove has been left on her floor. She replies "a man of no importance" - burn. A witty take on the lofty idealism of the British class system by Irishman Oscar Wilde.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet, famous for ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ to name a couple. He was believed to be gay and met a lot of resistance in his life on that account. He died in Paris at the age of 46.

  • af Leo Tolstoy
    67,99 kr.

    Inspired by Tolstoy’s own experiences in the Caucasian War, ‘The Cossacks’ is a suspenseful tale of murder and misfortune as well as being a menas for the young author to clear his gambling debts. Tolstoy’s undying love for the Russian landscape and his incessant exploration of the meaning of life shine through in this novel and make it a must-read for fans of all Russian literature, culture and history.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author. He was a prolific author of large literary works, but he also wrote many short stories, alongside the essays and plays written in his later life. Deemed the master of realistic fiction, his novel ‘Anna Karenina’ (1875-77) is considered by many to be the greatest novel of all time. Some of his other notable works include ‘War and Peace' (1865-69), ‘The Kingdom of God is Within You’ (1894), and his final novel ‘Resurrection’ (1899). His frank examinations of the world around him are unmissable for fans of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, and Virginia Woolf, who was openly inspired by Tolstoy’s ideas about social class.

  • af Charles Dickens
    120,99 kr.

    When you hear Charles Dickens you most likely think ‘please sir, can I have some more?’ or imagine Mr Scrooge (or Scrooge Mcduck if you’re feeling 90’s nostalgic) snapping at Tiny Tim. That was not always the case, in "The Pickwick Papers", Charles Dickens’ first novel, cottage core meets comedy. That’s right, he was funny too.Mr Pickwick and his faithful sidekick Sam Weller travel through the English countryside on humorous adventures and escapades, collecting stories to relay to their club members in London. This is a novel full of contrast. Extensive travel, parties, food, booze and romance juxtaposed with prison, misunderstandings, corruption and fights. With nods to Don-Quixote, this novel is one of the most popular stories of all time.A panoramic view of life in England in the 1830’s, whose background may have changed substantially, but whose humane stories remain as interesting as ever.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Jack London
    41,99 kr.

    As relevant today as ever, ‘The Scarlet Plague’ is Jack London's science fiction novel and a compelling post-apocalyptic dystopia.It has been 60 years since the Red Death nearly wiped out mankind, creating an apocalyptic and savage world. The few survivors, man and beast, become feral, and life as it once was known is slowly forgotten.James Howard Smith is one of the few survivors from the San Francisco area who remembers life before the plague. As the time on Earth drastically grows shorter, Smith tries to impart his memories to his grandsons, Edwin, Hoo-Hoo, and Hare-Lip, only to be met with disbelief. They ridicule his recollections of the past, finding Smith's depictions unbelievable.Written by renowned nineteenth-century American author of ‘The Call of the Wild’ and ‘White Fang’, ‘The Scarlet Plague’ presents themes that are astonishingly current in today’s world.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    38,99 kr.

    When a tortoise challenges a great Greek hero to use his logic in order to decipher a simple philosophical argument, slight chaos ensues. ‘What the Tortoise Said to Achilles’ is an endless cycle of suppositions and deductions. A refined piece of philosophical writing, Caroll’s discussion was one of the first steps towards paradoxically explaining logical truth. His clever prose makes this novel an essential read for budding philosophers and logic aficionados.Lewis Caroll (1832-1898) was a British author. He was famed for his novel ‘Alice in Wonderland' and its sequel ‘Through the Looking-Glass’. Both of which have been successfully adapted to film and stage. Aside from this, he was also a mathematician, professional photographer, and clergyman. His colorful plotlines, powerful imagery, and endless imagination earned him the title of one of the most notable authors of the nineteenth century. Among his other notable works are the poetic collection "Phantasmagoria and Other Poems", the poem "The Hunting of the Snark", and the fairy novel "Sylvie and Bruno".

  • af Nikolai Gogol
    38,99 kr.

    Three students. A deserted house. A witch. This horror novella boasts an abundance of supernatural encounters, dazzling effects, and folktale elements. Included in the cycle ‘Mirgorod’, this is one of Gogol’s most successful works and has witnessed some notable movie adaptations.Considered one of the most prominent figures in the short story genre, Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was born in Ukraine. Both a writer and a dramatist, he is known for the unconventional nature of his works, so much so that they often touch upon folklore and fantasy. He has been attached to a range of different literary styles, including surrealism and Russian realism. Gogol’s most famous works include the novel "Dead Souls", the horror novella "Viy", as well as the short story collections "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and "Mirgorod". They have inspired numerous stage, film, and television adaptations including the movie "Inspector General" (1949), based loosely on his play with the same name.

  • af Jack London
    92,99 kr.

    All that Billy and Saxon Roberts have ever dreamed of is owning a piece of land, freeing them from having to work for other people. However, they are stuck in Oakland with no money, no resources, and struggling to survive. The real adventure begins when they decide to leave Oakland in search of a better life.Written in the early 20th Century, ‘The Valley of the Moon’ is often described as one of the very first road trip novels. Its captivating storyline makes it unmissable for fans of classic adventure and Californian landscapes.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but his unflinching realism eventually earned him the status of one of the highest-paid authors of his time. Many of his novels are considered classics today, his most notable being ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Sea Wolf’, and ‘White Fang’. Fans of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, and Charles Dickens will enjoy his ability to make the mundane captivating.

  • af Anton Chekhov
    38,99 kr.

    Well, you brought this on yourself. Not only were you browsing the Russian classics section – literature with a reputation so dour and depressing that it has reached meme status, but when you on top of that pick out the one book titled "Sorrow", we can only imagine that you've taken the advice of the people complaining about your sunny disposition and the spring in your step. Fortunately, you're in good hands as Chekhov is a virtuoso of the moody human blues.The plot is very simple: An old man must take his wife to the hospital before she expires. Then we learn that it's a 20 mile trip on an awful road, that it's biting cold and snowing, that the man is an alcoholic (and a mean one at that), that his horse is a wreck and then real adversity eventually sets in.Still, Russian literature is famous for a reason – and that reason might just be its similarity to Finnish sauna tradition: That sometimes you have to go roll around naked in the cold, cold snow to truly appreciate the nice, relaxing warmth you have around you.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays "Uncle Vanya", "The Seagull", and "The Cherry Orchard", where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life. Contrary to pop culture belief, Chekhov was neither a gun enthusiast or a crew member of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek.

  • af Jack London
    67,99 kr.

    ‘The Sea-Wolf’ is a 1904 psychological adventure novel by American novelist Jack London.The book's protagonist, Humphrey van Weyden, is a millionaire literary critic who is a survivor of an accident at the sea. As a consequence, he falls under the dominance of his rescuer Wolf Larsen, the captain of a seal hunting schooner and a brutal and cynical tyrant.Written like a modern day page turner, this tale of the sea is a study of human nature and a gripping and intense examination of right and wrong.A perfect fit for the adventure-seeking reader, ‘The Sea-Wolf’ is a classic nautical novel that is adored by many for its action and camaraderie.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.

  • af Jack London
    42,99 kr.

    Their planned adventure to Yosemite had become all that Gus Lafee and Hazard Van talked about, so it is needless to say that they were devastated to discover that somebody had ‘scooped’ them, reaching the peak of Hall Dome just before they did. Their dejection swiftly turns into curiosity, however, as the mystery conqueror begins to send out help signals in morse code.Published six years after his death, ‘Dutch Courage and other stories’ is an exhilarating collection of some of Jack London’s finest work.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but his unflinching realism eventually earned him the status of one of the highest-paid authors of his time. Many of his novels are considered classics today, his most notable being ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Sea Wolf’, and ‘White Fang’. Fans of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, and Charles Dickens will enjoy his ability to make the mundane captivating.

  • af H. G. Wells
    67,99 kr.

    H. G. Wells wrote so vividly that this collection of short stories might as well have just been released.As the title suggests, this collection includes twelve stories and a final piece that is narrated in the form of a dream. While its carefully crafted built-up saves the best for last, all these stories are masterpieces and contain brilliant storylines authentic to Victorian science fiction.In "A Dream of Armageddon" – the collection’s crowning achievement – the protagonist engages in conversation with a stranger on a train who eagerly tells him about a series of dreams comprising exotic, futuristic places, teeming with sadness and romantic feelings for a beloved woman. This epic story has been adapted for theatre and radio.An interesting and nuanced collection showing the rare and rich talent of H. G. Wells.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af Robert Louis Stevenson
    67,99 kr.

    A collection of Stevenson’s first published works, "New Arabian Nights" is divided into two volumes of loosely connected short stories. There is no Scheherazade this time, but Stevenson chooses to present a variety of perspectives that merge together into a larger whole. The stories follow the characters’ various adventures in Europe, shrouded in mystery and romance. Irony and humour go hand in hand, turning this early writerly product of Stevenson into an entertaining, widely-read, and definitely recommended piece of fiction not only for Stevenson’s fans, but for short story genre aficionados as well. Some of the stories included are "The Suicide Club", "The Pavilion of the Links", and "A Lodging for the Night".Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. Due to poor health, he spent much of his time abroad, where he became part of important literary circles. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson’s works to his own. His most famous novels are Treasure Island (1883) and the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886).

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    What happens when you glimpse into the fourth dimension? You return forever changed as a mirror image.Glimpsing into a parallel world through a science experiment gone wrong, the schoolteacher Gottfried Plattner returns after nine days in inverted form to tell the story of exactly what he saw in what can best be described as the ‘Other-World’.The cult status Netflix show, Stranger Things, clearly found inspiration in the way Wells touch upon subjects like parallel worlds, encounters with anomalous semi-human creatures, life and afterlife, Wells’ story masterfully, but feebly lifts the veil between worlds to give the reader a sneak peak of what lies beyond.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The great Roman general, Titus Andronicus, returns home after fighting Rome’s enemies for the last 10 years. He brings along his captives, Tamora, Queen of the Goths, her three sons and Aaron the Moor.Having lost 21 of his 25 sons in the conflict, Titus decides to sacrifice one of Tamora’s sons, following Roman customs. He then offers Tamora as a slave to the new Roman emperor, Saturninus.Meanwhile, Saturninus promises Titus to make his daughter Lavinia his empress. After his brother Bassianus takes off with her, Saturninus marries Tamora instead. Tamora, angry at Titus, makes it her mission to get back at Titus. After becoming the emperor’s wife, she uses her position to exact revenge on Titus and his family. Driven by his own sense of honor and duty, Titus and his family retaliate with dire consequences for all involved."Titus Andronicus" is a drama about honor, loyalty, death and revenge. In this play, Shakespeare takes on cannibalism, rape, murder, mutilation and punishment. These themes might be familiar to the fans of dramas like "Pulp Fiction", "Spartacus" or "Gladiator".William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af H. G. Wells
    67,99 kr.

    Don’t let yourself be fooled by the title..."A Modern Utopia" (1905) is a dystopian, prophetic, and horrific novel proving how Wells always was ahead of his time. Its hybrid character – blending fiction and non-fiction – gives it an almost postmodern quality, as it tells of a time-travel gone wrong that brings two travellers to a planet called Utopia, where their intellectual discussions and thoughts about what constitutes a perfect society are allowed to roam free.The world Wells depicts can easily be recognised in later dystopian masterpieces such as Aldous Huxley’s "Brave New World" and George Orwell’s "1984".H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The young Trojan prince Troilus falls in love with Cressida, daughter of a Trojan priest. With the Trojan War raging around them, the young couple professes their undying love for each other.But soon after Cressida is exchanged for a Trojan prisoner and is sent to the Greeks.Dealing with their fates the young lovers bond is tested as the war between the two sides continues. Both Greeks and Trojans face challenges, personality clashes and pride as they navigate the year-long conflict.Shakespeare’s inspiration for "Troilus and Cressida" is Homer’s "The Iliad." The play focuses on human nature, conflict, love and honor. Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or films like "Allied" and "In the Land of Blood and Honey" will recognize many similar themes and characters.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    A superbly crafted psychological chiller with an ending to die for!Let H. G. Wells walk you through the fear and uneasiness that abounds at night in the Red Room in Lorraine Castle. "The Red Room" (1894) pays a heartfelt tribute to the genre of haunted houses and showcases Wells’ superbly descriptive writing.The story follows an unnamed protagonist who wants to spend the night in an alleged haunted house in order to debunk the myths surrounding such places. He ends up getting more than he bargained for and from the midst of his vivid fear he realizes that the difference between darkness and light is that fear itself resides in darkness.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af Anne Bronte
    92,99 kr.

    Escaping from the confines of a bad marriage a woman shows up at the dilapidated mansion Wildfell Hall ready to start her life over.A bold and powerful novel, Anne Brontë’s "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (1848) is the story of Helen who defies conventions to find her true self. It portrays an aristocratic society steeped in patriarchal values and the marital strife Helen faces as her dissolute husband turns to drink. Fleeing with her son, she settles in the reclusive Elizabethan mansion, Wildfell Hall, to pursue an artist’s career.This novel is told through letters and diary entries and explores the rich inner life of Helen. Its depiction of social norms and the desire to break free from social stagnation has made critics label it as one of the first fully-fledged feminist novels."The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" is Anne Brontë’s second and final novel. It was a great success that caused uproar upon publication and nothing short of a must-read masterpiece for fans of Victorian literature.Anne Brontë (1820-1849) was the youngest of the Brontë sisters and only wrote two novels during her short but influential career.Unlike the romantic aspirations of her older and more famous sisters, Charlotte and Emily, Anne instead infused her writing with irony and sarcasm and was regarded as the more radical of the sisters.She wrote about women’s need to maintain independence, doing so under the guise of a male pen name, Acton Bell. Her two novels "Agnes Grey" (1846) and "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (1848) challenged social and legal structures in Victorian Britain before she died from complications from tuberculosis at the age of 29.